[mapserver-users] tinyows

aho forum.email.a at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 2 02:41:37 PDT 2012

Hi Jukka,

thanks a lot for your answer and the good tips! I tried all of the links 
and they are working. Also I checked it in QGIS and there I can load it 

So I guess it will be better to write again to the openlayers mailinglist?!

Am 11/2/2012 10:21 AM, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka:
> Hi,
> You must capture the traffic between OpenLayers and TinyOWS.  I am using myself Fiddler2 proxy but I suppose that Firebug can show you what OpenLayers is sending and high enough TinyOWS logging level will also gather requests into tinyows log. The software is not important but you just have to get the requests so you can resend them with a browser or some other tool that yuo can control and see what happens. You can also include the requests in your further mails. Then the question will be "OpenLayers is sending this and TinyOWS is sending back that, what's wrong?" and it will be much easier to answer.
> As always with WFS, start with these requests with a browser before doing anything with OpenLayers:
> If all those requests work you know that TinyOWS works with those basic requests and if OpenLayers application does not get data the reason in probably in the application code.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> aho wrote:
>> hello!
>> I have a problem with the configuration of tinyows. I have the following
> settings in my xml file:
>> <tinyows online_resource="localhost/cgi-bin/tinyows.exe"
>          schema_dir="C:\ms4w\apps\tinyows\schema\">
> <pg host="localhost" user="postgres" password="postgres"
> dbname="watergis" port="5432"/>
> <metadata name="TinyOWS Server"
>             title="TinyOWS Server - WFS-T Frida Service" />
> <contact name="TinyOWS Server"
>            site="http://www.tinyows.org/"
>            email="tinyows-users at lists.maptools.org" />
> <layer retrievable="1"
>          writable="1"
>          ns_prefix="water"
>          ns_uri="http://localhost/"
>          name="pipeline_segment"
>          title="pipeline_segment"
>          table= "pipeline_segment"
>          srid="32740"
>          schema="water"/>
> </tinyows>
>   >if I enter tinyows --check I get the following back:
>> C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin>tinyows --check
> TinyOWS version:   1.0.0rc3
> FCGI support:      Yes
> Config File Path:  C:\ms4w\apps\tinyows\tinyows.xml (TinyOWS XML)
> PostGIS Version:   2.0.0
> PostGIS dsn:       host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres
> dbname=watergi
> s port=5432
> Output Encoding:   UTF-8
> Database Encoding: UTF8
> Schema dir:        C:\ms4w\apps\tinyows\schema\
> Display bbox:      Yes
> Estimated extent:  No
> Check schema:      Yes
> Check valid geoms: Yes
> Available layers:
>    - water.pipeline_segment (32740) -> water.pipeline_segment [RW]
>> which looks acutally quite good. But when i am trying to include that
> into my openlayer map - I always get 0 features back! Here the code for
> openlayers:
> wfs = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Editable Features", {
>           strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX(), saveStrategy],
>           projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:31467"),
>           protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
>                 version: "1.1.0",
>                 srsName: "EPSG:32740",
>                 url: "",
>                 featureNS :  "tows",
>                 featureType: "pipeline_segment",
>                 geometryName: "geometry",
>                 schema:
> ""
>           })
> });
> Someone an idea?
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