[mapserver-users] One question of tinyows SELECT in postgis

Lucio Estacio lucio at cismid-uni.org
Sat Nov 3 17:58:27 PDT 2012

Hello friends.

I install and testing tinyows and OpenLayers client .. I work all ok.

But I see in the log tinyows ...and that for each transaction from 
client javascript is performed scanned all aggregate tables in the file 
"/etc/tinyows.xml" ... this is necessary?

I see in my JavaScript code that is sent as a parameter to table name 
where I do the request, but however I see in the log file that are 
"SELECT" of all tables defined in the tinyows.xml

There is no way that the tinyows receive as parameter the table that I 
will use it and not have to include it in the tinyows.xml?? ...

Thank you very much or your help and sorry for my English. (I native 
speaking spanish)

Lucio Estacio

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