[mapserver-users] Compatibility arcgis and mapserver named group layers - ex ows_hidden_layer option still valid ?

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 22:51:26 PST 2012


I have the response .
is "No".

Infact I found this old ticket:


It report that must no more use

Instead should use the
"ows_enable_request" "*"

But for a bug on the MapServer code it don't work correctly is the
layer is in a
The bug was corrected for the GROUP clause, but don't was never correct for the
wms_layer_group clause.

I re-open this ticket on the new ticket-systems.

Correct this ticket is really important because actually the
arcgis 9.3 clients don't support correctly the
Inspire requirements (named layer group).
Infact arcgis don't call a layer is it has a sublayer thinking it is
only "a folder".
For working with arcgis clients, the only solution to avoid the remove
of the named groups is to set the sublayers as hidden.


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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