[mapserver-users] mapcache_seed and DIM variables - order of folders created

Helen San Segundo Navazo hsansegundo at meteo.cat
Thu May 24 05:31:36 PDT 2012

at the moment I've found where I can control the folders order inside 
the mapcache.xml. The variables order inside the dimension tag define 
the order of the folders creation

  * my definition inside the mapcache.xml now is:

<dimension type="values" name="minut" 
<dimension type="values" name="hora" 
<dimension type="values" name="dia" 
<dimension type="values" name="mes" 
<dimension type="values" name="any" default="2012">2012,2103</dimension>

  * and I obtain

            |-------2012 (any, year)
                      |-------03 (mes, month)
                                |-------14 (dia, day)
                                        |-------18 (hora, hour)
                                                |-------00 (minut, minute)

I've done some tests and it seems the folders are created in the inverse order as I define the variables inside<dimensions>, being carefull with this I can choose the order inside the cache folder

_Apart from this I have a question:_

after all the params folders I obtain a estructure like

                      |-------XX (x column tile)
                                                |-------YY (column tile)

which is the meaning of those*000*  folders?


El 23/05/12 14:25, thomas bonfort escribió:
> No, it's not possible to do this at the moment. You can contact me
> directly if you would like a quote on how much it would cost to have
> this implemented.
> regards,
> thomas
> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Helen San Segundo Navazo
> <hsansegundo at meteo.cat>  wrote:
>> hi ,
>> after some problems installing mapcache now I can use it perfectly.
>> I'm testing the mapcache_seed using dim variables and it works but when the
>> folders are created I don't know if it's possible to create it in a
>> determinate order.
>> I have a mapfile that accepts runtime substitution variables (date, hour,
>> minute)
>> My mapcache.xml has defined the dimensions tag inside the tileset tag with
>> the 3 variables
>> if I execute mapcache as:
>> sudo ./mapcache_seed -c /var/www/mapcache/mapcache.xml -t Meteosat_params -g
>> WGS84 -z 0,3 -M 2,2  -D "minute=00" -D "hour=14"  -D "date=20120314"
>> I obtain:
>> --Meteosat_params
>>   |-------WGS84
>>             |-------00 (minute)
>>                       |-------14 (hour)
>>                                 |-------20120314 (date)
>> It would be better for what I need if the folder order could be
>> date-hour-minute instead of minute-hour-date
>> I've tried to change the order in the mapcache_seed request but the result
>> is always the same, anybody knows if it's possible to define the folder's
>> order.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Helen
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