[mapserver-users] MapCache cgi
thomas bonfort
thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 01:17:00 PDT 2012
This means there was an error when requesting/setting a metatile, the
message you are seeing was created by a parrallel proecess that was
waiting for another process to create the metatile. Look in your
server logs, the error created by the actual metatile rendering will
appear there.
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 19:16, STÉPHANE CYR <stephane.cyr at msp.gouv.qc.ca> wrote:
> We went up and running with mapcache.
> We used the seeder to generate tiles (level 4 to 7 ) and all worked well.
> When using the demo in the mapcache cgi, it doesn't generate tiles when we
> navigate at level 8 or lower.
> * Apache configuration :
> SetEnv "MAPCACHE_CONFIG_FILE" /dir_mapcache/mapcache-msp.xml
> FcgidInitialEnv "MAPCACHE_CONFIG_FILE" /dir_mapcache/mapcache-msp.xml
> * Apache error log :
> [Tue Mar 20 09:07:58 2012] [error] [client @IP] mapcache fcgi conf file:
> /dir_mapcache/mapcache-msp.xml, referer: http://serveur/map.cgi/demo/tms
> [Tue Mar 20 09:07:58 2012] [error] [client @IP] tileset carte_rtr_best:
> unknown error (another thread/process failed to create the tile I was
> waiting for), referer: http://serveur/map.cgi/demo/wmts
> same when using wms,tms,gmaps....
> same error with chown -R 777 on the mapcache base directory
> exemple of a call made by the wmts demo.
> http://spssogl89.sso.msp.gouv.qc.ca/cgi-wms/mapcache/wmts/?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER=carte_rtr_best&STYLE=default&TILEMATRIXSET=g-msp&TILEMATRIX=9&TILEROW=181&TILECOL=155&FORMAT=image%2Fpng
> Stéphane Cyr
> Conseiller en Géomatique
> Service de l'infrastructure et du réseau
> Direction des technologies de l'information
> Ministère de la Sécurité publique
> 2525, boulevard Laurier, Tour Laurentide, 2e étage
> Québec (QC) G1V 2L2
> Téléphone : (418) 646-6777 p.30004
> Courriel : stephane.cyr at msp.gouv.qc.ca
> Blogue de l'équipe géomatique du MSP : http://geoegl.msp.gouv.qc.ca/blogue/
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