[mapserver-users] Label priorities in MapServer 6

Christy Nieman cnieman at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Mar 22 08:34:53 PDT 2012

Ah.  This seems to be a difference between using ANNOTATIONS vs. 
POINTS.  I was trying to get the same result as using an ANNOTATION to 
draw a point marker with a label in a POINT layer (i.e. that the point 
only gets drawn if the label does).

Never mind :)


On 03/22/2012 11:16 AM, Christy Nieman wrote:
> Hi,
> I was hoping someone could confirm the following for me:
> In MapServer 5.6, labelling seems to still honour the last in-first 
> out idea, in addition to priorities.  I.e.  when two layers have the 
> same label priority, the one that appears closest to the end of the 
> mapfile will "take priority" over the one that appeared earlier in the 
> mapfile.
> In MapServer 6, it seems that of these two layers with the same 
> priority, the layer that appears first in the mapfile will "take 
> priority" over the layer that appears later.
> Is this correct, or am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> Christy

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