[mapserver-users] OGC spatial filter + SLD

Julien Cigar jcigar at ulb.ac.be
Fri Nov 23 09:47:33 PST 2012

On 11/23/2012 17:11, Thomas Gratier wrote:
> Hello,


> I haven' try but it's not available refering to the doc 
> http://mapserver.org/ogc/sld.html#issues-found-during-implementation e.g
> "Limitation of the FilterEncoding to comparison and logical filters. 
> The spatial filters were not made available since it required major 
> changes in MapServer WMS support."
> "within" is a spatial filter so no luck it seems.

Looks like I missed this part in the documentation .. and it's really a 
bad news that Mapserver doesn't support spatial WMS filtering through 
OGC filters.
What would be the alternative way of doing it? My layer definition looks 
like: http://pastie.org/5424011
One solution would be to use Mapscript, rewrite the SQL query and use 
the ST_Within() function.. but I would like to avoid that.

> Regards
> ThomasG

Thank you,

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