[mapserver-users] Problem with attribute query, multiple attributes

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Wed Nov 28 13:43:58 PST 2012

I am trying to set up an attribute query for a large parcel dataset (about 550,000 polygons).  I am having trouble with the query exceeding the 30 second limit.

I am trying to query on the map_bk_lot and town attributes.  I can query on either one separately and get results, but I need to query on both at the same time.

Here is my query expression:
$queryExp = "('[TOWN]' == '007-042') AND ('[TOWN]' == 'Acton'))";      ---Hardcoded for testing now, will eventually use variables
$pLayer->queryByAttributes("MAP_BK_LOT",$queryExp,MS_SINGLE);    ----Query statement

The data is in an ESRI File GDB.  I am using MS4w 3.0.4m MapServer 6.0.2, MapScript 6.1 for PHP

One other thing worth mentioning- if I use a small subset of features (such as a town), the query will work without timing out.  But I'm no longer convinced that dataset size is the problem since it will query on one attribute.

Any ideas what's going wrong here?
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