[mapserver-users] fast cgi MapServer (version 6.0.3) vs cgi with awms getmap request

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Thu Nov 8 10:15:13 PST 2012

Hi Andreas,

>> I just tested fast cgi MapServer (version 6.0.3) vs cgi with a wms 
>> getmap request againtst a map file with 73 postgis layers (and 
>> PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" setting for each layer.)

> IMHO that processing option avoids reopening a connection to the same
database for a single request. Once the request is done the the connection
will be closed.
I thought that setting allows to open the db connection only once , keep it
open until all layers data are read and will prevent closing and opening
connections in between layers ?

> FastCGI only reduces the startup time (as the processes are already
running) and therefore improves mostly simple requests where startup time is
significant compared to content generation - like GetCapabilities and
GetLegendGraphic. In your case parsing the map file with 73 layers already
introduces a significant workload for every request, independent of the
request type.
>  That gap should be closed by mod_mapserver which associates a map file
with an URI and keeps a copy of the parsed object in memory wich usually
keeps database connections open.

I searched the list and the MapServer doc about the Apache ? Module
mod_mapserver, however I could not find almost any reference to it other
than it is on the wish list for v 6.2 ? Does it already exist in MapServer
6.0.3 And if so - is there any info how to configure that feature ?


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