From thomas.bonfort at Mon Oct 1 09:20:25 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 18:20:25 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP mapscript using OracleSpatial In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: try GRID->LABELFORMAT->"DD" instead of GRID->LABELFORMAT->DD in your mapfile. -- thomas On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 4:27 AM, Jessica Clarke wrote: > Hi Andreas (and others), > Thank you for your assistance. > I have moved past my oracle issues now, but I'm having trouble with > Mapserver. > The only error I get is > > "Error in getString(): Parsing error near (DD):(line 463)" > > I'll attach my code to help, but I'm not sure why I'm having this issue. > > Any advice is very welcome. > Thank you. > Jess > > > ###PHP### > //Call like: > shape_name=ASSET&shape_id=19117&shape_type=MS_LAYER_POLYGON&rel_name=SURVEY&rel_id=42&rel_type=MS_LAYER_LINE > // > $oracle_user='user'; > $oracle_pass='pass'; > $oracle_db='db; > if(!extension_loaded('MapScript')) > { > dl('php_mapscript.dll'); > } > > $buffer=50; > > if ($_GET['shape_name']) > { > //original shape > $shape_name = $_GET['shape_name']; > $shape_id = $_GET['shape_id']; > $shape_type = $_GET['shape_type']; > > //related shape > $rel_name = $_GET['rel_name']; > $rel_id = $_GET['rel_id']; > $rel_type = $_GET['rel_type']; > > switch ($shape_name) > { > //take the shape name input via the url and use this information to set > the appropriate table view > //then to find the extent values using the select statement > //then set the data, and related data according to the type > case "ASSET": > $rel_view = $shape_name; > $query = "SELECT a.asset_id, > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MIN_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 1), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MIN_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 2), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MAX_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 1), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MAX_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 2) > FROM fod.asset a, fod.related_asset_shape b > WHERE a.asset_id = b.asset_id > AND b.shape_id = ".$rel_id; > $data = "shape from (select asset_id, shape from fod.asset where asset_id > = ".$shape_id.") using unique asset_id"; > $rel_data = "shape from (select asset_id, shape_id, shape from > fod.related_asset_shape where asset_id = ".$rel_id.") using unique > shape_id"; > break; > case "SURVEY": > $rel_view = $shape_name; > $query = "SELECT a.survey_id, SDO_GEOM.SDO_MIN_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 1), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MIN_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 2), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MAX_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 1), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MAX_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 2) FROM fod.survey a, > fod.related_survey_shape b WHERE a.survey_id = b.survey_id AND b.shape_id = > ".$rel_id; > $data = "shape from (select survey_id, shape from fod.survey where > survey_id = ".$shape_id.") using unique asset_id"; > $rel_data = "shape from (select survey_id, shape, shape_id from > fod.related_survey_shape where survey_id = ".$rel_id.") using unique > shape_id"; > break; > case "OPERATION": > $rel_view = "opn"; > $query = "SELECT a.operation_id, SDO_GEOM.SDO_MIN_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, > 1), SDO_GEOM.SDO_MIN_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 2), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MAX_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 1), > SDO_GEOM.SDO_MAX_MBR_ORDINATE(a.shape, 2) FROM fod.operation a, > fod.related_opn_shape b WHERE a.operation_id = b.operation_id AND b.shape_id > = ".$rel_id; > $data = "shape from (select operation_id, shape from fod.operation where > operation_id = ".$shape_id.") using unique operation_id"; > $rel_data = "shape from (select operation_id, shape, shape_id from > fod.related_opn_shape where operation_id = ".$rel_id.") using unique > shape_id"; > break; > default: > } > > //echo $rel_view; > > $conn=OCILogon($oracle_user, $oracle_pass, $oracle_db); > //check connection > if(!$conn) > {exit("connection failed:" . $conn);} > else > //{ echo "hooray - connected: ". $conn;} > > $asset_query = OCIParse($conn, $query); > oci_execute($asset_query); > $target_asset=oci_fetch_array($asset_query); > > > //Create new map object and set up some parameters > $map=ms_newMapObj(''); > //Set map extent to target asset MBR +/- buffer value > $map->setExtent($target_asset[1]-$buffer, $target_asset[2]-$buffer, > $target_asset[3]+$buffer, $target_asset[4]+$buffer); > > //Set up original shape layer > $shape_layer=$map->getLayerByName("layer1"); > $shape_layer->set("status", MS_ON); > $shape_layer->set("type", $shape_type); > $shape_layer->set("connectiontype", MS_ORACLESPATIAL); > $shape_layer->set("connection", > $oracle_user."/".$oracle_pass."@".$oracle_db); > $shape_layer->set("data", $data); > //echo $data; > $shape_layer->setProcessing("CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER"); > $shape_layer->setProjection('+proj=utm +zone=55 +south +ellps=GRS80 > +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs'); > //$shape_layer->set("maxscaledenom", 250001); > $shape_class=ms_newClassObj($shape_layer); > $shape_style=ms_newStyleObj($shape_class); > $shape_style->color->setRGB(199, 140, 218); > $shape_style2=ms_newStyleObj($shape_class); > $shape_style2->outlinecolor->setRGB(147, 37, 178); > $shape_style2->set("width", 2); > > //Set up related shape layer > /*$rel_layer=$map->getLayerByName("layer2"); > > $rel_layer->set("status", MS_ON); > $rel_layer->set('type', $rel_type); > $rel_layer->set("connectiontype", MS_ORACLESPATIAL); > $rel_layer->set("connection", > $oracle_user."/".$oracle_pass."@".$oracle_db); > > $rel_layer->set("data", $rel_data); > //echo $rel_data; > > $rel_layer->setProcessing("CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER"); > $rel_layer->setProjection('+proj=utm +zone=55 +south +ellps=GRS80 > +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs'); > $rel_class=ms_newClassObj($rel_layer); > $rel_style=ms_newStyleObj($rel_class); > $rel_style->color->setRGB(199, 140, 218); > $rel_style->set("width", 3); > //echo 'layer2 done'; > */ > > //draw the map > $map_image=$map->draw(); > > $error=ms_GetErrorObj(); > while($error && $error->code != MS_NOERR) > { > printf("Error in %s: %s
\n", $error->routine, $error->message); > $error = $error->next(); > } > $map_image->saveWebImage(); //send image to web browser > } > ?> > > ###MAPFILE### > MAP > NAME base2 > > STATUS ON > SIZE 800 600 > EXTENT 227154 5165779 627108 5614539 > UNITS METERS > IMAGECOLOR 234 255 255 > SYMBOLSET "base.sym" > FONTSET "base.list" > PROJECTION > "proj=utm" > "zone=55" > "south" > "ellps=GRS80" > "towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0" > "units=m" > "no_defs" > END > SHAPEPATH "E:\tilelib\" > QUERYMAP > STATUS ON > STYLE SELECTED > END > > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME 'AGG' > DRIVER AGG/PNG > IMAGEMODE RGB > END > > WEB > IMAGEPATH "C:\htdocs\tmp\" > IMAGEURL "/tmp/" > END > > LEGEND > STATUS OFF > END > > SCALEBAR > STATUS EMBED > POSITION lr > STYLE 1 > UNITS meters > TRANSPARENT ON > LABEL > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 > FONT "verdana" > TYPE TRUETYPE > POSITION AUTO > PARTIALS FALSE > SIZE 8 > BUFFER 1 > END > END > > [.....] > LAYER > NAME layer1 > TYPE POLYGON > > STATUS OFF > END > > LAYER > NAME layer2 > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > END > [.....] > > LAYER > NAME "grid" > TYPE LINE > STATUS ON > CLASS > STYLE > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > WIDTH 1 > END > LABEL > COLOR 255 0 0 > FONT "verdana" > TYPE truetype > SIZE 8 > POSITION CC > PARTIALS FALSE > BUFFER 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 > SHADOWCOLOR 60 60 60 > SHADOWSIZE 2 2 > END > END > PROJECTION > "proj=utm" > "zone=55" > "south" > "ellps=GRS80" > "towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0" > "units=m" > "no_defs" > END > GRID > LABELFORMAT DD > MAXARCS 4 > MAXSUBDIVIDE 8 > END > END > >>>> "Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM" 6/07/2012 >>>> 5:56 PM >>> > > > Hello Jessica, > > I've tested your code successfully on PHP MapScript v5.2.0. > >> I have issues with >> oraclespatial, and I just keep getting errors that the layer >> can't be drawn. > > What errors do you get? Something like "[...] Error: ORA-12154: > TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"? Then you > might need to set some environment variables first. For example, > I set ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN, LC_CTYPE and NLS_LANG. > >> The lack of error reporting from >> php hasn't been helping matters either ;) > > You can execute your script on the command line via "php ". > This will display errors as long as error_reporting(E_ALL) or similar > is set: > $ php test.php > > Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named > 'ASSET'. > in /tmp/foo/test.php on line 53 > > Warning: [MapServer Error]: msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): Cannot create > OCI Handlers. Connection failure. Check the connection string. Error: > ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified > . > in /tmp/foo/test.php on line 53 > Error in msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 'ASSET'.
> > HTH > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > This transmission is intended solely for the person or organisation to whom > it is addressed. > > It is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. > > If you have received this transmission in error, you may not use, copy or > distribute it. > > Please advise us by return e-mail or by phoning 61 3 6235 8333 and > immediately delete the transmission in its entirety. > > We will meet your reasonable expenses of notifying us. > > Despite our use of anti-virus software, Forestry Tasmania cannot guarantee > that this transmission is virus-free. > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > From fabiobrolese-forum at Mon Oct 1 23:45:11 2012 From: fabiobrolese-forum at (Fabio Brolese) Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 07:45:11 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Hello everybody, after a long search on GoogleI'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can use it as base layer. Can anyone help me? TIA Fabio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Tue Oct 2 00:05:48 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 07:05:48 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> , <> Message-ID: <> Hi, Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as input data. -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ Fabio Brolese wrote: > Hello everybody, > after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. > Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. Can anyone help me? TIA Fabio From fabiobrolese-forum at Tue Oct 2 00:56:20 2012 From: fabiobrolese-forum at (Fabio Brolese) Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 08:56:20 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> , <> <> Message-ID: <> Yes, sorry, I was talking about OpenLayers. I understood and is like I did with all the layers I set pointing on PostGIS. I have also a "base layer" set as OpenLayers.Layer.TMS that load image tiles to show the city map. What we want to do is to change the base layer to read the city map from shapfile instead of reading image tiles. Do you know if there is a way to do what we want or do I have to reconsider my structure and consider and use it as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS? Fabio >________________________________ > Da: Rahkonen Jukka >A: "mapserver-users at" >Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 9:05 >Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile > >Hi, > >Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. > >On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as input data. > > > >-Jukka Rahkonen- >________________________________ >Fabio Brolese wrote: > >> Hello everybody, >> after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. >> Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. > >Can anyone help me? > >TIA > >Fabio >_______________________________________________ >mapserver-users mailing list >mapserver-users at > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Tue Oct 2 01:11:01 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 08:11:01 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> , <> <>, <> Message-ID: <> Hi, Mapserver is not a TMS server and you must either start using OpenLayers.Layer.WMS or install some tile cache acting as TMS server in between your Mapserver and OpenLayers. Tilecache, Mapcache, Mapproxy, Geowebcache and for sure some others will all work sooner or later once you have solved the installation and configuration puzzle. -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ Brolese wrote: > Yes, sorry, I was talking about OpenLayers. > I understood and is like I did with all the layers I set pointing on PostGIS. I have also a "base layer" set as >OpenLayers.Layer.TMS that load image tiles to show the city map. What we want to do is to change the base layer to read the city map from shapfile instead of reading image tiles. > Do you know if there is a way to do what we want or do I have to reconsider my structure and consider and use it as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS? Fabio ________________________________ Da: Rahkonen Jukka A: "mapserver-users at" Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 9:05 Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile Hi, Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as input data. -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ Fabio Brolese wrote: > Hello everybody, > after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. > Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. Can anyone help me? TIA Fabio _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 2 16:25:09 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 01:25:09 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and the DPI parameter Message-ID: Hi, I see some wms clients will send to the wms server a DPI parameter. AFAIK that parameter is not in the WMS standard, but I read other wms server will support it. So I like to know if the MapServer support this DPI parameter. Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hsansegundo at Tue Oct 2 23:48:36 2012 From: hsansegundo at (Helen San Segundo Navazo) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 08:48:36 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.2.0 beta2 release - WFS getcapabilities problem In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> WFS getcapabilities problem solved using mapserver 6.0.2 beta3 Helen El 26/09/12 13:32, Helen San Segundo Navazo escribi?: > Hi to all, > > I've created some wfs on mapserver 6.0.2 and all of them work > perfectly with the different requests and wfs versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0. > > I've pass from 6.0.2 to 6.2.0 beta2 release to solve the style request > problem with raster data sources and now I have problems with the wfs > getcapabilities request with 1.1.0 version. > With this 1.1.0 version I can't do getcapabilities request, I have no > response but there is no problem with describefeaturetype or > getfeature requests. > > With the same 6.2.0 beta2 if I use wfs version= 1.0.0 there is no > problem. > > Anybody knows wich can be the problem? > Thanks > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > From ian.walberg at Wed Oct 3 08:59:20 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 11:59:20 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers Message-ID: Hello list, We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will have to be on a separate server. The application we have today runs on a single server and we access the imagery using tileindex shapefiles. So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS interfaces but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to access the tileindex as we do locally. Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. Many thanks Ian From venkat.shesu at Wed Oct 3 09:08:21 2012 From: venkat.shesu at (Venkat Shesu Reddem) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 21:38:21 +0530 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Ian, Along with this can it be possible to access imagery using MapServer from database such as MySQL where images like GeoTiFF can be stored as BLOB object. This can allow to mapserver running on multiple devices to access imagery from different database servers. with regards Venkat On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple > devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will > have to be on a separate server. > > The application we have today runs on a single server and we access the > imagery using tileindex shapefiles. > > So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the > individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles > remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS interfaces > but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to access the > tileindex as we do locally. > > Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. > > Many thanks > > Ian > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thomas.bonfort at Wed Oct 3 09:23:20 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 18:23:20 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Ian, What mechanism were you considering to access the remote data? Plain tileindexes+shapefiles on a FUSE mounted directory should be completely transparent from mapserver, and you get to choose which fuse mechanism to use to do the network mounting. regards, thomas On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple > devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will > have to be on a separate server. > > The application we have today runs on a single server and we access the > imagery using tileindex shapefiles. > > So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the > individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles > remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS interfaces > but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to access the > tileindex as we do locally. > > Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. > > Many thanks > > Ian > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From ian.walberg at Wed Oct 3 10:00:41 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 13:00:41 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thomas, We are reviewing the options as part of this exercise but at the moment we were hoping to use http which was why WMS and WFS seemed appealing. I am not familiar with FUSE mounted directories but I assume this would allow us to see the remote server as if it was in the local filesystem? Regards Ian -----Original Message----- From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 9:23 AM To: Ian Walberg Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers Ian, What mechanism were you considering to access the remote data? Plain tileindexes+shapefiles on a FUSE mounted directory should be completely transparent from mapserver, and you get to choose which fuse mechanism to use to do the network mounting. regards, thomas On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple > devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will > have to be on a separate server. > > The application we have today runs on a single server and we access > the imagery using tileindex shapefiles. > > So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the > individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles > remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS > interfaces but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to > access the tileindex as we do locally. > > Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. > > Many thanks > > Ian > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From cnieman at Wed Oct 3 10:03:25 2012 From: cnieman at (Christy Nieman) Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 13:03:25 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Cairo SVG & PDF output Message-ID: <> Hi all, I have been looking into something I just noticed when I change the output of a map draw from png to Cairo svg or pdf. A 300px by 300px png image became a 375 px by 375 px svg according to Inkscape. I realized this is because the size of the svg was specified in points and Inkscape was assuming a dpi of 90 instead of 72. I tried changing the RESOLUTION parameter in my mapfile to 90, but (and I already knew this) changing the RESOLUTION value only affects the sizes of features in the map, not the output map size. I edited the svg xml for the size to be in px instead of pt, which seemed to make the svg draw the same size as the png in Chrome and Firefox. Is there a way to have the units for cairo output images set to be pixels instead of points? Am I wrong in thinking there is a problem with the way it works now? Thanks, Christy From thomas.bonfort at Wed Oct 3 10:13:20 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 19:13:20 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple > devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will > have to be on a separate server. > > The application we have today runs on a single server and we access the > imagery using tileindex shapefiles. > > So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the > individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles > remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS interfaces > but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to access the > tileindex as we do locally. Probably the first question, if you are going to access your data remotely through WMS/WFS, is "why would you need to access the tileindexes" ? > > Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. > > Many thanks > > Ian > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From ian.walberg at Wed Oct 3 10:17:51 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 13:17:51 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thomas, Our imagery data today is in a number of individual files and we use the tileindex to allow the one layer to access whatever is available for that area. If we use WMS or WFS to access the imagery can we use the same setup for the layer on the WMS server? Thanks Ian -----Original Message----- From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:13 AM To: Ian Walberg Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple > devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will > have to be on a separate server. > > The application we have today runs on a single server and we access > the imagery using tileindex shapefiles. > > So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the > individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles > remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS > interfaces but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to > access the tileindex as we do locally. Probably the first question, if you are going to access your data remotely through WMS/WFS, is "why would you need to access the tileindexes" ? > > Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. > > Many thanks > > Ian > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From thomas.bonfort at Wed Oct 3 10:25:54 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 19:25:54 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Thomas, > > Our imagery data today is in a number of individual files and we use the tileindex to allow the one layer to access whatever is available for that area. > > If we use WMS or WFS to access the imagery can we use the same setup for the layer on the WMS server? Sure, you'd be replicating your current tileindex'd setup on the central wms server. The individual clients requesting imagery from the central wms server do not need those tileindexes, for them it's a black box providing imagery data. -- thomas > > Thanks > > Ian > > -----Original Message----- > From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at] > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:13 AM > To: Ian Walberg > Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at > Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers > > On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: >> Hello list, >> >> We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple >> devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will >> have to be on a separate server. >> >> The application we have today runs on a single server and we access >> the imagery using tileindex shapefiles. >> >> So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the >> individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles >> remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS >> interfaces but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to >> access the tileindex as we do locally. > > Probably the first question, if you are going to access your data remotely through WMS/WFS, is "why would you need to access the tileindexes" ? > >> >> Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. >> >> Many thanks >> >> Ian >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> From Jukka.Rahkonen at Wed Oct 3 10:27:23 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 17:27:23 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Cairo SVG & PDF output In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi, It feels like it could be useful to have for example something like FORMATOPTION "DPI=xxx" that could be used when defining PDF outputformat I am not sure what GDAL configuration option GDAL_PDF_DPI is doing but perhaps it is something equivalent. -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________________ Christy Nieman wrote: >Hi all, > I have been looking into something I just noticed when I change the output of a map draw from png to Cairo svg or pdf. A 300px by 300px png image became a 375 px by 375 px svg according to Inkscape. I realized this is because the size of the svg was specified in points and Inkscape was assuming a dpi of 90 instead of 72. I tried changing the RESOLUTION parameter in my mapfile to 90, but (and I already knew this) changing the RESOLUTION value only affects the sizes of features in the map, not the output map size. > I edited the svg xml for the size to be in px instead of pt, which seemed to make the svg draw the same size as the png in Chrome and Firefox. Is there a way to have the units for cairo output images set to be pixels instead of points? Am I wrong in thinking there is a problem with the way it works now? > Thanks, Christy _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at From thomas.bonfort at Wed Oct 3 10:33:52 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 19:33:52 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Cairo SVG & PDF output In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Cairo is expecting us to create our canvas with width and height specified in points, whereas we are providing pixels, so this would be a bug. -- thomas On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Christy Nieman wrote: > Hi all, > > I have been looking into something I just noticed when I change the output > of a map draw from png to Cairo svg or pdf. A 300px by 300px png image > became a 375 px by 375 px svg according to Inkscape. I realized this is > because the size of the svg was specified in points and Inkscape was > assuming a dpi of 90 instead of 72. I tried changing the RESOLUTION > parameter in my mapfile to 90, but (and I already knew this) changing the > RESOLUTION value only affects the sizes of features in the map, not the > output map size. > > I edited the svg xml for the size to be in px instead of pt, which seemed to > make the svg draw the same size as the png in Chrome and Firefox. Is there > a way to have the units for cairo output images set to be pixels instead of > points? Am I wrong in thinking there is a problem with the way it works > now? > > Thanks, > Christy > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From ian.walberg at Wed Oct 3 10:36:33 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 13:36:33 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thomas, As ever we were looking for a more complicated solution than the one in front of our eyes :) Let us try this. Thank Ian -----Original Message----- From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:26 AM To: Ian Walberg Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Thomas, > > Our imagery data today is in a number of individual files and we use the tileindex to allow the one layer to access whatever is available for that area. > > If we use WMS or WFS to access the imagery can we use the same setup for the layer on the WMS server? Sure, you'd be replicating your current tileindex'd setup on the central wms server. The individual clients requesting imagery from the central wms server do not need those tileindexes, for them it's a black box providing imagery data. -- thomas > > Thanks > > Ian > > -----Original Message----- > From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at] > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:13 AM > To: Ian Walberg > Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at > Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers > > On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: >> Hello list, >> >> We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple >> devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will >> have to be on a separate server. >> >> The application we have today runs on a single server and we access >> the imagery using tileindex shapefiles. >> >> So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the >> individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles >> remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS >> interfaces but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to >> access the tileindex as we do locally. > > Probably the first question, if you are going to access your data remotely through WMS/WFS, is "why would you need to access the tileindexes" ? > >> >> Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions. >> >> Many thanks >> >> Ian >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> From orienweb at Wed Oct 3 10:42:46 2012 From: orienweb at (javier) Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 19:42:46 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Iberpix y Mapserver In-Reply-To: <1349283668.6113.1.camel@javierdell> References: <1349283668.6113.1.camel@javierdell> Message-ID: <1349286166.6113.2.camel@javierdell> El mi?, 03-10-2012 a las 19:01 +0200, javier escribi?: > Buenas tardes. > He definido un mapa y lo he exportado desde qgis a mapserver. > Lo llamo desde OpenLayers y lo veo, por lo menos me muestra la imagen. > Lo que no consigo es hacer zoom sobre el mapa, le he definido todos lo > objetos para poder hacerlo e interactuo con ellos pero cada vez que > desplazo hacia arriba y hacia abajo la barra de zoom lo unico que > consigo es un aparente refresco de la imagen. > No se si hay que definir alg?n par?metro en el fichero map para poder > actuar sobre ?l. > ?Es un tema de proyecciones?... > > > Os agradecer?a que me ayudaseis. > From mikesaunt at Wed Oct 3 11:31:05 2012 From: mikesaunt at (Mike Saunt) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 19:31:05 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Map file keyword dictionary Message-ID: Hi All Can anyone point me to a list of ALL keywords used within a mapfile? Looking at using this within a Rich Text Editor to color and identify. Much apprecaited Mike -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Wed Oct 3 13:54:22 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 20:54:22 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Map file keyword dictionary In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi, Perhaps this XML mapfile schema is up-to-date -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ Mike Saunt wrote: > Hi All > Can anyone point me to a list of ALL keywords used within a mapfile? Looking at using this within a Rich Text Editor to color and identify. > Much apprecaited > Mike From ian.walberg at Wed Oct 3 14:48:28 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 17:48:28 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dashed line - compatible with 5.6 and 6.0 Message-ID: Folks, We cannot create a map file which draws a dashed line for both mapsrver 5.6 and 6.0. Is there a way of supporting this in a way that is compatible with both? It looks like it?s the PATTERN being moved from the symbol definition to the style which is the problem. Thanks Ian From cnieman at Wed Oct 3 15:25:06 2012 From: cnieman at (Christy Nieman) Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 18:25:06 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Cairo SVG & PDF output In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Thanks for confirming that it's a bug, Thomas. I created an issue in githb: Christy On 2012-10-03, at 1:33 PM, thomas bonfort wrote: > Cairo is expecting us to create our canvas with width and height > specified in points, whereas we are providing pixels, so this would be > a bug. > > -- > thomas > > On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Christy Nieman wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I have been looking into something I just noticed when I change the output >> of a map draw from png to Cairo svg or pdf. A 300px by 300px png image >> became a 375 px by 375 px svg according to Inkscape. I realized this is >> because the size of the svg was specified in points and Inkscape was >> assuming a dpi of 90 instead of 72. I tried changing the RESOLUTION >> parameter in my mapfile to 90, but (and I already knew this) changing the >> RESOLUTION value only affects the sizes of features in the map, not the >> output map size. >> >> I edited the svg xml for the size to be in px instead of pt, which seemed to >> make the svg draw the same size as the png in Chrome and Firefox. Is there >> a way to have the units for cairo output images set to be pixels instead of >> points? Am I wrong in thinking there is a problem with the way it works >> now? >> >> Thanks, >> Christy >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> From havard.tveite at Wed Oct 3 15:30:17 2012 From: havard.tveite at (Havard Tveite) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 00:30:17 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dashed line - compatible with 5.6 and 6.0 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> You are right, PATTERN was moved from SYMBOL to STYLE. See the migration guide: I don't think it is possible to have a map file that serves both versions. H?vard On 10/03/2012 11:48 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Folks, > > We cannot create a map file which draws a dashed line for both mapsrver 5.6 and 6.0. > > Is there a way of supporting this in a way that is compatible with both? > > It looks like it?s the PATTERN being moved from the symbol definition to the style which is the problem. > > Thanks > > Ian > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > From aperi2007 at Thu Oct 4 01:04:34 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 10:04:34 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] text size from field but with an expression Message-ID: Hi, I have a label with the size from a field of attributes. But I need to change this size adding always a costant factor. I need someting like: LABEL ... SIZE expression([field1]+10) ANGLE [field2] END This seem don't allowed. Is this right ? Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thomas.bonfort at Thu Oct 4 01:49:39 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 10:49:39 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] text size from field but with an expression In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Andrea Peri wrote: > Hi, > I have a label with the size from a field of attributes. > But I need to change this size adding always a costant factor. > > I need someting like: > > LABEL > ... > SIZE expression([field1]+10) > ANGLE [field2] > END > > This seem don't allowed. > > Is this right ? correct. if you are using a db backend, you can let the db do this for you: DATA "the_geom from (select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 from mytable) as foo using unique id using srid=xxx" > > Thx, > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > From aperi2007 at Thu Oct 4 02:08:12 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 11:08:12 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] text size from field but with an expression In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ok, thx. Infact I'm using spatialite db. So I hope to have success to support this sintax. Now I'm try. Thx. 2012/10/4 thomas bonfort > On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Andrea Peri wrote: > > Hi, > > I have a label with the size from a field of attributes. > > But I need to change this size adding always a costant factor. > > > > I need someting like: > > > > LABEL > > ... > > SIZE expression([field1]+10) > > ANGLE [field2] > > END > > > > This seem don't allowed. > > > > Is this right ? > correct. if you are using a db backend, you can let the db do this for you: > > DATA "the_geom from (select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 > from mytable) as foo using unique id using srid=xxx" > > > > > Thx, > > > > -- > > ----------------- > > Andrea Peri > > . . . . . . . . . > > qwerty ????? > > ----------------- > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > mapserver-users mailing list > > mapserver-users at > > > > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thomas.bonfort at Thu Oct 4 05:18:26 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 14:18:26 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Map file keyword dictionary In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I've updated the vim syntax file for 6.2, which has no omissions as far as I can tell. You can extract the keywords from there: -- thomas On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Mike Saunt wrote: > Hi All > > Can anyone point me to a list of ALL keywords used within a mapfile? > Looking at using this within a Rich Text Editor to color and identify. > > > > Much apprecaited > Mike > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > From mikesaunt at Thu Oct 4 05:31:03 2012 From: mikesaunt at (Mike Saunt) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 13:31:03 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Map file keyword dictionary In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thanks Thomas On Oct 4, 2012 1:18 PM, "thomas bonfort" wrote: > I've updated the vim syntax file for 6.2, which has no omissions as > far as I can tell. You can extract the keywords from there: > > > > -- > thomas > > On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Mike Saunt wrote: > > Hi All > > > > Can anyone point me to a list of ALL keywords used within a mapfile? > > Looking at using this within a Rich Text Editor to color and identify. > > > > > > > > Much apprecaited > > Mike > > > > _______________________________________________ > > mapserver-users mailing list > > mapserver-users at > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fabiobrolese-forum at Thu Oct 4 22:56:57 2012 From: fabiobrolese-forum at (Fabio Brolese) Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 06:56:57 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: References: <> <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Trying using shapefile as base layer I didn't find where to put my shapefile and to let them seen by MapServer. The examples say me to set the map file correctly but not where to save the shp files how to say to MapServer where thay are. Is there a directive in the main map file where to set the location of shp files like I set the log file path and etc. TIA Fabio >________________________________ > Da: Cristiano Sumariva >A: Fabio Brolese >Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 13:14 >Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile > > >If your map vector is not huge, and processing time is not a problem - something greater then a few seconds for a tile - you can use a WMS layer as base. >Just add isBaseLayer true to parameter options on layer. >This should be minimal to change. >At my sites I did not note WMS overhead on requests. >You should know that OpenLayers is greed and will issue several concurrent requests to server. Processing spikes will happen. > > >For larger sets you maybe at the need of some cache stuff. >Consider using one in a programming language you know in case you need do maintenance in source code. >Or if confortable with some, create your particular simple cache maybe an option. > > >2012/10/2 Fabio Brolese > >Yes, sorry, I was talking about OpenLayers. >>I understood and is like I did with all the layers I set pointing on PostGIS. I have also a "base layer" set as OpenLayers.Layer.TMS that load image tiles to show the city map. What we want to do is to change the base layer to read the city map from shapfile instead of reading image tiles. >> >> >>Do you know if there is a way to do what we want or do I have to reconsider my structure and consider and use it as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS? >> >> >>Fabio >> >> >> >> >> >>>________________________________ >>> Da: Rahkonen Jukka >>>A: "mapserver-users at" >>>Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 9:05 >>>Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >>> >>> >>>Hi, >>> >>>Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. >>> >>>On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as input data. >>> >>> >>> >>>-Jukka Rahkonen- >>>________________________________ >>>Fabio Brolese wrote: >>> >>>> Hello everybody, >>>> after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. >>>> Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. >>> >>>Can anyone help me? >>> >>>TIA >>> >>>Fabio >>>_______________________________________________ >>>mapserver-users mailing list >>>mapserver-users at >>> >>> >>> >>> >>_______________________________________________ >>mapserver-users mailing list >>mapserver-users at >> >> >> > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From punk.kish at Thu Oct 4 23:34:48 2012 From: punk.kish at (Mr. Puneet Kishor) Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 23:34:48 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> On Oct 4, 2012, at 10:56 PM, Fabio Brolese wrote: > Trying using shapefile as base layer I didn't find where to put my shapefile and to let them seen by MapServer. The examples say me to set the map file correctly but not where to save the shp files how to say to MapServer where thay are. Is there a directive in the main map file where to set the location of shp files like I set the log file path and etc. > > MAP SHAPEPATH [filename] Path to the directory holding the shapefiles or tiles. There can be further subdirectories under SHAPEPATH. LAYER DATA [filename]|[sde parameters][postgis table/column][oracle table/column] Full filename of the spatial data to process. No file extension is necessary for shapefiles. Can be specified relative to the SHAPEPATH option from the Map Object. > > > > > >> ________________________________ >> Da: Cristiano Sumariva >> A: Fabio Brolese >> Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 13:14 >> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >> >> >> If your map vector is not huge, and processing time is not a problem - something greater then a few seconds for a tile - you can use a WMS layer as base. >> Just add isBaseLayer true to parameter options on layer. >> This should be minimal to change. >> At my sites I did not note WMS overhead on requests. >> You should know that OpenLayers is greed and will issue several concurrent requests to server. Processing spikes will happen. >> >> >> For larger sets you maybe at the need of some cache stuff. >> Consider using one in a programming language you know in case you need do maintenance in source code. >> Or if confortable with some, create your particular simple cache maybe an option. >> >> >> 2012/10/2 Fabio Brolese >> >> Yes, sorry, I was talking about OpenLayers. >>> I understood and is like I did with all the layers I set pointing on PostGIS. I have also a "base layer" set as OpenLayers.Layer.TMS that load image tiles to show the city map. What we want to do is to change the base layer to read the city map from shapfile instead of reading image tiles. >>> >>> >>> Do you know if there is a way to do what we want or do I have to reconsider my structure and consider and use it as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS? >>> >>> >>> Fabio >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> ________________________________ >>>> Da: Rahkonen Jukka >>>> A: "mapserver-users at" >>>> Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 9:05 >>>> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >>>> >>>> >>>> Hi, >>>> >>>> Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. >>>> >>>> On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as > input data. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -Jukka Rahkonen- >>>> ________________________________ >>>> Fabio Brolese wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello everybody, >>>>> after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. >>>>> Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. >>>> >>>> Can anyone help me? >>>> >>>> TIA >>>> >>>> Fabio >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> mapserver-users mailing list >>>> mapserver-users at >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> mapserver-users mailing list >>> mapserver-users at >>> >>> >>> >> >> > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From orienweb at Fri Oct 5 09:38:06 2012 From: orienweb at (javier) Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 18:38:06 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Tiles In-Reply-To: <1349283668.6113.1.camel@javierdell> References: <1349283668.6113.1.camel@javierdell> Message-ID: <1349455086.2043.8.camel@javierdell> Buenas tardes. Disculpad mi ignorancia. Estoy visualizando un mapa con openlayers. Cuado lo presento sin el parametro singleTile: true me muestra un mosaico de "losetas" identicas osea todas con el mismo mapa en miniatura y separadas por pixeles blancos, en cambio si lo a?ado me muestra un solo mapa mas de mayor dimension pero que no me permite hacer zoom sobre ?l y en cambio en el mosaico se va multiplicando el grupo de "losetas". Mi pregunta es, ?como puedo hacer para que cada loseta aparezca con una parte del mapa. He leido que cada loseta representa una parte de 256x256 (?me equivoco?. Estoy iniciandome en este mundo y la verdad ando bastante perdido. Por cierto, ?que libro me recomendais "en castellano" para aprender desde lo mas basico?. Un saludo, Javier. From steve at Fri Oct 5 12:00:19 2012 From: steve at (Steve Lehr) Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 15:00:19 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] automated response Message-ID: <> I'll be out of the office till Monday Oct 8th. Please contact the office directly if you need assistance. (386) 734-1954 Thank you From Bob.Bistrais at Fri Oct 5 12:32:09 2012 From: Bob.Bistrais at (Bistrais, Bob) Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 19:32:09 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? Message-ID: I am customizing a MapServer query template. I'd like to echo back some PHP code in the HTML template. But the process seems to ignore the PHP part. Here's a code example:

<---Call PHP variable
Your Name:
-The PHP echo displays nothing Is there a way to get this to work? Thanks, Bob Bistrais, GISP Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ian.walberg at Fri Oct 5 15:31:20 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 18:31:20 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Detect featureless areas Message-ID: Hello list, We need to be able to detect when there are no features on a map and limit the extent so that the user does not zoom in any further if there is nothing to see. This could be for example no labels or no vector data for the given extent. We are using php mapscript . Any ideas how we can do this? Thanks Ian -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Fri Oct 5 17:59:36 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 20:59:36 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Detect featureless areas In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On 10/5/2012 6:31 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to be able to detect when there are no features on a map and > limit the extent so that the user does not zoom in any further if there > is nothing to see. > > This could be for example no labels or no vector data for the given extent. > > We are using php mapscript . > > Any ideas how we can do this? Well on the one hand why do you care? Does this cause a problem in some way? If the user wants to do something useless and stupid, then let him. I would limit zooming based on scale or resolution. The above would be my approach, but if you really want to do this, one way to do this would be to setup the mapfile to do a query and then query the layers you want to check for features based on the bbox of the view and then check if you got any hits. But this can be potentially much more expensive then drawing nothing in the case above. It has been a while since I have used mapscript, but their might be a return code that tells you if the layer drew anything (if not you might want to write a ticket to add that. You proposed method has the problem of scale dependencies, in the you might have a situation where a some scale there is very little turned on and it you stop zooming there, then you can never get to the scale where other things get turned on. What you draw on any given scale is not predictive of what you might draw at some other scale. Think of a small island that is turned off because it is very small until you get zoomed in. If you pan over the ocean to the vicinity of the island and it is off, you would prevent zooming in to the point that the it got turned on. I would keep is simple, I think it will work better in the long run. -Steve W From bfraser at Fri Oct 5 19:15:40 2012 From: bfraser at (Brent Fraser) Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 20:15:40 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Bob, Not as coded. The template file is read by mapserver, it then makes text substitutions (eg "[username]") , and sends the result to std out. Then the web server sends it to the browser. The web server does not do any interpreting of the PHP in this case. What did you want to do? Best Regards, Brent Fraser On 10/5/2012 1:32 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote: > > I am customizing a MapServer query template. I'd like to echo back > some PHP code in the HTML template. But the process seems to ignore > the PHP part. Here's a code example: > > > > > $test = "php test!"; ?--Set PHP variable > > ?> > > > > > > > > > > > >

?-Call PHP variable > >
Your Name:
> > -The PHP echo displays nothing > > Is there a way to get this to work? > > Thanks, > > Bob Bistrais, GISP > > Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems > > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ian.walberg at Sat Oct 6 13:33:05 2012 From: ian.walberg at (Ian Walberg) Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 16:33:05 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Detect featureless areas In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Stephen, For an application that a user is zooming in I tend to agree I would not care. In our case we are displaying a rotating sequence of maps and want to work out a way of not showing an image with an empty map on it. Thanks Ian -----Original Message----- From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at] Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:00 PM To: Ian Walberg Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Detect featureless areas On 10/5/2012 6:31 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Hello list, > > We need to be able to detect when there are no features on a map and > limit the extent so that the user does not zoom in any further if > there is nothing to see. > > This could be for example no labels or no vector data for the given extent. > > We are using php mapscript . > > Any ideas how we can do this? Well on the one hand why do you care? Does this cause a problem in some way? If the user wants to do something useless and stupid, then let him. I would limit zooming based on scale or resolution. The above would be my approach, but if you really want to do this, one way to do this would be to setup the mapfile to do a query and then query the layers you want to check for features based on the bbox of the view and then check if you got any hits. But this can be potentially much more expensive then drawing nothing in the case above. It has been a while since I have used mapscript, but their might be a return code that tells you if the layer drew anything (if not you might want to write a ticket to add that. You proposed method has the problem of scale dependencies, in the you might have a situation where a some scale there is very little turned on and it you stop zooming there, then you can never get to the scale where other things get turned on. What you draw on any given scale is not predictive of what you might draw at some other scale. Think of a small island that is turned off because it is very small until you get zoomed in. If you pan over the ocean to the vicinity of the island and it is off, you would prevent zooming in to the point that the it got turned on. I would keep is simple, I think it will work better in the long run. -Steve W From woodbri at Sat Oct 6 14:42:59 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2012 17:42:59 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Detect featureless areas In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/6/2012 4:33 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: > Stephen, > > For an application that a user is zooming in I tend to agree I would not > care. > > In our case we are displaying a rotating sequence of maps and want to > work out a way of not showing an image with an empty map on it. Well you might be able to do something along the lines of checking the image size. I bet that if the image is below some threshold for a given image size, that it has very little if any content in it. For an 8 bit png image that is a 256x256 tile an empty tile is 103 bytes and most of that is the header and the color lookup table. I think if you sample you images that you will find that all the images that are empty are easy to detect by size. The tricky part to giving you a better answer is that you have not defined "empty". If you mean a N x M image of one constant color, then the above should work fine for your needs. -Steve W > Thanks > > Ian > > -----Original Message----- > From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at] > Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:00 PM > To: Ian Walberg > Cc: mapserver-users at; mapserver-dev at > Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Detect featureless areas > > On 10/5/2012 6:31 PM, Ian Walberg wrote: >> Hello list, >> >> We need to be able to detect when there are no features on a map and >> limit the extent so that the user does not zoom in any further if >> there is nothing to see. >> >> This could be for example no labels or no vector data for the given > extent. >> >> We are using php mapscript . >> >> Any ideas how we can do this? > > Well on the one hand why do you care? Does this cause a problem in some > way? If the user wants to do something useless and stupid, then let him. > > I would limit zooming based on scale or resolution. > > The above would be my approach, but if you really want to do this, one > way to do this would be to setup the mapfile to do a query and then > query the layers you want to check for features based on the bbox of the > view and then check if you got any hits. But this can be potentially > much more expensive then drawing nothing in the case above. > > It has been a while since I have used mapscript, but their might be a > return code that tells you if the layer drew anything (if not you might > want to write a ticket to add that. > > You proposed method has the problem of scale dependencies, in the you > might have a situation where a some scale there is very little turned on > and it you stop zooming there, then you can never get to the scale where > other things get turned on. What you draw on any given scale is not > predictive of what you might draw at some other scale. > > Think of a small island that is turned off because it is very small > until you get zoomed in. If you pan over the ocean to the vicinity of > the island and it is off, you would prevent zooming in to the point that > the it got turned on. > > I would keep is simple, I think it will work better in the long run. > > -Steve W > From Steve.Lime at Sun Oct 7 10:11:12 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 17:11:12 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? In-Reply-To: <> References: , <> Message-ID: Definitely not something done in MapServer proper. However, I thought with Apache you could do some process chaining/filtering. You might look at the various Apache modules (mod_filter is one) and see if there's anything there. Steve ________________________________ From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Brent Fraser [bfraser at] Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 9:15 PM To: Bistrais, Bob Cc: mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? Bob, Not as coded. The template file is read by mapserver, it then makes text substitutions (eg "[username]") , and sends the result to std out. Then the web server sends it to the browser. The web server does not do any interpreting of the PHP in this case. What did you want to do? Best Regards, Brent Fraser On 10/5/2012 1:32 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote: I am customizing a MapServer query template. I?d like to echo back some PHP code in the HTML template. But the process seems to ignore the PHP part. Here?s a code example:

<---Call PHP variable
Your Name:
-The PHP echo displays nothing Is there a way to get this to work? Thanks, Bob Bistrais, GISP Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve at Sun Oct 7 12:00:16 2012 From: steve at (Steve Lehr) Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 15:00:16 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] automated response Message-ID: <> I'll be out of the office till Monday Oct 8th. Please contact the office directly if you need assistance. (386) 734-1954 Thank you From aperi2007 at Sun Oct 7 12:57:03 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 21:57:03 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] text size from field but with an expression In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi, unfortunately using the spatialite DB the sintax you suggest is not allowed. It allow DATA 'mytable' but don't allow DATA "the_geom from (select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 from mytable) as foo using unique id using srid=xxx" I don't know if this miss is a lack of feature or a bug. Andrea. 2012/10/4 Andrea Peri > ok, thx. > > Infact I'm using spatialite db. > So I hope to have success to support this sintax. > > Now I'm try. > > Thx. > > > > > > 2012/10/4 thomas bonfort > >> On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Andrea Peri wrote: >> > Hi, >> > I have a label with the size from a field of attributes. >> > But I need to change this size adding always a costant factor. >> > >> > I need someting like: >> > >> > LABEL >> > ... >> > SIZE expression([field1]+10) >> > ANGLE [field2] >> > END >> > >> > This seem don't allowed. >> > >> > Is this right ? >> correct. if you are using a db backend, you can let the db do this for >> you: >> >> DATA "the_geom from (select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 >> from mytable) as foo using unique id using srid=xxx" >> >> > >> > Thx, >> > >> > -- >> > ----------------- >> > Andrea Peri >> > . . . . . . . . . >> > qwerty ????? >> > ----------------- >> > >> > >> > _______________________________________________ >> > mapserver-users mailing list >> > mapserver-users at >> > >> > >> > > > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Sun Oct 7 15:11:12 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 22:11:12 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] text size from field but with an expression In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: <> Hi, This works for sure for me: DATA "select geometry,osm_id,amenity,aeroway, name from osm_polygon where amenity is not null or aeroway='apron'" Perhaps you do not need anything else than DATA "select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 from mytable" -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ Andrea Peri wrote: > Hi, > unfortunately using the spatialite DB the sintax you suggest is not allowed. > It allow > DATA 'mytable' > but don't allow > DATA "the_geom from (select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 from mytable) as foo using unique id using srid=xxx" > I don't know if this miss is a lack of feature or a bug. Andrea. 2012/10/4 Andrea Peri > ok, thx. Infact I'm using spatialite db. So I hope to have success to support this sintax. Now I'm try. Thx. 2012/10/4 thomas bonfort > On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Andrea Peri > wrote: > Hi, > I have a label with the size from a field of attributes. > But I need to change this size adding always a costant factor. > > I need someting like: > > LABEL > ... > SIZE expression([field1]+10) > ANGLE [field2] > END > > This seem don't allowed. > > Is this right ? correct. if you are using a db backend, you can let the db do this for you: DATA "the_geom from (select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 from mytable) as foo using unique id using srid=xxx" > > Thx, > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- From hsansegundo at Mon Oct 8 05:24:38 2012 From: hsansegundo at (Helen San Segundo Navazo) Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 14:24:38 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] error make mapserver 6.2 beta3 on CentOS 62 64 bits In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi, systems team on my company is compiling mapserver 6.2 beta3 on CentOS 62 64 bits and they get an error because of AGG. I've done the same installation with ubuntu and there was no problem. Anybody knows wich can be the problem. I send the configure options and the result with the error. thanks in advance, Helen /[root at devmapgis mapserver-mapserver-e15f0a6]# ./configure --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-wms --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-wfsclient --with-wmsclient --enable-debug --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-proj=/usr/local --with-gd=/usr --with-jpeg --with-freetype=/usr --with-oraclespatial=/opt/instantclient_11_2 --with-threads --with-wcs --with-postgis=/usr/bin/pg_config --with-libiconv=/usr --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config --with-xml2-config=/usr/bin/xml2-config --with-apache-module --with-apxs=/usr/sbin --with-sos --with-fastcgi=/usr --with-xml-mapfile --with-php --with-kml --with-cairo --enable-python-mapscript// //-------------- Compiler Info -------------// // C compiler: gcc -g -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement// // C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall// // Debug: -g// // Generic NINT:// // // -------------- Renderer Settings ---------// // OpenGL support:// // zlib support:// // png support: -DUSE_PNG// // gif support: -DUSE_GIF// // jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG// // freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE// // iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV// // AGG support: internal// // GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_GIF// // Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO// // Cairo SVG symbol support:// // KML support: -DUSE_KML// // // -------------- Support Libraries ---------// // Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ// // Proj Fastpaths:// // Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2// // FriBidi support:// // Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH// // FastCGI support: -DUSE_FASTCGI// // Exempi support:// // Threading support: -DUSE_THREAD// // GEOS support: -DUSE_GEOS// // XML Mapfile support: -DUSE_XMLMAPFILE// // XSLT support: -DUSE_XSLT// // EXSLT support: -DUSE_EXSLT// // // -------------- Data Format Drivers -------// // PostGIS support: -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION// // ArcSDE support:// // OGR support: -DUSE_OGR// // GDAL support: -DUSE_GDAL// // Oracle Spatial support: -DUSE_ORACLESPATIAL// // // -------------- OGC Services --------------// // WMS Server: -DUSE_WMS_SVR// // WMS Client: -DUSE_WMS_LYR// // WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR// // WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR// // WCS Server: -DUSE_WCS_SVR// // SOS Server: -DUSE_SOS_SVR// // // -------------- MapScript -----------------// // PHP MapScript: yes// // Python MapScript: yes/ (2) 'make': /[root at devmapgis mapserver-mapserver-e15f0a6]# make /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile --tag=CXX g++ -c -g -Wall -DMOD_WMS_ENABLED -DUSE_FASTCGI -DUSE_CAIRO -DUSE_EXSLT -DUSE_XSLT -DUSE_XMLMAPFILE -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_SOS_SVR -DUSE_LIBXML2 -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH -DUSE_KML -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_ORACLESPATIAL -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GEOS -DHAVE_SYNC_FETCH_AND_ADD -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GIF -DUSE_PNG -DUSE_FREETYPE -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -DNEED_STRLCPY -DNEED_STRLCAT -DNEED_STRRSTR -DDISABLE_CVSID -I/usr/include/freetype2 -Irenderers/agg/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/opt/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -I/opt/instantclient_11_2/rdbms/demo -I/opt/instantclient_11_2/rdbms/public -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/apr-1 -I renderers/agg/src/clipper.cpp -o renderers/agg/src/clipper.lo libtool: compile: g++ -c -g -Wall -DMOD_WMS_ENABLED -DUSE_FASTCGI -DUSE_CAIRO -DUSE_EXSLT -DUSE_XSLT -DUSE_XMLMAPFILE -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_SOS_SVR -DUSE_LIBXML2 -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH -DUSE_KML -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_ORACLESPATIAL -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GEOS -DHAVE_SYNC_FETCH_AND_ADD -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GIF -DUSE_PNG -DUSE_FREETYPE -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -DNEED_STRLCPY -DNEED_STRLCAT -DNEED_STRRSTR -DDISABLE_CVSID -I/usr/include/freetype2 -Irenderers/agg/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/opt/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -I/opt/instantclient_11_2/rdbms/demo -I/opt/instantclient_11_2/rdbms/public -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/apr-1 -I renderers/agg/src/clipper.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o renderers/agg/src/.libs/clipper.o g++: no input files make: *** [renderers/agg/src/clipper.lo] Error 1/ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thomas.bonfort at Mon Oct 8 06:11:17 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 15:11:17 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] error make mapserver 6.2 beta3 on CentOS 62 64 bits In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: do not use > --with-apache-module --with-apxs=/usr/sbin as it is not ready for widespread usage. On a side note, why use beta3 when beta4 is already out? -- thomas From jjeurissen at Mon Oct 8 08:44:34 2012 From: jjeurissen at (Joseph Jeurissen) Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 15:44:34 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript - Query a Standalone File Geodatabase Table using queryByAttributes Message-ID: <> Hello, Sorry for posting in the wrong section before. Has anyone ever queried a standalone file geodatabase table that doesn't have any geometry associated with it? I am able to query feature classes that have points just fine. You shouldn't have to define an extent or have geometry if you are just querying the attributes, right? Every time the script is ran it just returns a 500 status error. The Apache log only shows: "Premature end of script headers: mapserv.exe". I am using Mapserver 6.0.3 and PHP 5.3.10. Here is the relevant PHP code: $map = ms_newMapObj($path); $layer = $map->getLayerByName($info[1]); $layer->set('status', MS_DEFAULT); $layer->set('template', $layer->getMetaData('identify_record')); $layer->queryByAttributes("COUNTY_NO",$COUNTY_NO, MS_SINGLE); $results = $map->processquerytemplate(array(), false); And here is the mapfile that I am using: MAP NAME 'SSTS_Abandonment' STATUS ON LAYER NAME SSTS_Abandonment CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION 'E:\websites\maps\data\Zoning\Zoning.gdb' DATA 'SSTS_Abandonment' STATUS ON TYPE QUERY METADATA 'identify_record' 'SSTS_Abandonment_identify.html' END END #LAYER END #MAP FILE -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Mon Oct 8 14:14:35 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 21:14:35 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] [TinyOWS] Problem with attribute names with dots Message-ID: <> Hi, I made a test layer with dots in feature type name and in an attribute name. The following request leads to an error. POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0-beta1 Host: Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 404 tows:nom.depttows:the_geom I am not totally sure but probably this request is valid and it should work. I am using a little bit old TinyOWS version from April 2012 so the problem is perhaps solved already. There is some related discussion on the GDAL-dev list -Jukka Rahkonen- From olivier.courtin at Mon Oct 8 17:04:38 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 02:04:38 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] [TinyOWS] Problem with attribute names with dots In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote: Hi Jukka, I made a test layer with dots in feature type name and in an attribute > name. The following request leads to an error. [...] > > I am not totally sure but probably this request is valid and it should > work. I am using a little bit old TinyOWS version from April 2012 so the > problem is perhaps solved already. > Thanks for the detailled report, i can reproduce it with trunk version, for attribute name containing a dot, and using PropertyName query. (all others use cases are fine) I've created a ticket, including a patch: But i need to check against CITE, that the fix don't introduce new regression, before commiting. -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 9 05:16:38 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 14:16:38 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] text size from field but with an expression Message-ID: >Hi, >This works for sure for me: >DATA "select geometry,osm_id,amenity,aeroway, name from osm_polygon where amenity is not null or aeroway='apron'" >Perhaps you do not need anything else than >DATA "select id,the_geom,field1+10 as field1, field2 from mytable" >-Jukka Rahkonen- Hi Jukka, it work greatly. Perhaps it should be add the the docs that spatialite allow this sintax and don't allow the other version ? -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Tue Oct 9 07:42:51 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 16:42:51 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] [TinyOWS] Problem with attribute names with dots In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Jukka, But i need to check against CITE, > that the fix don't introduce new regression, > before commiting. > CITE Checked and so commited, (#17). -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Tue Oct 9 07:51:33 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 14:51:33 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS fails if table name includes a dot character Message-ID: <> Hi, It may be an odd idea to use dots in table/feature type names, but because I made such a test and faced a problem so I report it here. Source table is in PostGIS and its name is "dot.test". WFS DescribeFeatureType leads to following error [Tue Oct 9 10:56:02 2012].214191 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 ^ ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 [Tue Oct 9 10:57:12 2012].923891 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 ^ ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 -Jukka Rahkonen- From punk.kish at Tue Oct 9 08:14:16 2012 From: punk.kish at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 08:14:16 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS fails if table name includes a dot character In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: On Oct 9, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote: > Hi, > > It may be an odd idea to use dots in table/feature type names, but because I made such a test and faced a problem so I report it here. > Source table is in PostGIS and its name is "dot.test". WFS DescribeFeatureType leads to following error > > [Tue Oct 9 10:56:02 2012].214191 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error > (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist > LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > ^ > ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > [Tue Oct 9 10:57:12 2012].923891 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error > (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist > LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > ^ > ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > > > -Jukka Rahkonen- > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > If using non-standard characters, double quote the entity name. So, try SELECT * FROM "dot.test" WHERE ... To be completely unambiguous, prefix the schema name. So, if the table is in schema foo, try SELECT * FROM "" WHERE ... -- Puneet Kishor From sumariva at Tue Oct 9 08:19:32 2012 From: sumariva at (Cristiano Sumariva) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 12:19:32 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS fails if table name includes a dot character In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Uppercase chars in table names will also cause trouble, avoid them. 2012/10/9 Puneet Kishor > > > On Oct 9, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Rahkonen Jukka > wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > It may be an odd idea to use dots in table/feature type names, but > because I made such a test and faced a problem so I report it here. > > Source table is in PostGIS and its name is "dot.test". WFS > DescribeFeatureType leads to following error > > > > [Tue Oct 9 10:56:02 2012].214191 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. > Error > > (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist > > LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > > ^ > > ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > > [Tue Oct 9 10:57:12 2012].923891 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. > Error > > (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist > > LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > > ^ > > ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 > > > > > > -Jukka Rahkonen- > > _______________________________________________ > > mapserver-users mailing list > > mapserver-users at > > > > > If using non-standard characters, double quote the entity name. So, try > > SELECT * FROM "dot.test" WHERE ... > > To be completely unambiguous, prefix the schema name. So, if the table is > in schema foo, try > > SELECT * FROM "" WHERE ... > > > > > > -- > Puneet Kishor > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Bob.Bistrais at Tue Oct 9 11:27:03 2012 From: Bob.Bistrais at (Bistrais, Bob) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 18:27:03 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? In-Reply-To: References: , <> Message-ID: Thanks everyone. The original purpose was to do some error checking, and have little red comments (such as "invalid entry") on some fields based on an IF condition. I'm finding another way to do it, which should work. From: Lime, Steve D (DNR) [mailto:Steve.Lime at] Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:11 PM To: Brent Fraser; Bistrais, Bob Cc: mapserver-users at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? Definitely not something done in MapServer proper. However, I thought with Apache you could do some process chaining/filtering. You might look at the various Apache modules (mod_filter is one) and see if there's anything there. Steve ________________________________ From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Brent Fraser [bfraser at] Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 9:15 PM To: Bistrais, Bob Cc: mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Echo PHP in a query template? Bob, Not as coded. The template file is read by mapserver, it then makes text substitutions (eg "[username]") , and sends the result to std out. Then the web server sends it to the browser. The web server does not do any interpreting of the PHP in this case. What did you want to do? Best Regards, Brent Fraser On 10/5/2012 1:32 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote: I am customizing a MapServer query template. I'd like to echo back some PHP code in the HTML template. But the process seems to ignore the PHP part. Here's a code example:

<---Call PHP variable
Your Name:
-The PHP echo displays nothing Is there a way to get this to work? Thanks, Bob Bistrais, GISP Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From geographika at Tue Oct 9 13:32:21 2012 From: geographika at (geographika) Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 22:32:21 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] How do you display a symbol with two colours? Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm trying to draw a point layer, with each point represented in two colours (for example a square split in two with one half red and one half green). I can create the symbols and apply the data but either the squares are the incorrect shape, or they overlap. The closest I got was with the following CLASS definition, but then it appeared the colours were shown on the wrong side of the square. Images and further details at Symbol definitions: |SYMBOL NAME 'SQUARE_L' TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0 0 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 END END SYMBOL NAME 'SQUARE_R' TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0.5 0 1 0 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 END END # CLASS definition I'd like to symbolise a point dataset with a square (or circle) using two colours. This is useful for displaying values collected on both sides of a road (for example). split symbols I created two symbols, a left side and right side of the square as shown below: SYMBOL NAME 'SQUARE_L' TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0 0 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 END END SYMBOL NAME 'SQUARE_R' TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0.5 0 1 0 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 END END Then in my LAYER I can create a CLASS using the two different STYLES: CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "SQUARE_L" COLOR [LEFT_CLR] SIZE 10 END STYLE SYMBOL "SQUARE_R" COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] SIZE 10 END END | Any help appreciated, Seth -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From forest21000 at Tue Oct 9 21:10:42 2012 From: forest21000 at (forest21000) Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 21:10:42 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript.jar error in servlet project Message-ID: <> Hello,Everyone!I am using mapscript.jar in my servlet project to generate tilemap in realtime.And lots of time it works very well.But sometimes,I came across the eroor like this: * Java.lang.UnknowError:msDrawMap():Image handling error.Failed to draw layer named 'REGION';msShapefileOpen():Unable to access file (D:\Ocean_region);msShapefileOpen():Unable to access file.(D:\Ocean_region.shp)* Is it the multi-thread problem?Waiting for your answers!Thanks for your help! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From umberto.nicoletti at Tue Oct 9 21:58:37 2012 From: umberto.nicoletti at (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 06:58:37 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript.jar error in servlet project In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Since you're on windows it could be a locking issue: one process locked the file and mapserver can't therefore access it. Are there other programs accessing that same file? regards, Umberto On Wednesday, October 10, 2012, forest21000 wrote: > Hello,Everyone!I am using mapscript.jar in my servlet project to > generate tilemap in realtime.And lots of time it works very well.But > sometimes,I came across the eroor like this: > > * Java.lang.UnknowError:msDrawMap():Image handling error.Failed to > draw > layer named 'REGION';msShapefileOpen():Unable to access file > (D:\Ocean_region);msShapefileOpen():Unable to access > file.(D:\Ocean_region.shp)* > > Is it the multi-thread problem?Waiting for your answers!Thanks for your > help! > > > > > -- > View this message in context: > > Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From M.Doyle at Tue Oct 9 23:14:59 2012 From: M.Doyle at (Matthew Doyle) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:14:59 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache_seed segfault when using threading [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Message-ID: Hi Thomas & MapCache users, A little background: we are developing a weather forecasting tool which provides a visual representation of a quite a large dataset (NetCDF grid, 7 days of data every three hours). As such, we have many diferent layers and a very large number of tiles which require seeding multiple times per day. Based on very impressive seeding results from tests carried out on on RHEL 5 (a VM box with 8 cores), seeding using 8 threads, and encountering no issues during these tests, the decision was made to purchase the best hardware available in order to seed our tiles as quickly as possible when going operational. The issue: mapcache_seed is halting with "segmentation fault (core dumped)" on our new operational machine when using any number of threads > 1. The higher the number of threads, the more likely it is to segfault. The issue appears during the initialisation phase just prior to seeding as once the seeding run is initialised it will complete successfully, but if the segfault occurs it will occur and exit almost immediately after execution. I will try to provide as much information as possible, please let me know what would be useful, perhaps the core dump ? or a simple test case (MapServer mapfile / data file / mapcache xml / seeding parameters) in the hope that you might be able to reproduce? Hardware: * Power Edge R820, 4-socket, 2U blade server * Populated with four Intel Xeon E5 processors * Processor E5-4650L - 20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s), Clock Speed2.6 GHz. Max * Turbo Frequency 3.1 GHz, * Each processor has 8 (microprocessor) cores, * Supporting 16 threads per core with hyper threading, * A total of 64 threads, and * 300GB RAM. (48 DIMMS (upgradable to 1.5 TB of memory)) OS: * Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago) Software: * Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) * mod_wsgi * mod_mapcache * MapServer 6.0.3 * MapCache (current devel 6.2.0beta2) * Gdal 1.8.1 * Python 2.6.6 * Python Mapscript * Perl 5.10.1 * Perl Mapscript * Postgres 8.4.12/PostGIS 1.5.3 Our WMS service is a very basic Python MapScript wrapper via mod_wsgi, but i have also tried standard CGI Python and CGI Perl wrappers with the same results. We are using non-linear resolution steps to avoid seeding too many tiles. Perhaps that is a problem with depth seeding? We are using a metatile area of 8 x 8. Attempting to seed using any number of threads will cause a segfault (usually any number higher than 4, but i have seen it fail with less). It's worth mentioning that if n threads is set to 1, then the seeding process executes and completes without any issues. Any light you can shed on this situation and any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Best regards, Matt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Wed Oct 10 00:12:51 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 07:12:51 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS fails if table name includes a dot character In-Reply-To: References: <>, Message-ID: <> Puneet Kishor wrote: > On Oct 9, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote: >> Hi, >> >> It may be an odd idea to use dots in table/feature type names, but because I made such a test and faced a problem so I report it here. >> Source table is in PostGIS and its name is "dot.test". WFS DescribeFeatureType leads to following error >> >> [Tue Oct 9 10:56:02 2012].214191 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error >> (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist >> LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 >> ^ >> ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 >> [Tue Oct 9 10:57:12 2012].923891 msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error >> (ERROR: schema "dot" does not exist >> LINE 1: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 >> ^ >> ) executing SQL: select * from dot.test where false limit 0 >> >> >> -Jukka Rahkonen- >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> > If using non-standard characters, double quote the entity name. So, try > SELECT * FROM "dot.test" WHERE ... > To be completely unambiguous, prefix the schema name. So, if the table is in schema foo, try > SELECT * FROM "" WHERE ... Hi, SQL is not written by me but generated by Mapserver. Originally I had in the dot.test mapfile DATA "the_geom from dot.test using unique gid using srid=3067" Changing that to DATA "the_geom from "dot.test"' using unique gid using srid=3067" gives an error loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (dot.test):(line 10) Changing that to: DATA "the_geom from 'dot.test' using unique gid using srid=3067" gives another error msPostGISLayerGetItems(): Query error. Error (ERROR: syntax error at or near "'dot.test'" Brackets are not accepted either as [dot.test]. So I am not sure how it should be done correctly. Obviously double quotation marks should be somehow escaped inside DATA. I think that in a way it would be exact and correct to make Mapserver to create SQL to use always delimited identifiers so that DATA "the_geom from table" would yield SQL queries for PostGIS in format SELECT "the_geom" FROM "table" but that would have a side effect that table and attribute names inside DATA would be case sensitive. But perhaps they already are? By the way, isn't the ANSI SQL way for giving schema and table names in delimited format like SELECT * FROM "foo"."dot.test" WHERE ..? -Jukka Rahkonen- > Puneet Kishor From havard.tveite at Wed Oct 10 00:30:07 2012 From: havard.tveite at (Havard Tveite) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 09:30:07 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] How do you display a symbol with two colours? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> If you have moved to 6.2, you can consider using ANCHORPOINT On earlier verions you could try the approach suggested in But that is kind of similar to what you have tried yourself. To avoid gaps you could try this: SYMBOL NAME 'SQUARE_FULL' TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 END END SYMBOL NAME 'SQUARE_R' TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0.5 0 1 0 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 END END CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "SQUARE_FULL" COLOR [LEFT_CLR] SIZE 10 END STYLE SYMBOL "SQUARE_R" COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] SIZE 10 END END It seemed to work for me on 6.0. H?vard On 10/9/2012 10:32 PM, geographika wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to draw a point layer, with each point represented in two colours (for example a square split in two with one half red and one half green). > I can create the symbols and apply the data but either the squares are the incorrect shape, or they overlap. The closest I got was with the following CLASS definition, but then it appeared the colours were shown on the wrong side of the square. > Images and further details at > Symbol definitions: > > |SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_L' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0 0 > 0 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > 0 0 > END > END > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_R' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0.5 0 > 1 0 > 1 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > END > END > > # CLASS definition > > > > > I'd like to symbolise a point dataset with a square (or circle) using two colours. This is useful for displaying values collected on both sides of a road (for example). > > split symbols > > I created two symbols, a left side and right side of the square as shown below: > > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_L' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0 0 > 0 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > 0 0 > END > END > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_R' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0.5 0 > 1 0 > 1 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > END > END > > Then in my LAYER I can create a CLASS using the two different STYLES: > > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL"SQUARE_L" > COLOR [LEFT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL"SQUARE_R" > COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > END > > > | > > Any help appreciated, > > Seth > > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > -- H?vard Tveite Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB Dr?bakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 ?s, NORWAY Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 From forest21000 at Wed Oct 10 03:00:31 2012 From: forest21000 at (forest21000) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 03:00:31 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript.jar error in servlet project In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> There is only one servlet program but some threads access the file. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From geographika at Wed Oct 10 06:42:12 2012 From: geographika at (geographika) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 15:42:12 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] How do you display a symbol with two colours? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Thanks Havard. The ANCHORPOINT option looks perfect. For now I went with your other approach of a full underlying symbol and a half symbol on top. I'm still not sure why the two half symbols didn't line up. I posted a link to your answer and an image of the failed half squares at Seth On 10/10/2012 09:30, Havard Tveite wrote: > If you have moved to 6.2, you can consider using > ANCHORPOINT > > > On earlier verions you could try the approach suggested > in > > > But that is kind of similar to what you have tried yourself. > To avoid gaps you could try this: > > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_FULL' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0 0 > 0 1 > 1 1 > 1 0 > 0 0 > END > END > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_R' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0.5 0 > 1 0 > 1 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > END > END > > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL "SQUARE_FULL" > COLOR [LEFT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL "SQUARE_R" > COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > END > > It seemed to work for me on 6.0. > > H?vard > > On 10/9/2012 10:32 PM, geographika wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I'm trying to draw a point layer, with each point represented in two >> colours (for example a square split in two with one half red and one >> half green). >> I can create the symbols and apply the data but either the squares >> are the incorrect shape, or they overlap. The closest I got was with >> the following CLASS definition, but then it appeared the colours were >> shown on the wrong side of the square. >> Images and further details at >> >> Symbol definitions: >> >> |SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_L' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0 0 >> 0 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> 0 0 >> END >> END >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_R' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0.5 0 >> 1 0 >> 1 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> END >> END >> >> # CLASS definition >> >> >> >> >> I'd like to symbolise a point dataset with a square (or circle) using >> two colours. This is useful for displaying values collected on both >> sides of a road (for example). >> >> split symbols >> >> I created two symbols, a left side and right side of the square as >> shown below: >> >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_L' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0 0 >> 0 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> 0 0 >> END >> END >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_R' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0.5 0 >> 1 0 >> 1 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> END >> END >> >> Then in my LAYER I can create a CLASS using the two different STYLES: >> >> CLASS >> STYLE >> SYMBOL"SQUARE_L" >> COLOR [LEFT_CLR] >> SIZE 10 >> END >> STYLE >> SYMBOL"SQUARE_R" >> COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] >> SIZE 10 >> END >> END >> >> >> | >> >> Any help appreciated, >> >> Seth >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> > From anddreas2 at Wed Oct 10 09:37:31 2012 From: anddreas2 at (Andreas Douvalis) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 17:37:31 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] binary data of image Message-ID: <> Hi? How can I get (with php-mapscript) the binary data of one image that I created with draw dunction without to save the image to disk? Actually, I want to ?save the image to postgresql database in bytea field. Therefore, I want to get binary data of map image and insert it to pqsql table. For example? $image=$map->draw();? ? $image is Object. How can I get the binary data of ?image? Please help -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From geographika at Wed Oct 10 10:28:44 2012 From: geographika at (geographika) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:28:44 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] How do you display a symbol with two colours? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Unfortunately even with this approach when using the squares become inconsistent in size and shape. See for the results. I'm using MapServer 5.6 (64-bit on a Windows server). I'll try on a newer build to see if the newer versions have the same results. Seth On 10/10/2012 09:30, Havard Tveite wrote: > If you have moved to 6.2, you can consider using > ANCHORPOINT > > > On earlier verions you could try the approach suggested > in > > > But that is kind of similar to what you have tried yourself. > To avoid gaps you could try this: > > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_FULL' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0 0 > 0 1 > 1 1 > 1 0 > 0 0 > END > END > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_R' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0.5 0 > 1 0 > 1 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > END > END > > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL "SQUARE_FULL" > COLOR [LEFT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL "SQUARE_R" > COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > END > > It seemed to work for me on 6.0. > > H?vard > > On 10/9/2012 10:32 PM, geographika wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I'm trying to draw a point layer, with each point represented in two >> colours (for example a square split in two with one half red and one >> half green). >> I can create the symbols and apply the data but either the squares >> are the incorrect shape, or they overlap. The closest I got was with >> the following CLASS definition, but then it appeared the colours were >> shown on the wrong side of the square. >> Images and further details at >> >> Symbol definitions: >> >> |SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_L' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0 0 >> 0 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> 0 0 >> END >> END >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_R' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0.5 0 >> 1 0 >> 1 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> END >> END >> >> # CLASS definition >> >> >> >> >> I'd like to symbolise a point dataset with a square (or circle) using >> two colours. This is useful for displaying values collected on both >> sides of a road (for example). >> >> split symbols >> >> I created two symbols, a left side and right side of the square as >> shown below: >> >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_L' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0 0 >> 0 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> 0 0 >> END >> END >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_R' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0.5 0 >> 1 0 >> 1 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> END >> END >> >> Then in my LAYER I can create a CLASS using the two different STYLES: >> >> CLASS >> STYLE >> SYMBOL"SQUARE_L" >> COLOR [LEFT_CLR] >> SIZE 10 >> END >> STYLE >> SYMBOL"SQUARE_R" >> COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] >> SIZE 10 >> END >> END >> >> >> | >> >> Any help appreciated, >> >> Seth >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> > From anddreas2 at Wed Oct 10 10:53:45 2012 From: anddreas2 at (Andreas Douvalis) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:53:45 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] binary data of image Message-ID: <> I think I found one solution: $image=$map->draw(); ob_start(); $image_save=$image->saveImage(); $image_binary?= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $image_binary? is what I need! Please let me know if there is any other better idea ! Thanks Douvalis Andreas -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From geographika at Wed Oct 10 10:55:07 2012 From: geographika at (geographika) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:55:07 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] How do you display a symbol with two colours? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Ignore the last comment - this was due to OpenLayers clipping the tiles/symbols. On 10/10/2012 09:30, Havard Tveite wrote: > If you have moved to 6.2, you can consider using > ANCHORPOINT > > > On earlier verions you could try the approach suggested > in > > > But that is kind of similar to what you have tried yourself. > To avoid gaps you could try this: > > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_FULL' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0 0 > 0 1 > 1 1 > 1 0 > 0 0 > END > END > SYMBOL > NAME 'SQUARE_R' > TYPE vector > FILLED true > POINTS > 0.5 0 > 1 0 > 1 1 > 0.5 1 > 0.5 0 > END > END > > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL "SQUARE_FULL" > COLOR [LEFT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL "SQUARE_R" > COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] > SIZE 10 > END > END > > It seemed to work for me on 6.0. > > H?vard > > On 10/9/2012 10:32 PM, geographika wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I'm trying to draw a point layer, with each point represented in two >> colours (for example a square split in two with one half red and one >> half green). >> I can create the symbols and apply the data but either the squares >> are the incorrect shape, or they overlap. The closest I got was with >> the following CLASS definition, but then it appeared the colours were >> shown on the wrong side of the square. >> Images and further details at >> >> Symbol definitions: >> >> |SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_L' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0 0 >> 0 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> 0 0 >> END >> END >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_R' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0.5 0 >> 1 0 >> 1 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> END >> END >> >> # CLASS definition >> >> >> >> >> I'd like to symbolise a point dataset with a square (or circle) using >> two colours. This is useful for displaying values collected on both >> sides of a road (for example). >> >> split symbols >> >> I created two symbols, a left side and right side of the square as >> shown below: >> >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_L' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0 0 >> 0 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> 0 0 >> END >> END >> SYMBOL >> NAME 'SQUARE_R' >> TYPE vector >> FILLED true >> POINTS >> 0.5 0 >> 1 0 >> 1 1 >> 0.5 1 >> 0.5 0 >> END >> END >> >> Then in my LAYER I can create a CLASS using the two different STYLES: >> >> CLASS >> STYLE >> SYMBOL"SQUARE_L" >> COLOR [LEFT_CLR] >> SIZE 10 >> END >> STYLE >> SYMBOL"SQUARE_R" >> COLOR [RIGHT_CLR] >> SIZE 10 >> END >> END >> >> >> | >> >> Any help appreciated, >> >> Seth >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> > From thomas.bonfort at Wed Oct 10 11:17:58 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:17:58 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver 6.2.0 RC1 released Message-ID: The MapServer Team is pleased to announce the release of MapServer 6.2.0 RC1. The changes since beta4 are rather short, and we hope to release a final 6.2.0 next week. The changelog since beta4 is included in this email, or can be consulted here: The source for this release can be downloaded at: or The binary distributions listed in the download page should be updated with binaries in the next couple of days. Once again we need your help to ensure a high quality product, so please help out by testing your applications with this new code base. Thanks! - The MapServer Team 2012-10-07 13:42:42 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | add imgObj.getBytes() support for pdf/svg (#4145) 2012-10-02 16:12:12 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | fix typo in version number 2012-09-30 17:43:27 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | fix mapscript builds for recent swig versions (#4325) 2012-10-01 15:12:17 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | fix segfault on SLD Getmap requests with empty LAYERS 2012-10-01 09:50:32 +0200 | Oliver Tonnhofer | fixed angle follow fallback to auto after auto2 fix (#4476) 2012-09-30 18:34:18 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | add centroid geomtransform to writeStyle (#4480) 2012-09-30 17:01:01 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | fix invalid call to gdFree (#3942) 2012-09-30 16:47:33 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | fix typo in template date (#4034) 2012-09-30 11:51:23 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | avoid spurious error messages in parser (#4479) 2012-09-29 12:19:39 +0200 | Thomas Bonfort | make sure x,y shape values are in map SRS (#4403) 2012-08-23 20:30:12 -0400 | Mark Phillips | fix issue when querying reprojected rasters (#4403) 2012-09-22 15:32:02 +0200 | Yves Jacolin | add XML namespace for WFS Client requests (#4467) 2012-09-04 20:47:34 +0200 | szekerest | SDE: Fix for the crash with NCLOB type (#3001) From tim.banchi at Thu Oct 11 01:16:53 2012 From: tim.banchi at (Tim Banchi) Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:16:53 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] python-mapscript: layer.getFeature() AttributeError Message-ID: Hello, I have a problem with the python-mapscript library v6.0.1-2ubuntu1 with swig2.0.4 and python 2.7 installed (I'm running ubuntu 12.04) If the function layer.getFeature is called, I get the following error: File "/home/xxx/Documents/xxx_python/xxxx/src/resdbcore/kaarten/", line 306, in gather_data resultaat = importlayer.getFeature(i) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 1192, in __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, layerObj, name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 34, in _swig_getattr raise AttributeError,name AttributeError: getFeature the application runs fine on Windows but I try to get it running on linux with eclipse. the only relevant thing I found is that the layer.getFeature function has been temporarily removed from mapscript but should be available again >=6. altough I have swig2 installed, in the file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ in the head it is mentioned that this file has been automatically generated by SWIG 1.3.36. Could that be the problem, because AFAIK python-mapscript needs swig2? Tim -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fabiobrolese-forum at Thu Oct 11 01:52:41 2012 From: fabiobrolese-forum at (Fabio Brolese) Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 09:52:41 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Ok folks, I used your suggestions and addede some configurations to the map files: ??? MAP ??? ??? ...... ??????? SHAPEFILE /gis/ms5/etc/shapefile ??? ??? ..... ??? END ??? LAYER ??????? NAME "level_04" ??????? TYPE POLYGON ??????? DATA SITIREN_CARTO_LEVEL04 ??????? STATUS ON ??????? CLASS ??????????? NAME "Level 04" ??????????? OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 ??????? END ??? END In the HTML page, in the function for the onReady event: ??? ??? map.addLayer( new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("level_04", mapserver_url, { ??????????????????????? layers: "level_04", ??????????????????????? format: "image/png", ??????????????????????? singleTile: true, ??????????????????????? isBaseLayer: true ??????????????????? },{ ??????????????????????? visibility: true ??????????????????? } ??????????????? ) ??????????? );?? I have also 2 OpenLayers.Layer.TMS defined and they are shown in the men? layer with exclusive radio buttons and they are set as base layer. All the other layers are defined as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS and associated one to onet with a men? leaf. The problem I'm encountering is: the new layer that point to a shapefile isn't shown anywhere so I can't use it. I think the code is correct because I have no errors on page loading. What I'm doing wrong? TIA Fabio >________________________________ > Da: Mr. Puneet Kishor >A: "mapserver-users at" >Cc: Fabio Brolese >Inviato: Venerd? 5 Ottobre 2012 8:34 >Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile > > >On Oct 4, 2012, at 10:56 PM, Fabio Brolese wrote: > >> Trying using shapefile as base layer I didn't find where to put my shapefile and to let them seen by MapServer. The examples say me to set the map file correctly but not where to save the shp files how to say to MapServer where thay are. Is there a directive in the main map file where to set the location of shp files like I set the log file path and etc. >> >> > > > >MAP >? SHAPEPATH [filename] >? ? Path to the directory holding the shapefiles or tiles. >? ? There can be further subdirectories under SHAPEPATH. > > > > > > >LAYER >? DATA [filename]|[sde parameters][postgis table/column][oracle table/column] >? ? Full filename of the spatial data to process. No file >? ? extension is necessary for shapefiles. Can be specified >? ? relative to the SHAPEPATH option from the Map Object. > > > > > > >> >> >> >> >> >>> ________________________________ >>> Da: Cristiano Sumariva >>> A: Fabio Brolese >>> Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 13:14 >>> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >>> >>> >>> If your map vector is not huge, and processing time is not a problem - something greater then a few seconds for a tile - you can use a WMS layer as base. >>> Just add isBaseLayer true to parameter options on layer. >>> This should be minimal to change. >>> At my sites I did not note WMS overhead on requests. >>> You should know that OpenLayers is greed and will issue several concurrent requests to server. Processing spikes will happen. >>> >>> >>> For larger sets you maybe at the need of some cache stuff. >>> Consider using one in a programming language you know in case you need do maintenance in source code. >>> Or if confortable with some, create your particular simple cache maybe an option. >>> >>> >>> 2012/10/2 Fabio Brolese >>> >>> Yes, sorry, I was talking about OpenLayers. >>>> I understood and is like I did with all the layers I set pointing on PostGIS. I have also a "base layer" set as OpenLayers.Layer.TMS that load image tiles to show the city map. What we want to do is to change the base layer to read the city map from shapfile instead of reading image tiles. >>>> >>>> >>>> Do you know if there is a way to do what we want or do I have to reconsider my structure and consider and use it as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS? >>>> >>>> >>>> Fabio >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>> ________________________________ >>>>> Da: Rahkonen Jukka >>>>> A: "mapserver-users at" >>>>> Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 9:05 >>>>> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Hi, >>>>> >>>>> Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. >>>>> >>>>> On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as >> input data. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -Jukka Rahkonen- >>>>> ________________________________ >>>>> Fabio Brolese wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hello everybody, >>>>>> after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. >>>>>> Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. >>>>> >>>>> Can anyone help me? >>>>> >>>>> TIA >>>>> >>>>> Fabio >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> mapserver-users mailing list >>>>> mapserver-users at >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> mapserver-users mailing list >>>> mapserver-users at >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From leene_85 at Thu Oct 11 10:57:22 2012 From: leene_85 at (leene) Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 18:57:22 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] geometries disappear while zooming In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hey, i'm using Mapserver 6.0.2. I have a layer containing a lot of polygons. In the first zoom stage all features are fine. But if I zoom in: more and more features disappear randomly. While panning some features appear again but others disappear. I found some remarks to that problem: I read something about 'features with too much vertices disappear' (but not in context of mapserver) - this is not the reason, because also small polygons disappear while bigger ones are displayed. Another problem is if some points of the polygon are outside of the current map extent. That's also not the case - in my map features in the center disappear, too. Are there any other suggestions? Thanks, leene -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From MarkVolz at Thu Oct 11 12:46:09 2012 From: MarkVolz at (Mark Volz) Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 19:46:09 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] setting up a map file for mapcache - assistance with polygon labeling Message-ID: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA31541C3@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Hello, I am trying to set up mapfile for tiling on mapcache. I have a couple issues: First, I came across documentation stating that I should use PROCESSING "LABEL_NO_CLIP=ON" so that labels continue across tiles. Unfortunately one of the side effects that I noticed with LABEL_NO_CLIP is that the density of labels is decreased dramatically. On one map file with LABEL_NO_CLIP=OFF every parcel on a block is labeled, however if I turn LABEL_NO_CLIP=ON then only two of the 10 parcels are labeled. (could this be a bug?) Second, Is it possible to repeat labels on a polygon so that there is at least one label a 500 by 500 box? If anyone could give me any tips on preparing polygon labels that will be tiled let me know. Thank You Mark Volz GIS Specialist From MarkVolz at Thu Oct 11 12:51:08 2012 From: MarkVolz at (Mark Volz) Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 19:51:08 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] geometries disappear while zooming (leene) Message-ID: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA31541D8@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Leene, It could be that you updated a shapefile without updating the spatial index. Check your data folder and look for a qix file with the same name as your shapefile. If the date is older than your shapefile you will either need to delete it, or update it using shptree Mark Volz GIS Specialist > -----Original Message----- > From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users- > bounces at] On Behalf Of mapserver-users- > request at > Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 2:00 PM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: mapserver-users Digest, Vol 57, Issue 16 > > Send mapserver-users mailing list submissions to > mapserver-users at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to > mapserver-users-request at > > You can reach the person managing the list at > mapserver-users-owner at > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: > Contents of mapserver-users digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > > 1. geometries disappear while zooming (leene) > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Message: 1 > Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 18:57:22 +0100 (BST) > From: leene > To: "mapserver-users at" > > Subject: [mapserver-users] geometries disappear while zooming > Message-ID: > <1349978242.53223.YahooMailNeo at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" > > Hey, > i'm using Mapserver 6.0.2. I have a layer containing a lot of polygons. In the > first zoom stage all features are fine. But if I zoom in: more and more > features disappear randomly. While panning some features appear again but > others disappear. > > > I found some remarks to that problem: > > I read something about 'features with too much vertices disappear' (but not > in context of mapserver) - this is not the reason, because also small polygons > disappear while bigger ones are displayed. > Another problem is if some points of the polygon are outside of the current > map extent. That's also not the case - in my map features in the center > disappear, too. > > Are there any other suggestions? > > Thanks, > leene > -------------- next part -------------- > An HTML attachment was scrubbed... > URL: users/attachments/20121011/09dcde4f/attachment-0001.html> > > ------------------------------ > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > > End of mapserver-users Digest, Vol 57, Issue 16 > *********************************************** From leene_85 at Fri Oct 12 01:48:44 2012 From: leene_85 at (leene) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:48:44 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] geometries disappear while zooming (leene) Message-ID: <> Hi Mark, thank you, this works :-) 2012/10/11 Mark Volz Leene, It could be that you updated a shapefile without updating the spatial index. ? Check your data folder and look for a qix file with the same name as your shapefile. ?If the date is older than your shapefile you will either need to delete it, or update it using shptree Mark Volz GIS Specialist > -----Original Message----- > From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users- > bounces at] On Behalf Of mapserver-users- > request at > Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 2:00 PM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: mapserver-users Digest, Vol 57, Issue 16 > > Send mapserver-users mailing list submissions to > ? ? ? mapserver-users at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > ? ? ? > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to > ? ? ? mapserver-users-request at > > You can reach the person managing the list at > ? ? ? mapserver-users-owner at > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: > Contents of mapserver-users digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > > ? ?1. geometries disappear while zooming (leene) > > > ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- >> >> Message: 1 >> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 18:57:22 +0100 (BST) >> From: leene >> To: "mapserver-users at" >> ? ? ? >> Subject: [mapserver-users] geometries disappear while zooming >> Message-ID: >> ? ? ? <1349978242.53223.YahooMailNeo at> >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" >> >> Hey, >> i'm using Mapserver 6.0.2. I have a layer containing a lot of polygons. In the >> first zoom stage all features are fine. But if I zoom in: more and more >> features disappear randomly. While panning some features appear again but >> others disappear. >> >> >> I found some remarks to that problem: >> >> I read something about 'features with too much vertices disappear' (but not >> in context of mapserver) - this is not the reason, because also small polygons >> disappear while bigger ones are displayed. >> Another problem is if some points of the polygon are outside of the current >> map extent. That's also not the case - in my map features in the center >> disappear, too. >> >> Are there any other suggestions? >> >> Thanks, >> leene -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From oliver.christen at Fri Oct 12 06:40:38 2012 From: oliver.christen at (Oliver Christen) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 15:40:38 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] "wfs_encoding" usage and problems Message-ID: Dear list I need some precision about the usage of the "wfs_encoding" parameter. I have tried to set it at a layer level (LAYER > METADATA > "wfs_encoding" "someencoding"), but Mapserver simply ignored it. It only work if I set it at the MAP level (MAP > WEB > METADATA > "wfs_encoding" "someencoding") is this normal? Im using Mapserver 6.0.1 on RedHat thank you for any details you can provide. best regards Oliver From forest21000 at Fri Oct 12 08:01:56 2012 From: forest21000 at (forest21000) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 08:01:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript.jar error in servlet project In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Still wait for ways to solve the problem,thanks very much! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From zpsantos1 at Fri Oct 12 08:33:29 2012 From: zpsantos1 at (Saint) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 08:33:29 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] PostgreSQL and WMS/WFS Message-ID: <> Dear all, I would like to know if is possible set up a service (WMS/WFS) for a layer stored within Postgres. I have one WEBGIS application that can't connect to PostgreSQL but if I use the data inside Postgres I can get the URL from WMS and add the maps. Best Regards, Jos? Santos -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From jmckenna at Fri Oct 12 09:39:25 2012 From: jmckenna at (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 13:39:25 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] PostgreSQL and WMS/WFS In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On 12-10-12 12:33 PM, Saint wrote: > Dear all, > > I would like to know if is possible set up a service (WMS/WFS) for a layer > stored within Postgres. > > I have one WEBGIS application that can't connect to PostgreSQL but if I use > the data inside Postgres I can get the URL from WMS and add the maps. > Hello, Yes you can setup a MapServer WMS and/or WFS service for a PostGIS layer. (for example, for WFS just follow the instructions at If your layer is not a PostGIS layer but just a Postgres table with xy columns it is also possible (for example, see -jeff -- Jeff McKenna MapServer Consulting and Training Services From MarkVolz at Fri Oct 12 13:05:53 2012 From: MarkVolz at (Mark Volz) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:05:53 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapCache - received wms request with no service param Message-ID: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA31543FE@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Hello, I noticed that ArcMap could not load my layer that is in a WMS Mapcache. When I copied the URL request from ArcMap to a browser I received an error "received wms request with no service param." So I must have something misconfigured. Any thoughts? Thank You Mark Volz GIS Specialist From wal3 at Fri Oct 12 18:05:07 2012 From: wal3 at (Worth Lutz) Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:05:07 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache: labels and symbols getting clippedat tile edges In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <44E5FE61DDB745F7A88B150BD0345F55@worthlaptop> Help! I spent all day googling and this email is all I can find. Hopefully you can point me toward the answer. I am trying to start using mapcache with a wms server. I installed mapcache from ubuntugis-unstable and after much googling finally figured out that all I needed was to put the sample mapcache.xml file where the mapcache alias pointed and the demo would work. This got me started. Now my problem is highway signs on the tile edges. Or really parts of highway signs. I think that this thread got me started in the right direction but I have now gotten off the path again. Where is documentation on "labelcache_map_edge_buffer"? Google is not helpful. I inserted this into my mapfile at the MAP level. I have the mapcache set to the same value. Or actually the opposite sign (negative in labelcache_map_edge_buffer) as that appears to be what correct from my searching. Is that correct? In any case I still get the clipped signs. I tried modifying the OpenLayers code from the demo to test there. I increased the gutter value for the layer to the same as the but that only caused the layers background to go from transparent to black. At this point I changed stuff back and forth until I was so totally confused and had to go back to the original mapfile and mapcache.xml to get back to some semblance of working. Is there an example of what these values should be and how they interact so I can get mapcache to not clip the highway signs? Thanks for any direction you can give me, Worth Lutz -----Original Message----- From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 1:15 PM To: thomas bonfort Cc: mapserver-users Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] mapcache: labels and symbols getting clippedat tile edges On 5/2/2012 11:39 AM, thomas bonfort wrote: > the mapcache metabuffer setting *must always* match your mapserver > labelcache_map_edge_buffer, is that the case ? Thomas, Nope, changed it and it works great now. This should be noted in the mapcache.xml.sample file. What controls the order of the layers in the OL layer switcher? I have an overlay and a base layer but the overlay is getting listed first so when the demo service starts I get only transparent tiles of the overlay are shown instead of the base map until you open the layer switcher. I understand the demo service is not designed to be an application, only a demo that you can cut and paste into a real application. Thanks, -Steve > On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Stephen Woodbridge > wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I have setup mapcache which is working great but I amd getting text labels >> and symbols along the metatile edges that are getting clipped. IE: they are >> getting rendered and the left tile and then chopped but not in the right >> tile so I end up with parts of symbols and text :( >> >> I have50 which I increased from 30 without without >> improving the issue. >> >> >> tiger2011 >> disk >> WGS84 >> g >> PNGQ_FAST >> 5 5 >> 50 >> 3600 >> >> >> This is happening for highway shields and for city names. Bith of these are >> Annotation layers. >> >> Any ideas on how to fix this? >> >> Thanks, >> -Steve W >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2411/4974 - Release Date: 05/02/12 From zpsantos1 at Sat Oct 13 12:55:45 2012 From: zpsantos1 at (Saint) Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:55:45 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] PostgreSQL and WMS/WFS In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: Dear Jeff McKenna, Thanks for the information. But if I do that it means I had to put a layer also in one folder because if I make the mapfile is spouse I had the map in a folder and also put the path to add to PostgreSQL. I use the the command shp2pgsql to add my layers, then I would like to now if is possible to add the WMS/WFS service to them. I hope I explain good my question Thanks! Best Regards,Jos? Santos Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:39:45 -0700 From: ml-node+s1560n5008329h42 at To: zpsantos1 at Subject: Re: PostgreSQL and WMS/WFS On 12-10-12 12:33 PM, Saint wrote: > Dear all, > > I would like to know if is possible set up a service (WMS/WFS) for a layer > stored within Postgres. > > I have one WEBGIS application that can't connect to PostgreSQL but if I use > the data inside Postgres I can get the URL from WMS and add the maps. > Hello, Yes you can setup a MapServer WMS and/or WFS service for a PostGIS layer. (for example, for WFS just follow the instructions at If your layer is not a PostGIS layer but just a Postgres table with xy columns it is also possible (for example, see -jeff -- Jeff McKenna MapServer Consulting and Training Services _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list [hidden email] If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: To unsubscribe from PostgreSQL and WMS/WFS, click here. NAML ----- Jos? Santos GIS Analyst -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Sat Oct 13 16:46:26 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 01:46:26 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS and the logical operators Message-ID: Hi, reading the getcapabilities, I see the TinyOWS has not any LogicalOperator capability like AND , OR, etc.. Is this correct for wfs 1.1.0 or is a lack of feature ? Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Sun Oct 14 01:22:54 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 10:22:54 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS and the logical operators In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 1:46 AM, Andrea Peri wrote: Hi Andrea, reading the getcapabilities, I see the TinyOWS has not any LogicalOperator > capability like AND , OR, etc.. > Is this correct for wfs 1.1.0 or is a lack of feature ? > LogicalOperators are supported in TinyOWS, and it appears it the capabilities as LogicalOperators tags. Indeed you're right there's no detail on what is exactly supported at capabilities level (indeed it means 'all'), but it's related to OGC Filter XSD itself: see schema/filter/1.1.0/filterCapabilities.xsd Thanks for asking, -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Sun Oct 14 03:04:39 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 12:04:39 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS and the logical operators In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: mmh... Hi, 'm try-ing to check the logical operator but they don't seem work. If the AND operator is supported this mean that I'm wrong something. This request will get the results from a query with filter NAME="FIRENZE".,dug,toponimo,den_estesa,tipo_prop,cod_istat,comune&sortBy=dug+A,toponimo+A&Filter=%3CFilter%20xmlns:wfs=%22 And the logs report correctly the filter used: [Sun Oct 14 11:51:50 2012] [SQL] SELECT ST_xmin(g.extent), ST_ymin(g.extent), ST_xmax(g.extent), ST_ymax(g.extent) FROM (SELECT ST_Extent(foo.the_geom) as extent FROM ( (SELECT ST_Transform("geometry"::geometry, 3003) AS "the_geom" FROM iternet."itnt_stradebb" WHERE "comune" = 'FIRENZE' ORDER BY "dug" ASC,"toponimo" ASC LIMIT 500) ) AS foo) AS g Now I try to call the same request with a double filter: NAME="FIRENZE" AND TIPO_PROP="Comune" I build it following a sample from mapserver docs.,dug,toponimo,den_estesa,tipo_prop,cod_istat,comune&sortBy=dug+A,toponimo+A&Filter=comuneFIRENZEtipo_propComune But this request don't return any results. Seeing the log it report that the query has the "where" filter empty: [Sun Oct 14 11:55:38 2012] [SQL] SELECT "ogc_fid",ST_AsGML(3, ST_Transform("geometry"::geometry,3003),8, 23) AS "geometry" ,"col_0","cod_top","comune","siglaprov","cod_com","cod_istat","dug","toponimo","cod_reg","den_estesa","tip_prp","tipo_prop","cod_prp","cls_amm","den_breve","data_elab" FROM iternet."itnt_stradebb" WHERE ORDER BY "dug" ASC,"toponimo" ASC LIMIT 500 so nothing is find. If the AND operator is supported from TinyOWS, this mean that I'm wrong something else. Any hint is welcome Thx, Andrea. 2012/10/14 Olivier Courtin > On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 1:46 AM, Andrea Peri wrote: > > Hi Andrea, > > reading the getcapabilities, I see the TinyOWS has not any LogicalOperator >> capability like AND , OR, etc.. >> Is this correct for wfs 1.1.0 or is a lack of feature ? >> > > LogicalOperators are supported in TinyOWS, > and it appears it the capabilities as LogicalOperators tags. > > Indeed you're right there's no detail on what is exactly supported at > capabilities level (indeed it means 'all'), > but it's related to OGC Filter XSD itself: > > see schema/filter/1.1.0/filterCapabilities.xsd > > > Thanks for asking, > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Sun Oct 14 04:43:40 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 13:43:40 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS and the logical operators In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: Andrea, If the AND operator is supported from TinyOWS, this mean that I'm wrong > something else. > > Any hint is welcome > If i check with WFS 1.1 CITE: $ sudo make install-test110 There 3 tests related to And Logical Operator with GetFeature -> 0210 to 0212: So take one: $ test/unit_test test/wfs_110/cite/0211 4 Input query: sf:doubleProperty24510sf:featureCodeak020 SQL Request produced: SELECT "description","name",ST_AsGML(3, ST_Transform("multiPointProperty"::geometry,4326),6, 23) AS "multiPointProperty" ,ST_AsGML(3, ST_Transform("multiCurveProperty"::geometry,4326),6, 23) AS "multiCurveProperty" ,ST_AsGML(3, ST_Transform("multiSurfaceProperty"::geometry,4326),6, 23) AS "multiSurfaceProperty" ,"doubleProperty","intRangeProperty","strProperty","featureCode","id" FROM public."AggregateGeoFeature" WHERE ("doubleProperty" >= 24510 AND lower("featureCode") = lower('ak020')) I didn't look in detail to you query for now, let me know it this sample is enough to you (or not), -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Sun Oct 14 05:19:50 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 14:19:50 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS and the logical operators In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi Olivier, I resolved it. The "and" operator is named using the first letter uppercase. So is recognized, meanwhile was not recognized. I guest perhaps there is some bugs, but not really sure. However this version of the request work and has the right result.,dug,toponimo,den_estesa,tipo_prop,cod_istat,comune&sortBy=dug+A,toponimo+A&Filter=comuneFIRENZEtipo_propComune Many thx, 2012/10/14 Olivier Courtin > On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: > > Andrea, > > > If the AND operator is supported from TinyOWS, this mean that I'm wrong >> something else. >> >> Any hint is welcome >> > > If i check with WFS 1.1 CITE: > $ sudo make install-test110 > > There 3 tests related to And Logical Operator with GetFeature -> 0210 to > 0212: > So take one: > $ test/unit_test test/wfs_110/cite/0211 4 > > Input query: > xmlns:p="" xmlns:xi=" >" xmlns:saxon="" > xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=" >" xmlns:xs="" > xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xsi=" >" xmlns:xsd=" >" xmlns:ctl="" > xmlns:sf="" > xmlns:tec="java:com.occamlab.te.TECore" xmlns:te=" >" xmlns:parsers=" >" xmlns:gml="" > xmlns:myparsers="" > version="1.1.0" service="WFS"> typeName="sf:AggregateGeoFeature">sf:doubleProperty24510 matchCase="false">sf:featureCodeak020 > > > SQL Request produced: > SELECT "description","name",ST_AsGML(3, > ST_Transform("multiPointProperty"::geometry,4326),6, 23) AS > "multiPointProperty" ,ST_AsGML(3, > ST_Transform("multiCurveProperty"::geometry,4326),6, 23) AS > "multiCurveProperty" ,ST_AsGML(3, > ST_Transform("multiSurfaceProperty"::geometry,4326),6, 23) AS > "multiSurfaceProperty" > ,"doubleProperty","intRangeProperty","strProperty","featureCode","id" FROM > public."AggregateGeoFeature" WHERE ("doubleProperty" >= 24510 AND > lower("featureCode") = lower('ak020')) > > > I didn't look in detail to you query for now, > let me know it this sample is enough to you (or not), > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Sun Oct 14 05:51:31 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 14:51:31 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS and the logical operators In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: Andrea, I resolved it. > Perfect, > > The "and" operator is named using the first letter uppercase. > > So is recognized, meanwhile was not recognized. > I guest perhaps there is some bugs, but not really sure. > Nope that's the way it is defined in filter.xsd schema (so maybe a bit uncommon as SQL itself is not case sensitive, but surely not a bug) > Many thx, > Your're wecome, -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Sun Oct 14 15:21:19 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 00:21:19 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS 12.10rc1 Message-ID: Hi all, TinyOWS 12.10rc1 is yet available: Thanks in advance in advance to test, and report any bug or regression on this list 12.10 NEWS: - Generate PK value using PostgresSQL DEFAULT value if present (Serge Dikiy) - XSD max length and enumeration constraint handling (Serge Dikiy & Alan Boudreault) - include_items and exclude_items config handling. To choose exactly which columns to retrieve (Serge Dikiy) - Add pkey configuration in layer config. Usefull for instance when retrieving data from a VIEW. (Serge Dikiy) - Buffer copy performance improve (Serge Dikiy) - Rewrite/fix max features handling (Olivier Courtin) - Several bugfixes as usual (special thanks to Andreas Peri, Serge Dikiy and Jukka Rahkonen for detailled reports) -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From even.rouault at Sun Oct 14 15:44:14 2012 From: even.rouault at (Even Rouault) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 00:44:14 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS 12.10rc1 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Le lundi 15 octobre 2012 00:21:19, Olivier Courtin a ?crit : > Hi all, > > TinyOWS 12.10rc1 is yet available: > > > Thanks in advance in advance to test, > and report any bug or regression on this list > > 12.10 NEWS: > - Generate PK value using PostgresSQL DEFAULT value if present (Serge > Dikiy) > - XSD max length and enumeration constraint handling (Serge Dikiy & Alan > Boudreault) > - include_items and exclude_items config handling. To choose exactly which > columns to retrieve (Serge Dikiy) > - Add pkey configuration in layer config. Usefull for instance when > retrieving data from a VIEW. (Serge Dikiy) > - Buffer copy performance improve (Serge Dikiy) > - Rewrite/fix max features handling (Olivier Courtin) > - Several bugfixes as usual (special thanks to Andreas Peri, Serge Dikiy > and Jukka Rahkonen for detailled reports) Compiling with clang raises 2 interesting warnings, the 2nd one being clearly a bug : src/mapfile/mapfile.l:412:18: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum map_lmd_state' to different enumeration type 'enum map_md_state' [- Wconversion] map_md_state = MAP_LMD_TOWS_GEOBBOX; ~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src/ows/ows_geobbox.c:62:23: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'memcpy' call is the same pointer type 'ows_geobbox *' (aka 'struct Ows_geobbox *') as the destination; expected 'ows_geobbox' (aka 'struct Ows_geobbox') or an explicit length [- Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess] return memcpy(c, g, sizeof(g)); ~ ^~~~~~~~~ --> should be memcpy(c, g, sizeof(*g)); Best regards, Even From olivier.courtin at Sun Oct 14 16:01:21 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 01:01:21 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS 12.10rc1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 12:44 AM, Even Rouault wrote: Compiling with clang raises 2 interesting warnings, the 2nd one being > clearly > a bug : > > src/mapfile/mapfile.l:412:18: warning: implicit conversion from > enumeration type > 'enum map_lmd_state' to different enumeration type 'enum map_md_state' [- > Wconversion] > map_md_state = MAP_LMD_TOWS_GEOBBOX; > ~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > src/ows/ows_geobbox.c:62:23: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'memcpy' > call is > the same pointer type 'ows_geobbox *' (aka 'struct Ows_geobbox *') as the > destination; expected > 'ows_geobbox' (aka 'struct Ows_geobbox') or an explicit length [- > Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess] > return memcpy(c, g, sizeof(g)); > ~ ^~~~~~~~~ > > --> should be memcpy(c, g, sizeof(*g)); > Thanks Even for these report ! fixed and commited Did'nt yet play with clang, could change soon... -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wal3 at Sun Oct 14 16:21:36 2012 From: wal3 at (Worth Lutz) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 19:21:36 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache: labels and symbols getting clippedat tile edges References: <> <> Message-ID: <4BBC9E96723C4FF192AABD3BA8FA4CF0@worthlaptop> After more searching and experimenting, I think I have this working. This is my first time working with wms and tiles. I have added more to my mapfile and something fixed my problem. I'm guessing PARTIALS FALSE; Thanks, Worth -----Original Message----- From: Worth Lutz [mailto:wal3 at] Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 9:05 PM To: 'Stephen Woodbridge'; 'thomas bonfort' Cc: 'mapserver-users' Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] mapcache: labels and symbols getting clippedat tile edges Help! I spent all day googling and this email is all I can find. Hopefully you can point me toward the answer. I am trying to start using mapcache with a wms server. I installed mapcache from ubuntugis-unstable and after much googling finally figured out that all I needed was to put the sample mapcache.xml file where the mapcache alias pointed and the demo would work. This got me started. Now my problem is highway signs on the tile edges. Or really parts of highway signs. I think that this thread got me started in the right direction but I have now gotten off the path again. Where is documentation on "labelcache_map_edge_buffer"? Google is not helpful. I inserted this into my mapfile at the MAP level. I have the mapcache set to the same value. Or actually the opposite sign (negative in labelcache_map_edge_buffer) as that appears to be what correct from my searching. Is that correct? In any case I still get the clipped signs. I tried modifying the OpenLayers code from the demo to test there. I increased the gutter value for the layer to the same as the but that only caused the layers background to go from transparent to black. At this point I changed stuff back and forth until I was so totally confused and had to go back to the original mapfile and mapcache.xml to get back to some semblance of working. Is there an example of what these values should be and how they interact so I can get mapcache to not clip the highway signs? Thanks for any direction you can give me, Worth Lutz -----Original Message----- From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 1:15 PM To: thomas bonfort Cc: mapserver-users Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] mapcache: labels and symbols getting clippedat tile edges On 5/2/2012 11:39 AM, thomas bonfort wrote: > the mapcache metabuffer setting *must always* match your mapserver > labelcache_map_edge_buffer, is that the case ? Thomas, Nope, changed it and it works great now. This should be noted in the mapcache.xml.sample file. What controls the order of the layers in the OL layer switcher? I have an overlay and a base layer but the overlay is getting listed first so when the demo service starts I get only transparent tiles of the overlay are shown instead of the base map until you open the layer switcher. I understand the demo service is not designed to be an application, only a demo that you can cut and paste into a real application. Thanks, -Steve > On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Stephen Woodbridge > wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I have setup mapcache which is working great but I amd getting text labels >> and symbols along the metatile edges that are getting clipped. IE: they are >> getting rendered and the left tile and then chopped but not in the right >> tile so I end up with parts of symbols and text :( >> >> I have50 which I increased from 30 without without >> improving the issue. >> >> >> tiger2011 >> disk >> WGS84 >> g >> PNGQ_FAST >> 5 5 >> 50 >> 3600 >> >> >> This is happening for highway shields and for city names. Bith of these are >> Annotation layers. >> >> Any ideas on how to fix this? >> >> Thanks, >> -Steve W >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2411/4974 - Release Date: 05/02/12 From vincentpmiller at Sun Oct 14 17:26:35 2012 From: vincentpmiller at (Vince Miller) Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:26:35 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] ubuntu freetype install problem Message-ID: <> I need a little help installing Mapserver 6.0.3 under Ubuntu 12.04 running postgresql 9.1 with postgis. I had it all working with old versions of everything on an old server. The hangup seems to be with freetype 2.4.10. After some reasonable messages, the freetype ./configure step dies with: ... cd builds/unix; ./configure /bin/sh: 1: ./configure not found make: *** [setup] Error 127 GD (version 2.0.33, which I found at actually seemed to compile ok even though freetype didn't. But then the Mapserver ./configure died because it couldn't find freetype. I'm not looking for anything special here (for now, at least), just a mapserv in a apache-accessible cgi-bin directory. It doesn't seem like I should have to compile it, not to mention several of its dependencies, but I can't find a simple "download this binary and put it here" method. The UbuntuGIS PPA method seems more mysterious than compile-it-myself method. I'm an application developer, and not a Linux wizard. Someone wanna hold my had a little here, please? Thanks, Vince From bthoen at Sun Oct 14 21:29:29 2012 From: bthoen at (bthoen at Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:29:29 +0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Delivery reports about your e-mail Message-ID: The message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not have a mail system running right now. Your message could not be delivered within 5 days: Mail server is not responding. The following recipients did not receive this message: Please reply to postmaster at if you feel this message to be in error. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: text.pif Type: application/octet-stream Size: 28864 bytes Desc: not available URL: From ahmettemiz88 at Mon Oct 15 01:00:55 2012 From: ahmettemiz88 at (Ahmet Temiz) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 11:00:55 +0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] postgis - geomfromtext problem Message-ID: hello I upgraded my postgis to 2.1.0. But this version of postgis doesn't accept "geomfromtext" (instead "ST_GeomFromText" only ) But: following mapserver - java related codes produce "geomfromtext" and then give error: jeoLayer1.setData("geom from (select gid,label,geom from sjeo_yas6) as foo using unique gid using srid=4326 "); String f = "label=" + "'" + yas + "'"; jeoLayer1.setFilter(f); msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named '(null)'.;msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error (ERROR: function geomfromtext(unknown, integer) does not exist LINE 1: ...'hex') as geom,"gid" from sjeo_yas6 where geom && GeomFromTe... ~~~~ I compiled mapserver 6.0.1 what can I do ? regards -- Ahmet Temiz Jeoloji M?h. Afet ve Acil Durum Y?netimi Ba?kanl??? Planlama ve Zarar Azaltma Dairesi Ba?kanl??? Eski?ehir Yolu 10. km. Lodumlu / Ankara Tel : 0 312 2872680 / 1535 ________________________ Ahmet Temiz Geological Eng. Information Systems - GIS Group Disaster and Emergency Management of Presidency From Jukka.Rahkonen at Mon Oct 15 01:19:54 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 08:19:54 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] postgis - geomfromtext problem Message-ID: <> Hi, Perhaps running legacy.sql in your new database will be enough. -Jukka Rahkonen- Ahmet Temiz wrote: > hello > > I upgraded my postgis to 2.1.0. > > But this version of postgis doesn't accept "geomfromtext" (instead > "ST_GeomFromText" only ) > > But: > following mapserver - java related codes produce "geomfromtext" and then > give error: > > jeoLayer1.setData("geom from (select gid,label,geom from sjeo_yas6) as > foo using unique gid using srid=4326 "); String f = "label=" + "'" + yas + "'"; > jeoLayer1.setFilter(f); > > msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named > '(null)'.;msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error (ERROR: > function geomfromtext(unknown, integer) does not exist LINE 1: ...'hex') as > geom,"gid" from sjeo_yas6 where geom && GeomFromTe... > > ~~~~ > > I compiled mapserver 6.0.1 > > what can I do ? > > regards > > -- > Ahmet Temiz > Jeoloji M?h. > Afet ve Acil Durum Y?netimi Ba?kanl??? > Planlama ve Zarar Azaltma Dairesi Ba?kanl??? > > Eski?ehir Yolu 10. km. > Lodumlu / Ankara > Tel : 0 312 2872680 / 1535 > ________________________ > > Ahmet Temiz > Geological Eng. > Information Systems - GIS Group > Disaster and Emergency Management > of Presidency > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From tim.banchi at Mon Oct 15 01:32:56 2012 From: tim.banchi at (Tim Banchi) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:32:56 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] ubuntu freetype install problem In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hello Vince, on ubuntu I had to make two symlinks so the GD libraries are found: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgd.a /usr/local/lib/libgd.a sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/lib/ for 64bit you have to use the following path (I think I didn't try it on a 64bit machine) /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ AFAIK this solved the freetype issue when compiling mapserver on my ubuntu machine. (I still have troubles compiling the cscharp module as posted previously on this mailing list). 2012/10/15 Vince Miller > I need a little help installing Mapserver 6.0.3 under Ubuntu 12.04 running > postgresql 9.1 with postgis. I had it all working with old versions of > everything on an old server. The hangup seems to be with freetype 2.4.10. > After some reasonable messages, the freetype ./configure step dies with: > > ... > cd builds/unix; ./configure > /bin/sh: 1: ./configure not found > make: *** [setup] Error 127 > > GD (version 2.0.33, which I found at > actually seemed to compile > ok even though freetype didn't. But then the Mapserver ./configure died > because it couldn't find freetype. > > I'm not looking for anything special here (for now, at least), just a > mapserv in a apache-accessible cgi-bin directory. It doesn't seem like I > should have to compile it, not to mention several of its dependencies, but > I can't find a simple "download this binary and put it here" method. The > UbuntuGIS PPA method seems more mysterious than compile-it-myself method. > > I'm an application developer, and not a Linux wizard. Someone wanna hold > my had a little here, please? > > Thanks, > Vince > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tim.banchi at Mon Oct 15 05:28:55 2012 From: tim.banchi at (Tim Banchi) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 14:28:55 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] 6.2.0-rc1: error while compiling the csharp mapscript module: OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.mapscriptPINVOKE()' is already defined Message-ID: Hello, when I try to compile the csharp mapscript module of mapserver 6.2.0.rc1 I get the following error: mapscriptPINVOKE.cs(192,10): error CS0111: A member `OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.mapscriptPINVOKE()' is already defined. Rename this member or use different parameter types. I tried to delete the dubble entry of the member mapscriptPINVOKE() in the mapscriptPINVOKE.cs file but this file seems to be autogenerated by the compilation process. I do understand too little of the make process to adapt the compile script (probably somebody can help me with that?). I configured, compiled and installed the mapserver with the following options: ./configure --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-sos --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-proj --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-geos --with-gd --with-tiff --with-jpeg --with-agg --with-eppl --with-postgis --with-sde --with-freetype --with-threads --with-experimental-png but also other configurations (without any parameters or disabling fastcgi because there is a post of 2006 with problems with the csharp module if fastcgi enabled) doesn't make any difference. also with older versions of mapserver (eg stable the latest stable version 6.0.3. or the latest stable version of 5.8.x) I get exactly the same error message. I run ubuntu 12.04 x86 and have mapserver installed via the packaging system (I could not not find any csharp-mapscript package), can anybody help me with - find a precompiled csharp_mapscript package for ubuntu 12.04 x86 - adapt the compile script so the member mapscriptPINVOKE is not written twice - help me with the configuration of the mapserver to solve the compile problem Tim -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From szekerest at Mon Oct 15 05:45:39 2012 From: szekerest at (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 14:45:39 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] 6.2.0-rc1: error while compiling the csharp mapscript module: OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.mapscriptPINVOKE()' is already defined In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Tim, What is the version of SWIG you use. I'm using SWIG 1.3.39 which appears to generate compilable code. Best regards, Tamas 2012/10/15 Tim Banchi > Hello, > > when I try to compile the csharp mapscript module of mapserver 6.2.0.rc1 I > get the following error: > > mapscriptPINVOKE.cs(192,10): error CS0111: A member > `OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.mapscriptPINVOKE()' is already defined. > Rename this member or use different parameter types. > > I tried to delete the dubble entry of the member mapscriptPINVOKE() in the > mapscriptPINVOKE.cs file but this file seems to be autogenerated by the > compilation process. I do understand too little of the make process to > adapt the compile script (probably somebody can help me with that?). > > I configured, compiled and installed the mapserver with the following > options: > ./configure --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-sos --with-wmsclient > --with-wfsclient --with-proj --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-geos --with-gd > --with-tiff --with-jpeg --with-agg --with-eppl --with-postgis --with-sde > --with-freetype --with-threads --with-experimental-png > > but also other configurations (without any parameters or disabling fastcgi > because there is a post of 2006 with problems with the csharp module if > fastcgi enabled) doesn't make any difference. also with older versions of > mapserver (eg stable the latest stable version 6.0.3. or the latest stable > version of 5.8.x) I get exactly the same error message. > > I run ubuntu 12.04 x86 and have mapserver installed via the packaging > system (I could not not find any csharp-mapscript package), > > can anybody help me with > - find a precompiled csharp_mapscript package for ubuntu 12.04 x86 > - adapt the compile script so the member mapscriptPINVOKE is not written > twice > - help me with the configuration of the mapserver to solve the compile > problem > > Tim > > > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From MarkVolz at Mon Oct 15 06:40:38 2012 From: MarkVolz at (Mark Volz) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:40:38 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapCache - received wms request with no service param In-Reply-To: References: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA31543FE@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Message-ID: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156504@swmail01.r8nssis.local> TC Haddad and others, I tried manually modifying the URL within ArcMap to include SERVICE=WMS so I can use MapCache within ArcMap. However, even with the request url changed to: http://myserver/mapcache?SERVICE=WMS& I am still getting the same "received wms request with no service param" error. I am guessing that when ArcMap send the get capabilities request: /mapcache?SERVICE=WMS&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities that MapCache is not reminding ESRI to use SERVICE=WMS, or ESRI is ignoring that parameter. If you have any other thoughts let me know Thanks Mark Volz GIS Specialist From: TC Haddad [mailto:tchaddad at] Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 4:22 PM To: Mark Volz Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] MapCache - received wms request with no service param the url needs to have: SERVICE=WMS in it somewhere. Is ArcMap leaving it out? Sometimes I have seen problems with case sensitivity (and I think uppercase is safer in this situation) On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Mark Volz > wrote: Hello, I noticed that ArcMap could not load my layer that is in a WMS Mapcache. When I copied the URL request from ArcMap to a browser I received an error "received wms request with no service param." So I must have something misconfigured. Any thoughts? Thank You Mark Volz GIS Specialist _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Mon Oct 15 06:55:09 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:55:09 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapCache - received wms request with no service param Message-ID: <> Hi, Service is not a compulsory parameter for GetMaps. See an old issue at -Jukka Rahkonen- Mark Volz wrote: TC Haddad and others, I tried manually modifying the URL within ArcMap to include SERVICE=WMS so I can use MapCache within ArcMap. However, even with the request url changed to: http://myserver/mapcache?SERVICE=WMS& I am still getting the same "received wms request with no service param" error. I am guessing that when ArcMap send the get capabilities request: /mapcache?SERVICE=WMS&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities that MapCache is not reminding ESRI to use SERVICE=WMS, or ESRI is ignoring that parameter. If you have any other thoughts let me know Thanks Mark Volz GIS Specialist From: TC Haddad [mailto:tchaddad at] Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 4:22 PM To: Mark Volz Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] MapCache - received wms request with no service param the url needs to have: SERVICE=WMS in it somewhere. Is ArcMap leaving it out? Sometimes I have seen problems with case sensitivity (and I think uppercase is safer in this situation) On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Mark Volz > wrote: Hello, I noticed that ArcMap could not load my layer that is in a WMS Mapcache. When I copied the URL request from ArcMap to a browser I received an error "received wms request with no service param." So I must have something misconfigured. Any thoughts? Thank You Mark Volz GIS Specialist _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thomas.bonfort at Mon Oct 15 07:59:45 2012 From: thomas.bonfort at (thomas bonfort) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 16:59:45 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache_seed segfault when using threading [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Matthew, What would help is if you could provide a backtrace from the segfault: - reconfigure with --enable-debug / recompile / reinstall - gdb mapcache_seed - run [previous args: -n 4 -c /path/to/mapcache.xml etc...] - wait till segfault - bt thanks, thomas On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Matthew Doyle wrote: > Hi Thomas & MapCache users, > > A little background: we are developing a weather forecasting tool which > provides a visual representation of a quite a large dataset (NetCDF grid, 7 > days of data every three hours). As such, we have many diferent layers and a > very large number of tiles which require seeding multiple times per day. > > Based on very impressive seeding results from tests carried out on on RHEL 5 > (a VM box with 8 cores), seeding using 8 threads, and encountering no issues > during these tests, the decision was made to purchase the best hardware > available in order to seed our tiles as quickly as possible when going > operational. > > > The issue: mapcache_seed is halting with "segmentation fault (core dumped)" > on our new operational machine when using any number of threads > 1. The > higher the number of threads, the more likely it is to segfault. The issue > appears during the initialisation phase just prior to seeding as once the > seeding run is initialised it will complete successfully, but if the > segfault occurs it will occur and exit almost immediately after execution. > > I will try to provide as much information as possible, please let me know > what would be useful, perhaps the core dump ? or a simple test case > (MapServer mapfile / data file / mapcache xml / seeding parameters) in the > hope that you might be able to reproduce? > > Hardware: > > Power Edge R820, 4-socket, 2U blade server > Populated with four Intel Xeon E5 processors > Processor E5-4650L - 20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s), Clock Speed2.6 GHz. > Max > Turbo Frequency 3.1 GHz, > Each processor has 8 (microprocessor) cores, > Supporting 16 threads per core with hyper threading, > A total of 64 threads, and > 300GB RAM. (48 DIMMS (upgradable to 1.5 TB of memory)) > > OS: > > Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago) > > Software: > > Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) > > mod_wsgi > mod_mapcache > > MapServer 6.0.3 > MapCache (current devel 6.2.0beta2) > Gdal 1.8.1 > Python 2.6.6 > > Python Mapscript > > Perl 5.10.1 > > Perl Mapscript > > Postgres 8.4.12/PostGIS 1.5.3 > > Our WMS service is a very basic Python MapScript wrapper via mod_wsgi, but i > have also tried standard CGI Python and CGI Perl wrappers with the same > results. > > We are using non-linear resolution steps to avoid seeding too many tiles. > Perhaps that is a problem with depth seeding? > We are using a metatile area of 8 x 8. > > Attempting to seed using any number of threads will cause a segfault > (usually any number higher than 4, but i have seen it fail with less). It's > worth mentioning that if n threads is set to 1, then the seeding process > executes and completes without any issues. Any light you can shed on this > situation and any suggestions are greatly appreciated. > > Best regards, > Matt From vincentpmiller at Mon Oct 15 20:43:13 2012 From: vincentpmiller at (Vince Miller) Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 20:43:13 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] ubuntu 12.04 install problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> OK, so I solved the freetype problem, and the mapserver ./configure --with-postgis --with-geos seemed to work fine. but the mapserver 6.0.3 make crashes with the following message: ./libmapserver.a(maputil.o): In function `msSetup': maputil.c:(.text+0x17c9): undefined reference to `gdFontCacheSetup' ./libmapserver.a(maputil.o): In function `msCleanup': maputil.c:(.text+0x180e): undefined reference to `gdFontCacheShutdown' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 Any advice? From erik.guldberg at Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 From: erik.guldberg at (Erick) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 02:21:19 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with GetFeatureInfo in Internet Explorer Message-ID: <> Hello, When I try to open this GetFeatureInfo request in Firefox or Chrome, I get the result inside the browser window. When I try to open it in Internet Explorer I get the result as a file I have to download. Does anybody know why, and how to get the result inside the browser?,7002377,231190,7006179&WIDTH=1230&HEIGHT=719&X=615&Y=359 Thanks, Erik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 16 02:58:17 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:58:17 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with GetFeatureInfo in Internet Explorer In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hi Erik, I guess this is a different aproach of IE rather than FF. AFAIK, IE will use the extension of downloaded file to understand what kind of file it is and launch the right viewer. Insted FF will use the mime information to understand the kind of file. So I should say to IE to link the .dat (the extension of the GML returned from MapServer) to the IE himself or to a XML viewer. Regards, Andrea. 2012/10/16 Erick > Hello, > When I try to open this GetFeatureInfo request in Firefox or Chrome, I get > the result inside the browser window. When I try to open it in Internet > Explorer I get the result as a file I have to download. Does anybody know > why, and how to get the result inside the browser? > > >,7002377,231190,7006179&WIDTH=1230&HEIGHT=719&X=615&Y=359 > > > Thanks, > Erik > > > > -- > View this message in context: > > Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From erik.guldberg at Tue Oct 16 03:47:56 2012 From: erik.guldberg at (Erick) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 03:47:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with GetFeatureInfo in Internet Explorer In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Thanks for answering, I figured out that the problem was the format parameter. The format I really want to use is html/text. I wrote format=html instead of format=html/text. Internet Explorer was the only browser who gave an error. So no need to change the browser settings. Regards, Erik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From info at Tue Oct 16 05:55:07 2012 From: info at (Helmut Seidel M.A.) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 14:55:07 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] PDF-Output to scale Message-ID: <> Hello everybody, I'm quite new to php-mapserver programming. So here is my first question. Id like to print/put the current view to a certain scale (i. e. 1:500, 1:1000, etc) to a pdf-file. Does anybody know if there is an example how to achieve this? Thanks and regards From kobben at Tue Oct 16 08:01:27 2012 From: kobben at (=?Windows-1252?Q?Barend_K=F6bben?=) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 17:01:27 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] FOSS4g 2013 Academic Track CfP In-Reply-To: Message-ID: FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham "Geo for All" [follow the news on for upcoming CfP fro other tracks, workshops, etcetera] Academic Track: ?Science for Open Source, Open Source for Science? First Call for Papers The FOSS4G 2013 Academic Track is bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields. With the Academic Track motto ?Science for Open Source, Open Source for Science?, we aim to attract academic papers describing * the use of open source geospatial software and data, in and for scientific research, as well as * academic endeavours to conceptualize, create, assess, and teach open source geospatial software and data. Based on these categories, to promote a strong connection between the Academic Track and the other elements of FOSS4G 2013, we hope for contributions within the following themes: * Data Quality, Software Quality and Service Quality * Community Building * Doing more for less: Assessment of costs and benefits of open source applications and open source business models * Use of Open Data to inform public services * FOSS vs. FOSS4g: Is spatial special? * Architectures and frameworks for open source software and data * Teaching Geospatial Sciences with open source solutions * Open Source GIS application use cases : Government, Participatory GIS, Location based services, Health, Energy, Water, Climate change, etc. * Human-Computer Interfaces and Usability in and around Open GI systems We invite academics and researchers to submit full papers in English, of maximum 8,000 words, before the deadline of 1 February 2013. More detailed requirements, regarding layout, formatting and the submission process, will be published in the 2nd Call for Papers, expected late November 2012. Your contributions will be reviewed (double-blind) by a diverse reviewing committee of experts in the field, who will be asked to assess the papers on originality and academic rigour, as well as interest for the wider FOSS4G community. We expect to select 20-25 papers for presentation and publication. From this selection, a maximum of 8-10 papers will be given the opportunity for inclusion in a special issue of the renowned international journal Transactions in GIS [1]. The remaining papers will be published in the online OSGEO Journal [2]. We would like to specifically invite ?early stage researchers? (PhD students, PostDocs) to use this opportunity to aim for a high-ranking publication. Authors of all selected papers will be expected to present their work in detail in a separate Academic Track (with 20-30 minute slots), and will also be given the opportunity to pitch the central theme of their paper in short 'lightning' talks to the larger community, to generate attention and cross-pollenate with industry, developers and users. Important Dates: * now: 1st Call for Papers * Late 2012: 2nd CfP (with detailed submission procedures and requirements) * 1 February 2013: Submission of full papers * 1 April 2013: Reviewing decisions * 1 May 2013: Paper revision deadline * 15 September 2013: publication of selected papers - 8-10 papers in Early View (on-line) Transactions in GIS - others in on-line OSGEO Journal * 17-21 September 2013: FOSS4G Conference * early 2014: printed issue Transactions in GIS For questions, comments and remarks, contact the Academic Track co-chairs: * Franz-Josef Behr (Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences): franz-josef.behr [at] * Barend K?bben (ITC-University of Twente): kobben [at] [1]: Transactions in GIS. Published by Wiley; included in ISI, with an impact factor of 0.54; edited by John P. Wilson, David O'Sullivan and Alexander Zipf. Print ISSN: 1361-1682 Online ISSN: 1467-9671. [2]: OSGEO Journal, the official Journal of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation; ________________________________ Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) University of Twente Chamber of Commerce: 501305360000 E-mail disclaimer The information in this e-mail, including any attachments, is intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or action in relation to the content of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete the message and any attachment and inform the sender by return e-mail. ITC accepts no liability for any error or omission in the message content or for damage of any kind that may arise as a result of e-mail transmission. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Tue Oct 16 08:28:29 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 17:28:29 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid Message-ID: Hi all, I'm using Tinyows 1.0.0 on win7 machine, postgresql 9.1 and postgis 1.5.5. All seems to work well, I mean: 1) Give a good answer 2) http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/tinyows.exe?service=wfs&version=1.0.0&request=getfeature&typename=posti_geom&maxfeatures=1 Give a good answer 3) QGIS is capable to retrieve and plot the data (points) So, the problems: A) I'm not able from the shell of windows to launchcorrectly: .\tinyows.exe --check I get always the same error: "Unable to open config file" But maybe is a Windows error, because as I said by browser I'm pretty able to retrieve the information I need. B) Most important, I'm not able to have my data on OpenLayers! Looking at tinyows.log I had these error messages: [ERROR] Element '{}import': Failed to locate a schema at location ''. Skipping the import. [ERROR] Element '{}GetFeature': No matching global declaration available for the validation root. And finally: [ERROR] XML request isn't valid The call made by TinyOws to retrieve the layer in OpenLayers seems to be (from tinyows.log): [QUERY] But I'm not trying to retrieve the data in EPSG:4326, but in 3875 (or 900913)! Anyway, on the other side, in Apache error.log, I get: [client] error : No such file or directory\r, referer: http://localhost:8080/mappa.html [error] [client] I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""\r, referer: http://localhost:8080/mappa.html And, from the browser, I get the following response message: XML request isn't valid I don't know what to do, things seems to work fine except on OpenLayers... I call the tiny_layer in OpenLayers like that: var points = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("punti prova", { strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()], projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"), protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({ url: "http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/tinyows.exe?", version: "1.1.0", featureType: "posti_geom", featureNS: "http://localhost:8080/", readFormat: new OpenLayers.Format.GML({ 'internalProjection': new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"), 'externalProjection': new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913") }) }) }); The map is in 900913, with OSM as base layer (the OSM map is loaded without problem). Finally my config.xml file: Thanks for any help!!!!! Riccardo -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lgnemmi at Tue Oct 16 09:13:03 2012 From: lgnemmi at (Ludovic Gnemmi) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 09:13:03 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS Server - GetCapabilities : Wrong WGS84BoundingBox Message-ID: <> Hi List, And i'm a bit lost with my server : For each layer : The WGS84BoundingBox returned by WFS Capabilities is different from EX_GeographicBoundingBox returned by the WMS Capabilities (which is correct). Longitudes are slightly offset. And I don't undestand why. I'm runing MS 6.2rc1 (with gdal 1.9.2) Thanks for your help *WFS Capabilities for my layer*: commune commune urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27562 text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1 *3.25449830506514* 45.0322364698095*4.90746655965819* 46.4436690375305 *WMS Capabilities for the same layer: * commune commune EPSG:27562 *5.59081* *7.27355* 45.0235 46.4437 3.25449830506514 45.0322364698095 4.90746655965819 46.4436690375305 *And my map file :* map name "mymap" extent 856234 15002 977228 165832 units meters projection "init=epsg:27562" end web metadata "wms_title" "Test WMS" "wms_srs" "EPSG:27562" "wfs_title" "Test WFS" "wfs_onlineresource" "http://..//mapfiles/" "wfs_maxfeatures" "10000" "ows_enable_request" "*" END end LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "usr/pwd at" DATA "GEOM FROM usr.COMMUNE_PS USING UNIQUE UNIQUE_ID" NAME "commune" DUMP TRUE projection "init=epsg:27562" end METADATA "wms_title" "commune" "wms_extent" "856234 15002 977228 165832" "wfs_extent" "856234 15002 977228 165832" "wfs_title" "commune" "ows_srs" "EPSG:27562" "gml_include_items" "all" "gml_featureid" "UNIQUE_ID" END TYPE polygon OPACITY 100 SIZEUNITS pixels LABELITEM "NOM" CLASS NAME "Untitled class" STYLE OPACITY 100 OUTLINECOLOR 21 21 21 WIDTH 1 END END END -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From olivier.courtin at Tue Oct 16 09:14:52 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 18:14:52 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi Riccardo, Well if everything work's fine except OpenLayers, maybe it's an OpenLayers configuration issue... TinyOWS debug tools are really unix based, so could be a bit painfull under Win32... I suggest you to begin to follow step by step this tutorial, to check that everything work as expected: Nota: With OpenLayers client retrieving data as GeoJson is a better idea than as GML. HTH, -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tim.banchi at Wed Oct 17 01:06:04 2012 From: tim.banchi at (Tim Banchi) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 10:06:04 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] ubuntu 12.04 install problem In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: Hello Vincent, I understand too little about graphics libraries or masperver to know the source of these error messages but it seems that you are missing some GD graphics libraries? I followed the following how-to (at least for configuring and compiling mapserver) and mapserver worked out fine: does this help? I can also send you a list of libgd* libraries I have installed (but I guess actually the configure script of mapserver should make sure that everything is installed, right?) Tim 2012/10/16 Vince Miller > OK, so I solved the freetype problem, and the mapserver > > ./configure --with-postgis --with-geos > > seemed to work fine. but the mapserver 6.0.3 make crashes with the > following message: > > ./libmapserver.a(maputil.o): In function `msSetup': > maputil.c:(.text+0x17c9): undefined reference to `gdFontCacheSetup' > ./libmapserver.a(maputil.o): In function `msCleanup': > maputil.c:(.text+0x180e): undefined reference to `gdFontCacheShutdown' > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > Any advice? > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Wed Oct 17 05:09:53 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 14:09:53 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thanks Olivier. It doesn't work anyway. I can see the layer "base" but not my tinyows layer... I post for you: 1) my config.xml file: 2) the tinyows.log error: [ERROR] Element '{}import': Failed to locate a schema at location ''. Skipping the import. [ERROR] Element '{}GetFeature': No matching global declaration available for the validation root. 3) the result of the call '' seems to work. I get: 4) Finally the error on apache error.log: [client] error : No such file or directory\r, referer: http://localhost:8080/tinyows.html [error] [client] I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""\r, referer: http://localhost:8080/tinyows.html On QGIS I'm able to load the layer without problem, as before. Thanks again, Riccardo P.S.:sorry Olivier maybe before I've answered just to you... 2012/10/16 Olivier Courtin > Hi Riccardo, > > Well if everything work's fine except OpenLayers, > maybe it's an OpenLayers configuration issue... > > TinyOWS debug tools are really unix based, > so could be a bit painfull under Win32... > > I suggest you to begin to follow step by step > this tutorial, to check that everything work as expected: > > > > Nota: With OpenLayers client retrieving data as GeoJson > is a better idea than as GML. > > HTH, > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fabiobrolese-forum at Wed Oct 17 05:35:07 2012 From: fabiobrolese-forum at (Fabio Brolese) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 13:35:07 +0100 (BST) Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Hello folks, it was my mistake and I didn't see that the layers specified were connected to a men? leaf. We have inherited this project and we aren't familiar with MapServer, this is why we have a lot of questions. Now I can see the new base layer connected to the men?, I've configured correctly the MapServer files and structure but now when I select the base layer based on shape file I'm encountering this problem: forcing '/fcgi-bin/mapserv-5.2.0.bin.fcgi' to get passed through to next API URI-to-filename handler Do you know what could be caused by? Do I need some component? I think not because I read that MapServer can treat this type of file natively. Is this true? TIA Fabio >________________________________ > Da: Mr. Puneet Kishor >A: "mapserver-users at" >Cc: Fabio Brolese >Inviato: Venerd? 5 Ottobre 2012 8:34 >Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile > > >On Oct 4, 2012, at 10:56 PM, Fabio Brolese wrote: > >> Trying using shapefile as base layer I didn't find where to put my shapefile and to let them seen by MapServer. The examples say me to set the map file correctly but not where to save the shp files how to say to MapServer where thay are. Is there a directive in the main map file where to set the location of shp files like I set the log file path and etc. >> >> > > > >MAP >? SHAPEPATH [filename] >? ? Path to the directory holding the shapefiles or tiles. >? ? There can be further subdirectories under SHAPEPATH. > > > > > > >LAYER >? DATA [filename]|[sde parameters][postgis table/column][oracle table/column] >? ? Full filename of the spatial data to process. No file >? ? extension is necessary for shapefiles. Can be specified >? ? relative to the SHAPEPATH option from the Map Object. > > > > > > >> >> >> >> >> >>> ________________________________ >>> Da: Cristiano Sumariva >>> A: Fabio Brolese >>> Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 13:14 >>> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >>> >>> >>> If your map vector is not huge, and processing time is not a problem - something greater then a few seconds for a tile - you can use a WMS layer as base. >>> Just add isBaseLayer true to parameter options on layer. >>> This should be minimal to change. >>> At my sites I did not note WMS overhead on requests. >>> You should know that OpenLayers is greed and will issue several concurrent requests to server. Processing spikes will happen. >>> >>> >>> For larger sets you maybe at the need of some cache stuff. >>> Consider using one in a programming language you know in case you need do maintenance in source code. >>> Or if confortable with some, create your particular simple cache maybe an option. >>> >>> >>> 2012/10/2 Fabio Brolese >>> >>> Yes, sorry, I was talking about OpenLayers. >>>> I understood and is like I did with all the layers I set pointing on PostGIS. I have also a "base layer" set as OpenLayers.Layer.TMS that load image tiles to show the city map. What we want to do is to change the base layer to read the city map from shapfile instead of reading image tiles. >>>> >>>> >>>> Do you know if there is a way to do what we want or do I have to reconsider my structure and consider and use it as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS? >>>> >>>> >>>> Fabio >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>> ________________________________ >>>>> Da: Rahkonen Jukka >>>>> A: "mapserver-users at" >>>>> Inviato: Marted? 2 Ottobre 2012 9:05 >>>>> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer and shapefile >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Hi, >>>>> >>>>> Because you talk about base layer I think that you are perhaps going to show your map in OpenLayers. If that is the case then the answer is yes and this OpenLayers example shows how it can be done. >>>>> >>>>> On the Mapserver side you must configure a WMS layer that is using shapefile as >> input data. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -Jukka Rahkonen- >>>>> ________________________________ >>>>> Fabio Brolese wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hello everybody, >>>>>> after a long search on Google I'm here to ask you if it's possible to use a shapefile as base layer. >>>>>> Everything I found was on exporting to shapefile or drawing objects from shapefile but nothing saying that I can >use it as base layer. >>>>> >>>>> Can anyone help me? >>>>> >>>>> TIA >>>>> >>>>> Fabio >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> mapserver-users mailing list >>>>> mapserver-users at >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> mapserver-users mailing list >>>> mapserver-users at >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Steve.Lime at Wed Oct 17 08:00:30 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 15:00:30 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] FW: [OSGeo-Discuss] News: NASA World Wind Selects MapServer as Engine Message-ID: Cool news... Steve -----Original Message----- From: discuss-bounces at [mailto:discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jeff McKenna Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 9:29 AM To: osgeo Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] News: NASA World Wind Selects MapServer as Engine (I think this press release is of interest to the OSGeo community) -- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE *NASA World Wind Server to Leverage MapServer Open Source Engine* Moffett Field, CA. 16 October 2012 The NASA World Wind project team has selected the MapServer Open Source mapping engine to serve its many digital raster formats to World Wind clients. MapServer will serve images and raw data through the Internet by various Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Providing large amounts of spatial data (including world-wide coverage of digital elevation models, DEMs, and aerial imagery) to World Wind clients requires a high performance architecture that will now use the MapServer engine, caching of images, and load-balanced servers. Technical expertise for MapServer will be provided by Mapgears (Chicoutimi, QC) and Gateway Geomatics (Lunenburg, NS). Due to MapServer compliance with OGC standards and World Wind Server standards, except for possibly the increased performance provided by MapServer, this transition will be entirely transparent to the World Wind user community. "MapServer will allow the NASA World Wind a smooth transition to a mature Open Source engine," said Patrick Hogan, the NASA Project Manager of World Wind. Daniel Morissette, President of Mapgears, added "We are thrilled to have this opportunity to work with the NASA World Wind team to help push the limits of the technology and to contribute with MapServer to the next generation of NASA World Wind Servers that will deliver the data of organizations around the world for years to come." Jeff McKenna, Director of Gateway Geomatics, said "Our long-time focus on assisting organizations publish their spatial data through MapServer, especially on the Windows platform, adds a key piece of an innovative solution with the Mapgears team. Together we will help to allow the World Wind community to visualize and analyze large amounts of data efficiently through MapServer." Jeff also believes that this project will help both the MapServer and World Wind communities grow. About NASA World Wind --------------------- NASA World Wind ( is a three-dimensional geographic information system developed by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), its partners, and the Open Source community. The World Wind client is an interactive 3D geographic visualization system, where Earth and other planets can be explored in their full 3D native context. World Wind was released as Open Source in August 2004, and is being extensively used by corporations and government agencies throughout the world. About Mapgears -------------- Members of Mapgears' ( team have been active for over a decade in the development of the MapServer Web mapping engine and related open source technologies of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). Mapgears offers professional, yet personalized services to assist application developers and integrators who made the choice of MapServer and other OSGeo technologies such as PostGIS, GDAL/OGR, OpenLayers, GeoExt and GeoPrisma. About Gateway Geomatics ----------------------- Gateway Geomatics ( is an innovative company on the East coast of Canada, assisting organizations publish their spatial information openly, through MapServer. With the hugely popular MapServer for Windows (MS4W) suite, developed and maintained by Gateway, organizations of all sizes can quickly share their spatial information on their own servers. The director of Gateway Geomatics, Jeff McKenna, also focuses on the user-side of Web mapping, and offers hands-on training with the MapServer project all around the world. ### _______________________________________________ Discuss mailing list Discuss at From daithiquinn at Wed Oct 17 09:30:22 2012 From: daithiquinn at (David Quinn) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 12:30:22 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' Message-ID: Hello List, I'm getting the following error when I try to compile mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 $make /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib shp2img.lo -o shp2img libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/david/lib ./.libs/ undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, giflib and libcurl I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: -------------- Compiler Info ------------- C compiler: gcc -g -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall Debug: -g Generic NINT: -------------- Renderer Settings --------- OpenGL support: zlib support: png support: -DUSE_PNG gif support: -DUSE_GIF jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV AGG support: internal GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_GIF Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO Cairo SVG symbol support: KML support: -DUSE_KML -------------- Support Libraries --------- Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ Proj Fastpaths: Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 FriBidi support: Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH FastCGI support: Exempi support: Threading support: GEOS support: -DUSE_GEOS XML Mapfile support: XSLT support: EXSLT support: -------------- Data Format Drivers ------- PostGIS support: -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION ArcSDE support: OGR support: -DUSE_OGR GDAL support: -DUSE_GDAL Oracle Spatial support: -------------- OGC Services -------------- WMS Server: -DUSE_WMS_SVR WMS Client: -DUSE_WMS_LYR WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR WCS Server: -DUSE_WCS_SVR SOS Server: -------------- MapScript ----------------- PHP MapScript: yes Python MapScript: no -David From umberto.nicoletti at Wed Oct 17 10:31:49 2012 From: umberto.nicoletti at (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 19:31:49 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: David, what is your os/platform? On Oct 17, 2012 6:30 PM, "David Quinn" wrote: > > Hello List, > > I'm getting the following error when I try to compile mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 > > $make > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib > shp2img.lo -o shp2img > libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img > ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ > -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig > -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM > -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath > -Wl,/home/david/lib > ./.libs/ undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning: >, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with > so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, > giflib and libcurl > > I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: > > > -------------- Compiler Info ------------- > C compiler: gcc -g -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement > C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall > Debug: -g > Generic NINT: > > -------------- Renderer Settings --------- > OpenGL support: > zlib support: > png support: -DUSE_PNG > gif support: -DUSE_GIF > jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG > freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE > iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV > AGG support: internal > GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_GIF > Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO > Cairo SVG symbol support: > KML support: -DUSE_KML > > -------------- Support Libraries --------- > Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ > Proj Fastpaths: > Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 > FriBidi support: > Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH > FastCGI support: > Exempi support: > Threading support: > GEOS support: -DUSE_GEOS > XML Mapfile support: > XSLT support: > EXSLT support: > > -------------- Data Format Drivers ------- > PostGIS support: -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION > ArcSDE support: > OGR support: -DUSE_OGR > GDAL support: -DUSE_GDAL > Oracle Spatial support: > > -------------- OGC Services -------------- > WMS Server: -DUSE_WMS_SVR > WMS Client: -DUSE_WMS_LYR > WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR > WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR > WCS Server: -DUSE_WCS_SVR > SOS Server: > > -------------- MapScript ----------------- > PHP MapScript: yes > Python MapScript: no > > -David > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From MarkVolz at Wed Oct 17 12:08:42 2012 From: MarkVolz at (Mark Volz) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 19:08:42 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript - msProcessProjection() Message-ID: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156E6A@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Hello, I am working on page that uses php mapscript. The code works fine on my development Apache/MS4W computer. I am having trouble getting it to work on a server that is using IIS/MS4W. I should note that server is running GeoMOOSE within the IIS/MS4W environment fine. Anyways the code crashes on "$sq_img = $map->drawquery(); // draw the image" and reports an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory. Any ideas how I can fix this problem? Thanks Mark Volz GIS Specialist From bfraser at Wed Oct 17 13:36:51 2012 From: bfraser at (Brent Fraser) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 14:36:51 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript - msProcessProjection() In-Reply-To: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156E6A@swmail01.r8nssis.local> References: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156E6A@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Message-ID: <> Mark, Does adding CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "\ms4w\proj\nad" to your mapfile help? Best Regards, Brent Fraser On 10/17/2012 1:08 PM, Mark Volz wrote: > Hello, > > I am working on page that uses php mapscript. The code works fine on my development Apache/MS4W computer. I am having trouble getting it to work on a server that is using IIS/MS4W. I should note that server is running GeoMOOSE within the IIS/MS4W environment fine. Anyways the code crashes on "$sq_img = $map->drawquery(); // draw the image" and reports an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory. > > Any ideas how I can fix this problem? > > Thanks > > Mark Volz > GIS Specialist > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > From MarkVolz at Wed Oct 17 14:09:09 2012 From: MarkVolz at (Mark Volz) Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:09:09 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript - msProcessProjection() In-Reply-To: <> References: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156E6A@swmail01.r8nssis.local> <> Message-ID: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156EEE@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Brent, Yes that did work. Thank You Mark Volz GIS Specialist > -----Original Message----- > From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at] > Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:37 PM > To: Mark Volz > Cc: mapserver-users at > Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] mapscript - msProcessProjection() > > Mark, > > Does adding > > CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "\ms4w\proj\nad" > > to your mapfile help? > > Best Regards, > Brent Fraser > > On 10/17/2012 1:08 PM, Mark Volz wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I am working on page that uses php mapscript. The code works fine on my > development Apache/MS4W computer. I am having trouble getting it to > work on a server that is using IIS/MS4W. I should note that server is running > GeoMOOSE within the IIS/MS4W environment fine. Anyways the code > crashes on "$sq_img = $map->drawquery(); // draw the image" and reports > an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): No such file or > directory. > > > > Any ideas how I can fix this problem? > > > > Thanks > > > > Mark Volz > > GIS Specialist > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > mapserver-users mailing list > > mapserver-users at > > > > > From olivier.courtin at Wed Oct 17 23:53:35 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 08:53:35 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: > Thanks Olivier. It doesn't work anyway. I can see the layer "base" but not > my tinyows layer... > Humm, could you give information on the way you install TinyOWS on your Win32 ? (looking for a way to reproduce this behaviour...) -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Thu Oct 18 02:17:00 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:17:00 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Ok. First of all I have to say that I use as Apache the EntrepriseDB-ApachePHP, installed by PostgreSQL "Application Stack Builder", I don't know if this could be the problem... Anyway, for Tinyows I unzip the file: Then: - I've moved the folder "tinyows" (with the folder "schema" and the "config.xml") in "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP" - I've moved the file "tinyows.exe" in "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\apache\cgi-bin" - I've moved the file "http_tinyows.conf" in "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\apache\conf\addons" - I've changed the content of the file "http_tinyows.conf" in: # set environment vars necessary for Tinyows: SetEnv TINYOWS_CONFIG_FILE "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\tinyows\config.xml" SetEnv TINYOWS_SCHEMA_DIR "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\tinyows\schema\" - I've added the follow lines at the end of the "httpd.conf": Alias /tinyows/ "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\tinyows\" AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews Order allow,deny Allow from all - In the head of the file "config.xml" I put: Hope this could help. Now I'm trying to do some test with the older version 0.9.0, I'll let you know. Riccardo 2012/10/18 Olivier Courtin > > > On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: > >> Thanks Olivier. It doesn't work anyway. I can see the layer "base" but >> not my tinyows layer... >> > > Humm, could you give information on the way you install TinyOWS on your > Win32 ? > (looking for a way to reproduce this behaviour...) > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Thu Oct 18 02:33:42 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:33:42 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I'm testing the pevious version for windows, the 0.9.0, and it doesn't work as well. But from the Windows shell when I launch: .\tinyows.exe --check With this 0.9 version I get the first rows that seems to be good: TinyOWS version: 0.9.0 FCGI support: Yes Config File Path: @prefix@/tinyows/config.xml Then the program "tinyows.exe" crash and I've to close it. Strange! But if I think that with the version 1.0 I just get: Unable to open config file ! The message get with the version 0.9 sounds to me better! Anyway it doesn't work as well because it crash also by browser... 2012/10/18 Riccardo Gaeta > Ok. > First of all I have to say that I use as Apache the > EntrepriseDB-ApachePHP, installed by PostgreSQL "Application Stack > Builder", I don't know if this could be the problem... > Anyway, for Tinyows I unzip the file: > > > Then: > > - I've moved the folder "tinyows" (with the folder "schema" and the > "config.xml") in "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP" > > - I've moved the file "tinyows.exe" in > "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\apache\cgi-bin" > > - I've moved the file "http_tinyows.conf" in > "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\apache\conf\addons" > > - I've changed the content of the file "http_tinyows.conf" in: > # set environment vars necessary for Tinyows: > SetEnv TINYOWS_CONFIG_FILE > "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\tinyows\config.xml" > SetEnv TINYOWS_SCHEMA_DIR > "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\tinyows\schema\" > > - I've added the follow lines at the end of the "httpd.conf": > Alias /tinyows/ "C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\tinyows\" > > > AllowOverride None > Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews > Order allow,deny > Allow from all > > > - In the head of the file "config.xml" I put: > schema_dir="C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\apache\www\tinyows\schema\" > log="C:\PostgreSQL\EnterpriseDB-ApachePHP\apache\logs\tinyows.log" > log_level="7"> > > Hope this could help. > Now I'm trying to do some test with the older version 0.9.0, I'll let you > know. > > Riccardo > > > > 2012/10/18 Olivier Courtin > >> >> >> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: >> >>> Thanks Olivier. It doesn't work anyway. I can see the layer "base" but >>> not my tinyows layer... >>> >> >> Humm, could you give information on the way you install TinyOWS on your >> Win32 ? >> (looking for a way to reproduce this behaviour...) >> >> -- >> Olivier >> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> >> >> > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Thu Oct 18 02:55:54 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:55:54 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: 0.9 version is that old, and should not be used anymore, for any reasons... 1.0.0rc3, well was an rc, and several fixes was corrected before launching 1.0.0 You could give a look at OSGeo4W as they provide a 1.0.0rc4 (yeap still an rc) But a real solution would be that someone take Win32 packaging in charge, Also for information: -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Thu Oct 18 03:25:53 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:25:53 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I go to the link you suggest but I didn't find the rc4 version for windows to download... Anyway, I copy some dll (like gdal, geos,xercers,libxml2,etc) into my cgi-bin directory from a previous version of an Apache2 windows installation. And the error message change! Now I obtain (from tinyows.log): [ERROR] Element '{}import': Skipping import of schema located at '' for the namespace '', since this namespace was already imported with the schema located at ''. [ERROR] Filter parameter doesn't validate WFS Schema On QGIS always work well. Mmmmhhhhhh.... I suppose I have maybe 2 problem: 1-I need some dll library in window 2-the tinyows.exe of version 1.0.0rc3 is damaged in someway Thanks again for your help, any other tips is appreciated! riccardo 2012/10/18 Olivier Courtin > 0.9 version is that old, and should not be used anymore, for any reasons... > 1.0.0rc3, well was an rc, and several fixes was corrected before launching > 1.0.0 > > You could give a look at OSGeo4W as they provide a 1.0.0rc4 (yeap still an > rc) > > > But a real solution would be that someone take Win32 packaging in charge, > Also for information: > > > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tiedtke at Thu Oct 18 04:01:42 2012 From: tiedtke at (Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 08:01:42 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi, I having the same problem when trying to compile the mapserver with msys/mingw under Ms windows 7 32bit. Regards, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis Em 17/10/2012 14:32, "Umberto Nicoletti" escreveu: > David, > what is your os/platform? > > On Oct 17, 2012 6:30 PM, "David Quinn" wrote: > > > > Hello List, > > > > I'm getting the following error when I try to compile mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 > > > > $make > > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib > > shp2img.lo -o shp2img > > libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img > > ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ > > -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ > > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig > > -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM > > -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath > > -Wl,/home/david/lib > > ./.libs/ undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' > > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > > > I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning: > >, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with > > so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, > > giflib and libcurl > > > > I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: > > > > > > -------------- Compiler Info ------------- > > C compiler: gcc -g -Wall > -Wdeclaration-after-statement > > C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall > > Debug: -g > > Generic NINT: > > > > -------------- Renderer Settings --------- > > OpenGL support: > > zlib support: > > png support: -DUSE_PNG > > gif support: -DUSE_GIF > > jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG > > freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE > > iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV > > AGG support: internal > > GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG > -DUSE_GD_GIF > > Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO > > Cairo SVG symbol support: > > KML support: -DUSE_KML > > > > -------------- Support Libraries --------- > > Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ > > Proj Fastpaths: > > Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 > > FriBidi support: > > Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH > > FastCGI support: > > Exempi support: > > Threading support: > > GEOS support: -DUSE_GEOS > > XML Mapfile support: > > XSLT support: > > EXSLT support: > > > > -------------- Data Format Drivers ------- > > PostGIS support: -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION > > ArcSDE support: > > OGR support: -DUSE_OGR > > GDAL support: -DUSE_GDAL > > Oracle Spatial support: > > > > -------------- OGC Services -------------- > > WMS Server: -DUSE_WMS_SVR > > WMS Client: -DUSE_WMS_LYR > > WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR > > WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR > > WCS Server: -DUSE_WCS_SVR > > SOS Server: > > > > -------------- MapScript ----------------- > > PHP MapScript: yes > > Python MapScript: no > > > > -David > > _______________________________________________ > > mapserver-users mailing list > > mapserver-users at > > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From M.Kofahl at Thu Oct 18 04:03:27 2012 From: M.Kofahl at (Martin Kofahl) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:03:27 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS Server - GetCapabilities : Wrong WGS84BoundingBox In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Ludovic, I filed a ticket for this issue. Thank you Martin -------- Original-Nachricht -------- > Datum: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 09:13:03 -0700 (PDT) > Von: Ludovic Gnemmi > An: mapserver-users at > Betreff: [mapserver-users] WFS Server - GetCapabilities : Wrong WGS84BoundingBox > Hi List, > And i'm a bit lost with my server : > For each layer : The WGS84BoundingBox returned by WFS Capabilities is > different from EX_GeographicBoundingBox returned by the WMS Capabilities > (which is correct). Longitudes are slightly offset. And I don't undestand > why. I'm runing MS 6.2rc1 (with gdal 1.9.2) > > Thanks for your help > > *WFS Capabilities for my layer*: > > commune > commune > urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27562 > text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1 > > *3.25449830506514* > 45.0322364698095*4.90746655965819* > 46.4436690375305 > > *WMS Capabilities for the same layer: * > > > commune > commune > EPSG:27562 > > *5.59081* > *7.27355* > 45.0235 > 46.4437 > > maxy="165840"/>3.25449830506514 > 45.0322364698095 > 4.90746655965819 > 46.4436690375305 > > > *And my map file :* > > map > name "mymap" > extent 856234 15002 977228 165832 > units meters > > projection > "init=epsg:27562" > end > > web > metadata > "wms_title" "Test WMS" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:27562" > "wfs_title" "Test WFS" > "wfs_onlineresource" "http://..//mapfiles/" > "wfs_maxfeatures" "10000" > "ows_enable_request" "*" > END > end > > LAYER > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "usr/pwd at" > DATA "GEOM FROM usr.COMMUNE_PS USING UNIQUE UNIQUE_ID" > NAME "commune" > DUMP TRUE > projection > "init=epsg:27562" > end > METADATA > "wms_title" "commune" > "wms_extent" "856234 15002 977228 165832" > "wfs_extent" "856234 15002 977228 165832" > "wfs_title" "commune" > "ows_srs" "EPSG:27562" > "gml_include_items" "all" > "gml_featureid" "UNIQUE_ID" > END > TYPE polygon > OPACITY 100 > SIZEUNITS pixels > LABELITEM "NOM" > CLASS > NAME "Untitled class" > STYLE > OPACITY 100 > OUTLINECOLOR 21 21 21 > WIDTH 1 > END > END > END > > > > > > -- > View this message in context: > > Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From lgnemmi at Thu Oct 18 05:17:07 2012 From: lgnemmi at (Ludovic Gnemmi) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 05:17:07 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with WFS Intersects filter on oraclespatial datasource Message-ID: <> Hi List, I'm experiencing a strange problem with WFS Intersects request on oraclespatial datasource layer. 1/The following Intersects request :,70056 889500,70056 889500,66553 772507,66553 772507,70056 => returns no output (missing)=msQueryByFilter(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found 2/While the same request with BBOX filter (the same BOX)>NAME70056,66553 889500,70056 =>returns normaly all my records 3/i'm not experiencing this problem on SHPfile datasource( that i've converted from oracle ). Both requests return all my records 4/My table is quite big so i tried to reduce the numbers of features returned by Oracle when trying this Intersects filter and it has succeeded So it seems that there is a problem with WFS-Intersects Filter on oraclespatial datasource depending on the numbers of features returned by the oracle select. Thanks for your help -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From jmckenna at Thu Oct 18 06:01:20 2012 From: jmckenna at (Jeff McKenna) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 10:01:20 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript - msProcessProjection() In-Reply-To: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156E6A@swmail01.r8nssis.local> References: <36CA828A36E29F45B7CF0A1766E5DFA3156E6A@swmail01.r8nssis.local> Message-ID: <> On 12-10-17 4:08 PM, Mark Volz wrote: > Hello, > > I am working on page that uses php mapscript. The code works fine on my development Apache/MS4W computer. I am having trouble getting it to work on a server that is using IIS/MS4W. I should note that server is running GeoMOOSE within the IIS/MS4W environment fine. Anyways the code crashes on "$sq_img = $map->drawquery(); // draw the image" and reports an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory. > > Any ideas how I can fix this problem? > Besides Brent's fix, when I work on IIS (with many mapfiles) I set a Windows environment variable for PROJ_LIB (but always make sure to manually reboot your Windows machine for this to take effect). -jeff -- Jeff McKenna MapServer Consulting and Training Services From umberto.nicoletti at Thu Oct 18 07:56:38 2012 From: umberto.nicoletti at (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 16:56:38 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Could you try to compile the following code: /* begin */ int main () { int x;__sync_fetch_and_add(&x,1); ; return 0; } /* end */ How to compile: save to test.c and then run: gcc test.c Best regards, Umberto On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis wrote: > Hi, > > I having the same problem when trying to compile the mapserver with > msys/mingw under Ms windows 7 32bit. > > Regards, > > Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis > Em 17/10/2012 14:32, "Umberto Nicoletti" > escreveu: > > David, >> what is your os/platform? >> >> On Oct 17, 2012 6:30 PM, "David Quinn" wrote: >> > >> > Hello List, >> > >> > I'm getting the following error when I try to compile >> mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 >> > >> > $make >> > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib >> > shp2img.lo -o shp2img >> > libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img >> > ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ >> > -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >> > -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ >> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >> > -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig >> > -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM >> > -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath >> > -Wl,/home/david/lib >> > ./.libs/ undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' >> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >> > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 >> > >> > I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning: >> >, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with >> > so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, >> > giflib and libcurl >> > >> > I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: >> > >> > >> > -------------- Compiler Info ------------- >> > C compiler: gcc -g -Wall >> -Wdeclaration-after-statement >> > C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall >> > Debug: -g >> > Generic NINT: >> > >> > -------------- Renderer Settings --------- >> > OpenGL support: >> > zlib support: >> > png support: -DUSE_PNG >> > gif support: -DUSE_GIF >> > jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG >> > freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE >> > iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV >> > AGG support: internal >> > GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG >> -DUSE_GD_GIF >> > Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO >> > Cairo SVG symbol support: >> > KML support: -DUSE_KML >> > >> > -------------- Support Libraries --------- >> > Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ >> > Proj Fastpaths: >> > Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 >> > FriBidi support: >> > Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH >> > FastCGI support: >> > Exempi support: >> > Threading support: >> > GEOS support: -DUSE_GEOS >> > XML Mapfile support: >> > XSLT support: >> > EXSLT support: >> > >> > -------------- Data Format Drivers ------- >> > PostGIS support: -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION >> > ArcSDE support: >> > OGR support: -DUSE_OGR >> > GDAL support: -DUSE_GDAL >> > Oracle Spatial support: >> > >> > -------------- OGC Services -------------- >> > WMS Server: -DUSE_WMS_SVR >> > WMS Client: -DUSE_WMS_LYR >> > WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR >> > WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR >> > WCS Server: -DUSE_WCS_SVR >> > SOS Server: >> > >> > -------------- MapScript ----------------- >> > PHP MapScript: yes >> > Python MapScript: no >> > >> > -David >> > _______________________________________________ >> > mapserver-users mailing list >> > mapserver-users at >> > >> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> >> >> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tiedtke at Thu Oct 18 08:21:19 2012 From: tiedtke at (Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:21:19 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi, In my case (Msys/Mingw under Windows 7 32bit), no error was presented, and the object a.exe was generated. My env: Tiedtke at Tiedtke-Note ~ $ gcc -v Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=c:/mingw/bin/../libexec/gcc/mingw32/4.7.0/lto-wrapper.exe Target: mingw32 Configured with: ../gcc-4.7.0/configure --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,obj c,obj-c++ --disable-sjlj-exceptions --with-dwarf2 --enable-shared --enable-libgo mp --disable-win32-registry --enable-libstdcxx-debug --disable-build-poststage1- with-cxx --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --build=mingw32 --prefix=/mingw Thread model: win32 gcc version 4.7.0 (GCC) Regards, Tiedtke 2012/10/18 Umberto Nicoletti > Could you try to compile the following code: > > /* begin */ > int > main () > { > int x;__sync_fetch_and_add(&x,1); > ; > return 0; > } > /* end */ > > How to compile: save to test.c and then run: > > gcc test.c > > Best regards, > Umberto > > On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis < > tiedtke at> wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I having the same problem when trying to compile the mapserver with >> msys/mingw under Ms windows 7 32bit. >> >> Regards, >> >> Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis >> Em 17/10/2012 14:32, "Umberto Nicoletti" >> escreveu: >> >> David, >>> what is your os/platform? >>> >>> On Oct 17, 2012 6:30 PM, "David Quinn" wrote: >>> > >>> > Hello List, >>> > >>> > I'm getting the following error when I try to compile >>> mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 >>> > >>> > $make >>> > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib >>> > shp2img.lo -o shp2img >>> > libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img >>> > ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ >>> > -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ >>> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig >>> > -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM >>> > -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath >>> > -Wl,/home/david/lib >>> > ./.libs/ undefined reference to >>> `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' >>> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >>> > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 >>> > >>> > I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning: >>> >, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with >>> > so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, >>> > giflib and libcurl >>> > >>> > I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: >>> > >>> > >>> > -------------- Compiler Info ------------- >>> > C compiler: gcc -g -Wall >>> -Wdeclaration-after-statement >>> > C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall >>> > Debug: -g >>> > Generic NINT: >>> > >>> > -------------- Renderer Settings --------- >>> > OpenGL support: >>> > zlib support: >>> > png support: -DUSE_PNG >>> > gif support: -DUSE_GIF >>> > jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG >>> > freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE >>> > iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV >>> > AGG support: internal >>> > GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG >>> -DUSE_GD_GIF >>> > Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO >>> > Cairo SVG symbol support: >>> > KML support: -DUSE_KML >>> > >>> > -------------- Support Libraries --------- >>> > Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ >>> > Proj Fastpaths: >>> > Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 >>> > FriBidi support: >>> > Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH >>> > FastCGI support: >>> > Exempi support: >>> > Threading support: >>> > GEOS support: -DUSE_GEOS >>> > XML Mapfile support: >>> > XSLT support: >>> > EXSLT support: >>> > >>> > -------------- Data Format Drivers ------- >>> > PostGIS support: -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION >>> > ArcSDE support: >>> > OGR support: -DUSE_OGR >>> > GDAL support: -DUSE_GDAL >>> > Oracle Spatial support: >>> > >>> > -------------- OGC Services -------------- >>> > WMS Server: -DUSE_WMS_SVR >>> > WMS Client: -DUSE_WMS_LYR >>> > WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR >>> > WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR >>> > WCS Server: -DUSE_WCS_SVR >>> > SOS Server: >>> > >>> > -------------- MapScript ----------------- >>> > PHP MapScript: yes >>> > Python MapScript: no >>> > >>> > -David >>> > _______________________________________________ >>> > mapserver-users mailing list >>> > mapserver-users at >>> > >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> mapserver-users mailing list >>> mapserver-users at >>> >>> >>> > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From umberto.nicoletti at Thu Oct 18 10:05:27 2012 From: umberto.nicoletti at (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 19:05:27 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: could you share the configure.log file? I'll try to work on this later today. Thanks, Umberto On Thursday, October 18, 2012, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis wrote: > Hi, > > In my case (Msys/Mingw under Windows 7 32bit), no error was presented, and > the object a.exe was generated. > > My env: > > Tiedtke at Tiedtke-Note ~ > $ gcc -v > Using built-in specs. > COLLECT_GCC=C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe > > COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=c:/mingw/bin/../libexec/gcc/mingw32/4.7.0/lto-wrapper.exe > Target: mingw32 > Configured with: ../gcc-4.7.0/configure > --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,obj > c,obj-c++ --disable-sjlj-exceptions --with-dwarf2 --enable-shared > --enable-libgo > mp --disable-win32-registry --enable-libstdcxx-debug > --disable-build-poststage1- > with-cxx --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --build=mingw32 > --prefix=/mingw > Thread model: win32 > gcc version 4.7.0 (GCC) > > Regards, > > Tiedtke > > > 2012/10/18 Umberto Nicoletti > > Could you try to compile the following code: > > /* begin */ > int > main () > { > int x;__sync_fetch_and_add(&x,1); > ; > return 0; > } > /* end */ > > How to compile: save to test.c and then run: > > gcc test.c > > Best regards, > Umberto > > On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis < > tiedtke at> wrote: > > Hi, > > I having the same problem when trying to compile the mapserver with > msys/mingw under Ms windows 7 32bit. > > Regards, > > Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis > Em 17/10/2012 14:32, "Umberto Nicoletti" > escreveu: > > David, > what is your os/platform? > > On Oct 17, 2012 6:30 PM, "David Quinn" wrote: > > > > Hello List, > > > > I'm getting the following error when I try to compile mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 > > > > $make > > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib > > shp2img.lo -o shp2img > > libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img > > ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ > > -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ > > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ > > -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig > > -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM > > -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath > > -Wl,/home/david/lib > > ./.libs/ undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' > > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > > > I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning: > >, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with > > so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, > > giflib and libcurl > > > > I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: > > > > > > -------------- Compiler Info ------------- > > C compiler: gcc -g -Wall > -Wdeclaration-after-statement > > C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall > > Debug: -g > > Generic NINT: > > > > -------------- Renderer Settings --------- > > OpenGL support: > > zlib support: > > png support: -DUSE_PNG > > gif support: -DUSE_GIF > > jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG > > freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE > > iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV > > AGG support: internal > > GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG > -DUSE_GD_GIF > > Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO > > Cairo SVG symbol support: > > KML support: -DUSE_KML > > > > -------------- Support Libraries --------- > > Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ > > Proj Fastpaths: > > Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 > > FriBidi support: > > Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH > > FastCGI support: > > Exempi support: > > Threading support: > > GEO > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From umberto.nicoletti at Thu Oct 18 14:20:00 2012 From: umberto.nicoletti at (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 23:20:00 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I have opened a pull request that should fix the error you're seeing: let me know if it works so that I can merge it. Btw, for those interested, the code snippet I asked you to compile earlier did not check correctly for the presence of __sync_fetch_and_add, this one does (it should not compile for the both of you): int main () { long x;long y=__sync_fetch_and_add(&x,1); return 0; } Thanks, Umberto On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 8:11 PM, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis wrote: > Hi Umberto, > > My config.log is attached. > > Thanks! > > Best regards, > > > Tiedtke > > 2012/10/18 Umberto Nicoletti > >> could you share the configure.log file? I'll try to work on this later >> today. >> >> Thanks, >> Umberto >> >> >> On Thursday, October 18, 2012, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> In my case (Msys/Mingw under Windows 7 32bit), no error was presented, >>> and the object a.exe was generated. >>> >>> My env: >>> >>> Tiedtke at Tiedtke-Note ~ >>> $ gcc -v >>> Using built-in specs. >>> COLLECT_GCC=C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe >>> >>> COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=c:/mingw/bin/../libexec/gcc/mingw32/4.7.0/lto-wrapper.exe >>> Target: mingw32 >>> Configured with: ../gcc-4.7.0/configure >>> --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,obj >>> c,obj-c++ --disable-sjlj-exceptions --with-dwarf2 --enable-shared >>> --enable-libgo >>> mp --disable-win32-registry --enable-libstdcxx-debug >>> --disable-build-poststage1- >>> with-cxx --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --build=mingw32 >>> --prefix=/mingw >>> Thread model: win32 >>> gcc version 4.7.0 (GCC) >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Tiedtke >>> >>> >>> 2012/10/18 Umberto Nicoletti >>> >>> Could you try to compile the following code: >>> >>> /* begin */ >>> int >>> main () >>> { >>> int x;__sync_fetch_and_add(&x,1); >>> ; >>> return 0; >>> } >>> /* end */ >>> >>> How to compile: save to test.c and then run: >>> >>> gcc test.c >>> >>> Best regards, >>> Umberto >>> >>> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis < >>> tiedtke at> wrote: >>> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I having the same problem when trying to compile the mapserver with >>> msys/mingw under Ms windows 7 32bit. >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis >>> Em 17/10/2012 14:32, "Umberto Nicoletti" >>> escreveu: >>> >>> David, >>> what is your os/platform? >>> >>> On Oct 17, 2012 6:30 PM, "David Quinn" wrote: >>> > >>> > Hello List, >>> > >>> > I'm getting the following error when I try to compile >>> mapserver-6.2.0-rc1 >>> > >>> > $make >>> > /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX g++ -rpath /home/david/lib >>> > shp2img.lo -o shp2img >>> > libtool: link: g++ .libs/shp2img.o -o .libs/shp2img >>> > ./.libs/ -L/home/david/lib /home/david/lib/ >>> > -L/usr/lib /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > -L/home/david -L/usr/kerberos/lib /usr/lib/ >>> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > /home/david/lib/ /home/david/lib/ >>> > -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lcairo -lXpm -lfontconfig >>> > -lpng12 -lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -ljpeg -lpng -lpq -lpthread -lSM >>> > -lICE -lX11 -lidn -lldap -lrt -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lbz2 -Wl,-rpath >>> > -Wl,/home/david/lib >>> > ./.libs/ undefined reference to >>> `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4' >>> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >>> > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 >>> > >>> > I originally got this error message: /usr/bin/ld: warning: >>> >, needed by /home/david/lib/, may conflict with >>> > so I installed gdal from trunk, and reinstalled freetype, >>> > giflib and libcurl >>> > >>> > I've also attached the output from my ./configure command: >>> > >>> > >>> > -------------- Compiler Info ------------- >>> > C compiler: gcc -g -Wall >>> -Wdeclaration-after-statement >>> > C++ compiler: g++ -g -Wall >>> > Debug: -g >>> > Generic NINT: >>> > >>> > -------------- Renderer Settings --------- >>> > OpenGL support: >>> > zlib support: >>> > png support: -DUSE_PNG >>> > gif support: -DUSE_GIF >>> > jpeg support: -DUSE_JPEG >>> > freetype support: -DUSE_FREETYPE >>> > iconv support: -DUSE_ICONV >>> > AGG support: internal >>> > GD support: -DUSE_GD -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG >>> -DUSE_GD_GIF >>> > Cairo (SVG,PDF) support: -DUSE_CAIRO >>> > Cairo SVG symbol support: >>> > KML support: -DUSE_KML >>> > >>> > -------------- Support Libraries --------- >>> > Proj.4 support: -DUSE_PROJ >>> > Proj Fastpaths: >>> > Libxml2 support: -DUSE_LIBXML2 >>> > FriBidi support: >>> > Curl support: -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH >>> > FastCGI support: >>> > Exempi support: >>> > Threading support: >>> > GEO >>> >>> > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lgnemmi at Fri Oct 19 01:54:51 2012 From: lgnemmi at (Ludovic Gnemmi) Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 01:54:51 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with WFS Intersects filter on oraclespatial datasource In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi list, I did several more tests and i've noticed 2 more things : - I'm experiencing this WFS-intersects "no results" response with oracle datasource containing above about 40000 rows. - I noticed that "wfs_maxfeatures" wasn't passed to oracle select as bbox query do when using Interesects query. Thanks for your help, Best regards, Ludovic -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From stiramdasu at Fri Oct 19 10:35:34 2012 From: stiramdasu at (Sowmya Tiramdasu) Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:35:34 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Style paramter of WMS request Message-ID: <000001cdae20$26986340$73c929c0$@com> Hi, I have a mapfile in which one layer is a wms layer. I need to provide style information of WMS getmap request in the WMS Layer. Under the Metadata i gave "wms_style" "AllIntensity" but it is just giving back the default style. Can anyone please throw some light on this topic. How to achieve the required style output through the WMS layer in the mapfile ? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Regards, Sowmya. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From M.Doyle at Mon Oct 22 00:39:34 2012 From: M.Doyle at (Matthew Doyle) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 00:39:34 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache_seed segfault when using threading [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi Thomas, Thanks for getting back to me. It seems we have reached an interesting situation. After reconfiguring (with --enable-debug), reinstalling, executing gdb and seeding using 'run' with the same params, I can not reproduce the segfault no matter how many threads I throw at it, even all the way up to 64. However, outside of gdb I get the segfault as always. Perhaps we have some sort of race condition or timing issue. Some googling shows that this is not entirely uncommon. Some others in the same boat have suggested running with Valgrind. ( Could you please advise on the next step? Would the core dump be useful? Best, Matt -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From woodbri at Mon Oct 22 06:46:24 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:46:24 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache_seed segfault when using threading [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/22/2012 3:39 AM, Matthew Doyle wrote: > Hi Thomas, > > Thanks for getting back to me. > > It seems we have reached an interesting situation. After reconfiguring > (with --enable-debug), reinstalling, executing gdb and seeding using 'run' > with the same params, I can not reproduce the segfault no matter how many > threads I throw at it, even all the way up to 64. However, outside of gdb I > get the segfault as always. > > Perhaps we have some sort of race condition or timing issue. Some googling > shows that this is not entirely uncommon. Some others in the same boat have > suggested running with Valgrind. > ( > > Could you please advise on the next step? Would the core dump be useful? Hi Matt, Get the core file and start gdb -c corefile mapcache_seed and then do a bt that would be useful. Also please check that you do not have an old version of the libraries or executable in the path. I recently had a mapcache_seed segv problem that went away when I pulled a recent copy and rebuilt. If you start: gdb mapcache_seed - this looks in the path for the executable gdb ./mapcache_seed - this looks in the file system So be careful with this, I have been tripped up on occasion by it. -Steve From riccardog79 at Mon Oct 22 07:55:00 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 16:55:00 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi all. I have "quite" solved the problem. I need just to load another OpenLayers.js built with inside the GML vector style. So I add on my .html file this row: Obviously I've to load my layer not as a GeoJSON but as GML: readFormat: new OpenLayers.Format.GML({ 'internalProjection': new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"), 'externalProjection': new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913") }) Now it works! Thanks at all, Riccardo P.S.: As GeoJSON I get the following error message (from FireBug of Mozilla): "JSON.parse: unexpected character" "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] " I don't know why. Anyway, for now is enough GML. Or if you know the reasons I get this error could be interesting to know... 2012/10/18 Riccardo Gaeta > I go to the link you suggest but I didn't find the rc4 version for windows > to download... > > Anyway, I copy some dll (like gdal, geos,xercers,libxml2,etc) into my > cgi-bin directory from a previous version of an Apache2 windows > installation. > And the error message change! > Now I obtain (from tinyows.log): > [ERROR] Element '{}import': Skipping > import of schema located at ' >' for the namespace ' >', since this namespace was already imported > with the schema located at ' >'. > [ERROR] Filter parameter doesn't validate WFS Schema > > On QGIS always work well. > Mmmmhhhhhh.... > > I suppose I have maybe 2 problem: > 1-I need some dll library in window > 2-the tinyows.exe of version 1.0.0rc3 is damaged in someway > > Thanks again for your help, any other tips is appreciated! > > riccardo > > > 2012/10/18 Olivier Courtin > >> 0.9 version is that old, and should not be used anymore, for any >> reasons... >> 1.0.0rc3, well was an rc, and several fixes was corrected before >> launching 1.0.0 >> >> You could give a look at OSGeo4W as they provide a 1.0.0rc4 (yeap still >> an rc) >> >> >> But a real solution would be that someone take Win32 packaging in charge, >> Also for information: >> >> >> >> -- >> Olivier >> >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> >> >> > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From SSchantz at Mon Oct 22 08:10:37 2012 From: SSchantz at (Stefan Schantz) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 17:10:37 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Memory access error when accessing Oracle database Message-ID: <> Hi, I try to use MapServer 6.2.0-rc1 to display data from an Oracle database. *mapserv -v* MapServer version 6.2.0-rc1 OUTPUT = GIF OUTPUT = PNG OUTPUT = JPEG SUPPORTS = PROJ SUPPORTS = AGG SUPPORTS SUPPORTS = DG = FREETYPE SUPPORTS = ICONV SUPPORTS = WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS = WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS = WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS = WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS = WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS = FastCGI SUPPORTS = THREADS SUPPORTS = GEOS INPUT = JPEG INPUT = ORACLESPATIAL INPUT = OGR INPUT = GDAL INPUT = SHAPEFILE *Error message:* shp2img-m. / png / output.png s 500-500-5-l test all_debug msLoadMap (): 0.011s msDrawMap (): rendering using outputFormat named png (AGG / PNG). msDrawMap (): WMS / WFS set-up and query, 0.000s msOracleSpatialLayerOpen called with: GEOM FROM USING IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386 NONE (Layer pointer 0x14dbad0) msOracleSpatialLayerOpen. Shared connection not available. Creating one. msConnPoolRegister (test, imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT, 0x1523f50) msOracleSpatialLayerFreeItemInfo was called. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes was called. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes. Using this Sql to retrieve the data: SELECT rownum, GEOM FROM IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386 msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes. Bind values: srid: -1 minx: -90.000000 miny: -90.000000 maxx: 90.000000 maxy: 90.000000 msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes getting ordinate definition. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes converting to OCIColl. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes bind by name and object. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes name and object now bound. msOracleSpatialLayerNextShape on layer 0x14dbad0 row_num,: 0 Segfaulting *My mapfile:* ... LAYER NAME "test" TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "imis_geo / xxxxxxx @ IMISXENT" DATA "GEOM FROM USING IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386 NONE" # CONNECTIONTYPE OGR # CONNECTION "OCI: imis_geo / xxxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386" # DATA "IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386" PROJECTION "Init = epsg: 4326" END ... When I use the Connectiontype OGR I get a *different error*: shp2img-m. / png / output.png s 500-500-5-l test all_debug msLoadMap (): 0.020s msDrawMap (): rendering using outputFormat named png (AGG / PNG). msDrawMap (): WMS / WFS set-up and query, 0.000s msOGRFileOpen (OCI: imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386) ... OGROPen (OCI: imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386) (test, OCI: imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386, 0x1c09c40) msConnPoolRegister msOGRFileWhichShapes: Setting spatial filter to -90.000000 -90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 0, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 1, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 2, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 3, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 4, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 5, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape tile = 6, = 0 msOGRFileNextShape (): OGR error. ORA-29902: error during execution of routine ODCIIndexStart () ORA-13208: Internal error when parsing operator [window SRID does not match layer SRID] ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 333 in SELECT COUNT(*) FROM imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386 WHERE sdo_filter(GEOM, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001)), 'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' msOGRLayerClose (OCI: @ imis_geo/xxxxIMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386). msOGRFileClose (OCI: imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386, 0). msConnPoolRelease (test, OCI: imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386, 0x1c09c40) msConnPoolClose (OCI: imis_geo / xxxxx @ IMISXENT: imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386, 0x1c09c40) msDrawMap (): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'test'. msDrawMap (): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'test'.
msOGRFileNextShape (): OGR error. ORA-29902: error during execution of routine ODCIIndexStart () ORA-13208: Internal error when parsing operator [window SRID does not match layer SRID] ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 333 in SELECT COUNT(*) FROM imis_geo.TRAPKT_16386 WHERE sdo_filter(GEOM, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001,-90.00000000000001)), 'querytype=window') = 'TRUE'
msFreeMap (): freeing map at 0x1bbb400. free layer (): freeing layer at 0x1bc3ad0. free layer (): freeing layer at 0x1bc56d0. As far as I see it, the problem is the lack of SRID (zero instead of 4326) *The data from the database:* ogrinfo OCI: imis / xxxxx @ imisxent: IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386 -al -ro INFO: Open of `OCI: imis / xxxxx @ imisxent: IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386 ' using driver `OCI 'successful. Layer name: IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386 Geometry: 3D Unknown (any) Feature Count: 7 Extent: (8.000000, 50.000000) - (16.000000, 56.000000) Layer SRS WKT: GEOGCS ["WGS 84", DATUM ["World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG ID 6326)", SPHEROID ["WGS 84 (EPSG ID 7030)", 6378137.0,298.257223563]] PRIMEM ["Greenwich", 0.000000], UNIT ["Decimal Degree", 0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY ["EPSG. See 3D CRS for original information source.", "4326"]] Geometry Column = GEOM ID: Real (0.0) Trajectory: Real (0.0) STARTING TIME: Date (0.0) HOURS: Real (0.0) OUTPUT HEIGHT: Real (0.0) HEIGHT: Real (0.0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 0 ID (Real) = 1 Trajectory (Real) = 1 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 0 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 632 HEIGHT (Real) = 632 POINT (8.73333 50.11667 0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 1 ID (Real) = 2 Trajectory (Real) = 1 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 12 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 632 HEIGHT (Real) = 584 POINT (12.7 56.15 0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 2 ID (Real) = 3 Trajectory (Real) = 2 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 0 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 1632 HEIGHT (Real) = 1632 POINT (8.73333 50.11667 0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 3 ID (Real) = 4 Trajectory (Real) = 2 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 12 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 1632 HEIGHT (Real) = 1400 POINT (15.6 54.0 0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 4 ID (Real) = 5 Trajectory (Real) = 3 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 0 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 3132 HEIGHT (Real) = 3132 POINT (8.73333 50.11667 0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 5 ID (Real) = 6 Trajectory (Real) = 3 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 12 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 3132 HEIGHT (Real) = 3036 POINT (16.86667 53.7 0) OGRFeature (IMIS_GEO.TRAPKT_16386): 6 ID (Real) = 7 Trajectory (Real) = 4 TIME OUT (Date) = 17/10/2012 HOURS (Real) = 0 OUTPUT HEIGHT (Real) = 5132 HEIGHT (Real) = 5132 POINT (8.73333 50.11667 0) May anybody help me? Regards, Stefan -- Mit freundlichen Gr??en Stefan Schantz -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From peter.hopfgartner at Mon Oct 22 08:20:36 2012 From: peter.hopfgartner at (Peter Hopfgartner) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 17:20:36 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS 12.10rc1 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On 10/15/2012 12:21 AM, Olivier Courtin wrote: > Hi all, > > TinyOWS 12.10rc1 is yet available: > > > Thanks in advance in advance to test, > and report any bug or regression on this list > > 12.10 NEWS: > - Generate PK value using PostgresSQL DEFAULT value if present (Serge > Dikiy) > - XSD max length and enumeration constraint handling (Serge Dikiy & > Alan Boudreault) > - include_items and exclude_items config handling. To choose exactly > which columns to retrieve (Serge Dikiy) > - Add pkey configuration in layer config. Usefull for instance when > retrieving data from a VIEW. (Serge Dikiy) > - Buffer copy performance improve (Serge Dikiy) > - Rewrite/fix max features handling (Olivier Courtin) > - Several bugfixes as usual (special thanks to Andreas Peri, Serge > Dikiy and Jukka Rahkonen for detailled reports) > > > -- > Olivier > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > Hi Olivier, I was happily trying to build it on CentOS 6, but it seems that my libxml2 is simply too old: checking for libxml2 version... 2.7.6 configure: error: You need at least libxml 2.8.0 Is there a real reason to require 2.8.0 or could this be relaxed? Regards, Peter -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Mon Oct 22 12:59:27 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 21:59:27 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS 12.10rc1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hi Peter, I was happily trying to build it on CentOS 6, but it seems that my libxml2 > is simply too old: > > checking for libxml2 version... 2.7.6 > configure: error: You need at least libxml 2.8.0 > > Is there a real reason to require 2.8.0 or could this be relaxed? > The reason is related to a libxml2 bug on schema handling, been fixed in 2.8.0. cf, If you really don't want to upgrade (even if it's not a big deal to compile libxml2) you could either choose: - to slightly modified OGC XSD Schema as describted: - or be sure to never use GML 3.1.1 (as the bug only impact this schema) HTH, -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Mon Oct 22 13:05:26 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 22:05:26 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: HI Riccardo, > I have "quite" solved the problem. > Great to hear it ! > P.S.: As GeoJSON I get the following error message (from FireBug of > Mozilla): > "JSON.parse: unexpected character" > "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] " > > I don't know why. Anyway, for now is enough GML. Or if you know the > reasons I get this error could be interesting to know... > Could you provide GeoJson output from TinyOWS for a single feature i.e something like http://your_server/cgi-bin/tinyows.fcgi?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&OUTPUTFORMAT=application/geojson&TYPENAME=ns:your_layer&MAXFEATURES=1 -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From M.Doyle at Mon Oct 22 18:20:52 2012 From: M.Doyle at (Matthew Doyle) Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 18:20:52 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache_seed segfault when using threading [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi Steve, Thomas, Thanks for all the suggestions. I rebuilt MapCache yesterday using the latest from github, and made sure that each dependency was up to date, so we are looking at the latest and greatest. Actions & results: $ ulimit -c unlimited (to ensure the core was dumped) $ /mapcache/bin/mapcache_seed -c /mapcache/config/meteye_test.xml -t IDZ71000 -M 8,8 -n 32 -g AUS -z 0,4 -d /mapcache/data/adfd_active_area.shp -D "TIMESTEP=5" -D "NOWTIME=201210221900" Segmentation fault (core dumped) $ gdb -c core.5808 mapcache_seed (gdb) bt #0 0x00007fdb313da786 in apr_palloc () from /usr/lib64/ #1 0x00007fdb313d0b0c in apr_pstrdup () from /usr/lib64/ #2 0x00007fdb313d25fe in apr_table_set () from /usr/lib64/ #3 0x00007fdb315f991d in mapcache_tileset_tile_create (pool=0x1ad0b98, tileset=0x1b0da30, grid_link=0x1b0dc48) at tileset.c:530 #4 0x00000000004039e3 in seed_worker () at mapcache_seed.c:611 #5 0x0000000000403c62 in seed_thread (thread=0x7fdac4002ec0, data=0x0) at mapcache_seed.c:658 #6 0x00000035cb807851 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #7 0x00000035cb0e76dd in clone () from /lib64/ Does that help? The core was around 300MB. Best, Matt -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From Jukka.Rahkonen at Tue Oct 23 00:15:52 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 07:15:52 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Style paramter of WMS request Message-ID: <> Hi, I have never cascaded any WMS service that supports styles but according to Mapserver WMS client documentation you have done it right. You must first capture the requests that Mapserver is really sending to the remote server. That is easy, just add line DEBUG 5 into your layer definitions and then you will see all the WMS requests from your MS_ERRORFILE. Check if the requests are using &STYLES=AllIntensity. If not, it may be a Mapserver bug or some typo in the Mapfile. If request contains the correct STYLES, copy the request and test it with a browser. The remote server may not work as it should. If the request looks right but the response wrong, email the GetMap URL for the administrator of the remote WMS and tell about your problem. -Jukka Rahkonen- Sowmya Tiramdasu wrote: Hi, I have a mapfile in which one layer is a wms layer. I need to provide style information of WMS getmap request in the WMS Layer. Under the Metadata i gave "wms_style" "AllIntensity" but it is just giving back the default style. Can anyone please throw some light on this topic. How to achieve the required style output through the WMS layer in the mapfile ? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Regards, Sowmya. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From apasotti at Tue Oct 23 10:49:19 2012 From: apasotti at (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:49:19 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR Message-ID: hi All, I'm in big troubles with a wierd error in python mapscript, the log reports: libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR image size is 256x256... using gif instead of png shows no errors (as expected)... any idea? the very same piece of code run fine on my testing machine, the error is only on production server. Mapserver version is 6.0.3, python 2.5 and the code is basically a wrapper to WMS service, the error appears just after map.OWSDispatch( req ) output format is set to AGGA: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME 'AGGA' DRIVER AGG/PNG IMAGEMODE RGBA END the complete call is ?LAYERS=track_1&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng%3B%20mode%3D24bit&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&BBOX=0.0,5009377.0857,2504688.54285,7514065.62855&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256 It seems like wrong HEIGHT and WIDTH are passed to the raster buffer, I've already checked that the map object has the right size after OWSDispatch. Thanks in advance for any help! -- Alessandro Pasotti w3: From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 23 11:38:28 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 20:38:28 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I see your bbox has 0 on xmin. BBOX=0.0,5009377.0857,2504688.54285,7514065.62855 Is only a wrong copy on email ? 2012/10/23 Alessandro Pasotti > hi All, > > I'm in big troubles with a wierd error in python mapscript, the log > reports: libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR > > image size is 256x256... using gif instead of png shows no errors (as > expected)... any idea? > > the very same piece of code run fine on my testing machine, the error > is only on production server. > > Mapserver version is 6.0.3, python 2.5 and the code is basically a > wrapper to WMS service, the error appears just after > > map.OWSDispatch( req ) > > output format is set to AGGA: > > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME 'AGGA' > DRIVER AGG/PNG > IMAGEMODE RGBA > END > > the complete call is > > > ?LAYERS=track_1&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng%3B%20mode%3D24bit&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&BBOX=0.0,5009377.0857,2504688.54285,7514065.62855&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256 > > It seems like wrong HEIGHT and WIDTH are passed to the raster buffer, > I've already checked that the map object has the right size after > OWSDispatch. > > Thanks in advance for any help! > > -- > Alessandro Pasotti > w3: > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 23 11:47:11 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 20:47:11 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi, Perhaps something correlated to the bit of colors ? The GIF is a 256 only color format. Instead the png could be to million colors. I use this : IMAGETYPE PNG8 OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "AGGA" DRIVER AGG/PNG MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE RGBA # need RGBA to have the transparent EXTENSION "png" FORMATOPTION "GAMMA=1.0" FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=true" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" FORMATOPTION "COMPRESSION=6" # Compression: 0=no compression, 9=best, 6=default compression FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" TRANSPARENT ON END The most important thing is that the FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" force the mapserver to give only the 256 better colors. If the question is on the 256 color or million color perhaps this could work. Andrea. 2012/10/23 Alessandro Pasotti > hi All, > > I'm in big troubles with a wierd error in python mapscript, the log > reports: libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR > > image size is 256x256... using gif instead of png shows no errors (as > expected)... any idea? > > the very same piece of code run fine on my testing machine, the error > is only on production server. > > Mapserver version is 6.0.3, python 2.5 and the code is basically a > wrapper to WMS service, the error appears just after > > map.OWSDispatch( req ) > > output format is set to AGGA: > > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME 'AGGA' > DRIVER AGG/PNG > IMAGEMODE RGBA > END > > the complete call is > > > ?LAYERS=track_1&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng%3B%20mode%3D24bit&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&BBOX=0.0,5009377.0857,2504688.54285,7514065.62855&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256 > > It seems like wrong HEIGHT and WIDTH are passed to the raster buffer, > I've already checked that the map object has the right size after > OWSDispatch. > > Thanks in advance for any help! > > -- > Alessandro Pasotti > w3: > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From apasotti at Tue Oct 23 12:25:19 2012 From: apasotti at (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:25:19 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: 2012/10/23 Andrea Peri : > Hi, > > Perhaps something correlated to the bit of colors ? The GIF is a 256 only > color format. > Instead the png could be to million colors. Thanks for the hint, but I believe it's something related to the libraries or the python bindings on the server: I have a copy which works perfeclty locally, the OUTPUTFORMAT AGGA is working well here but crashes on the server. I suspect that the function png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, rb->width, rb->height,... get wrong width and height. -- Alessandro Pasotti w3: From apasotti at Tue Oct 23 12:36:43 2012 From: apasotti at (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:36:43 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: 2012/10/23 Alessandro Pasotti : > 2012/10/23 Andrea Peri : >> Hi, >> >> Perhaps something correlated to the bit of colors ? The GIF is a 256 only >> color format. >> Instead the png could be to million colors. > > Thanks for the hint, but I believe it's something related to the > libraries or the python bindings on the server: I have a copy which > works perfeclty locally, the OUTPUTFORMAT AGGA is working well here > but crashes on the server. > > I suspect that the function > > png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, rb->width, rb->height,... > > get wrong width and height. > Forgot to mention that shp2img on the mapfile saved from the script runs with no errors. -- Alessandro Pasotti w3: From apasotti at Tue Oct 23 12:51:12 2012 From: apasotti at (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:51:12 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >> 2012/10/23 Andrea Peri : >>> Hi, >>> >>> Perhaps something correlated to the bit of colors ? The GIF is a 256 only >>> color format. >>> Instead the png could be to million colors. >> >> Thanks for the hint, but I believe it's something related to the >> libraries or the python bindings on the server: I have a copy which >> works perfeclty locally, the OUTPUTFORMAT AGGA is working well here >> but crashes on the server. After recompiling gdal, mapserver, all python bindings and restart all the server stack and caches the problem seems to be gone away (too late to be sure, maybe the dawn of tomorrow will shed some light on this nightmare). I also had to remove GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = '/usr/local/lib/' from the project (Django) settings, don't ask me why... the path was absolutely correct. -- Alessandro Pasotti w3: From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 23 12:58:11 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:58:11 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Was a dynamic link ? Perhaps an update of some library has put the mapserver out of sync ? 2012/10/23 Alessandro Pasotti > >> 2012/10/23 Andrea Peri : > >>> Hi, > >>> > >>> Perhaps something correlated to the bit of colors ? The GIF is a 256 > only > >>> color format. > >>> Instead the png could be to million colors. > >> > >> Thanks for the hint, but I believe it's something related to the > >> libraries or the python bindings on the server: I have a copy which > >> works perfeclty locally, the OUTPUTFORMAT AGGA is working well here > >> but crashes on the server. > > > After recompiling gdal, mapserver, all python bindings and restart all > the server stack and caches the problem seems to be gone away (too > late to be sure, maybe the dawn of tomorrow will shed some light on > this nightmare). > > I also had to remove > GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = '/usr/local/lib/' > from the project (Django) settings, don't ask me why... the path was > absolutely correct. > > > -- > Alessandro Pasotti > w3: > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From richard.greenwood at Tue Oct 23 13:31:58 2012 From: richard.greenwood at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 14:31:58 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x Message-ID: All - I've have always used 8 bit GIFs because they are generally the smallest. I serve a rural area with flaky internet and I do a good bit with mobile, so size is more important to me than pixel-perfect. Since MapServer 6.0 I have found 8 bit output (GIF or PNG) to be much more buggy than 24 bit output. Bugs that I have been able to isolate and report have been fixed very quickly by the devs, but I'm struggling with a couple now that are sporadic and that I can not shrink down to a reproducible bug report. I see the same issues in Windows and Linux. I'm running 6.0.3 on both. So: 1. What image format are people generally using? Am I stuck in the past with 8 bit images? Should I just go with 24 bit and not worry that my images are several times larger? 2. My general sense is that the root of the issues I'm seeing are in the shift from GD to AGG. Are PC256 PNGs generated by GD or AGG? 3. Any general advise for 8 bit output? For GIF is use the default (I don't define an OUTPUTFORMAT block) for PNG I do define an OUTPUTFORMAT block and use IMAGEMODE PC256. The two issues that I'm struggling with right now are that my label colors change as I pan and zoom, and that the HATCH fill pattern extends outside of its polygons. In both cases switching from an 8 bit output to a 24 bit output resolves the issue. Thanks, Rich -- Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at From M.Doyle at Tue Oct 23 16:19:41 2012 From: M.Doyle at (Matthew Doyle) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 16:19:41 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapcache_seed segfault when using threading [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> I have created an issue for this on github: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From woodbri at Tue Oct 23 18:30:06 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:30:06 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On 10/23/2012 4:31 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: > All - > > I've have always used 8 bit GIFs because they are generally the > smallest. I serve a rural area with flaky internet and I do a good bit > with mobile, so size is more important to me than pixel-perfect. > Since MapServer 6.0 I have found 8 bit output (GIF or PNG) to be much > more buggy than 24 bit output. Bugs that I have been able to isolate > and report have been fixed very quickly by the devs, but I'm > struggling with a couple now that are sporadic and that I can not > shrink down to a reproducible bug report. I see the same issues in > Windows and Linux. I'm running 6.0.3 on both. So: > 1. What image format are people generally using? Am I stuck in the > past with 8 bit images? Should I just go with 24 bit and not worry > that my images are several times larger? > 2. My general sense is that the root of the issues I'm seeing are in > the shift from GD to AGG. Are PC256 PNGs generated by GD or AGG? > 3. Any general advise for 8 bit output? For GIF is use the default (I > don't define an OUTPUTFORMAT block) for PNG I do define an > OUTPUTFORMAT block and use IMAGEMODE PC256. > > The two issues that I'm struggling with right now are that my label > colors change as I pan and zoom, and that the HATCH fill pattern > extends outside of its polygons. In both cases switching from an 8 bit > output to a 24 bit output resolves the issue. > > Thanks, > Rich > Rich, I use this: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "agg_qn" DRIVER "AGG/PNG" EXTENSION "png" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE RGB FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=false" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_NEW=ON" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" #TRANSPARENT ON #FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" END It gives me 8-bit png and I have no problem with it. Here is an example using mapserver and mapcache And here is an example using just mapserver and draw on demand: I think both of these are using: MapServer version 6.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=AGG SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=ICONV SUPPORTS=FRIBIDI SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=GEOS INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Hope this helps, -Steve W From woodbri at Tue Oct 23 21:15:08 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 00:15:08 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/23/2012 11:30 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: > On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Richard Greenwood > wrote: >> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Stephen Woodbridge >> wrote: >>> On 10/23/2012 4:31 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: >>>> >>>> All - >>>> >>>> I've have always used 8 bit GIFs because they are generally the >>>> smallest. I serve a rural area with flaky internet and I do a good bit >>>> with mobile, so size is more important to me than pixel-perfect. >>>> Since MapServer 6.0 I have found 8 bit output (GIF or PNG) to be much >>>> more buggy than 24 bit output. Bugs that I have been able to isolate >>>> and report have been fixed very quickly by the devs, but I'm >>>> struggling with a couple now that are sporadic and that I can not >>>> shrink down to a reproducible bug report. I see the same issues in >>>> Windows and Linux. I'm running 6.0.3 on both. So: >>>> 1. What image format are people generally using? Am I stuck in the >>>> past with 8 bit images? Should I just go with 24 bit and not worry >>>> that my images are several times larger? >>>> 2. My general sense is that the root of the issues I'm seeing are in >>>> the shift from GD to AGG. Are PC256 PNGs generated by GD or AGG? >>>> 3. Any general advise for 8 bit output? For GIF is use the default (I >>>> don't define an OUTPUTFORMAT block) for PNG I do define an >>>> OUTPUTFORMAT block and use IMAGEMODE PC256. >>>> >>>> The two issues that I'm struggling with right now are that my label >>>> colors change as I pan and zoom, and that the HATCH fill pattern >>>> extends outside of its polygons. In both cases switching from an 8 bit >>>> output to a 24 bit output resolves the issue. >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> Rich >>>> >>> >>> Rich, >>> >>> I use this: >>> >>> OUTPUTFORMAT >>> NAME "agg_qn" >>> DRIVER "AGG/PNG" >>> EXTENSION "png" >>> MIMETYPE "image/png" >>> IMAGEMODE RGB >>> FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=false" >>> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_NEW=ON" >>> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" >>> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" >>> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" >>> #TRANSPARENT ON >>> #FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" >>> END >>> >>> It gives me 8-bit png and I have no problem with it. Here is an example >>> using mapserver and mapcache >>> >>> >>> >>> And here is an example using just mapserver and draw on demand: >>> >>> >>> >>> I think both of these are using: >>> >>> MapServer version 6.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG SUPPORTS=PROJ >>> SUPPORTS=AGG SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=ICONV SUPPORTS=FRIBIDI >>> SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=GEOS >>> INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE >>> >>> Hope this helps, >>> -Steve W >> >> Thanks Steve. That's an improvement. The image is still much larger >> than the default GIF, or PNG with IMAGEMODE PC256, but it does >> eliminate at least one of my sporadic bugs. >> >> I've attached two PNGs: >> 1. rgb-good.png is 67K and uses your suggested settings above. >> 2. pc256-bad.png is 34K and uses your settings above except changed to >> IMAGEMODE PC256. You can see that the HATCH fill is completely >> haywire. >> In both cases the output PNG is 8 bit. Hmmm, I did not see these two images posted. But regarding HATCH, I will defer to Thomas as I have not used HATCH before. I do remember various posts in the past, maybe yours, about hatching problems so you might try searching for them, also search the tickets for potential hatch bugs. You might try creating a trivial mapfile that defines a polygon and applies a hatch to it. If that show a bug then submit a ticket for it. Basically the old GD code is deprecated and you have to use the AGG renderer. It antialiases everything so images do not compress as much as un-aliased images. If size is REALLY critical, then try JPEG output can compress to your hearts content. Its lossy but you can make them small and it does not support transparency if I remember correctly. -Steve W >> As always, I appreciate your insight. >> Rich > > > Attached is a GIF from MapServer 5.6. 39K and no HATCH issues. This is > what I like to get from MapServer 6.0 > > From woodbri at Tue Oct 23 21:29:34 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 00:29:34 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/23/2012 11:24 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: > On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Stephen Woodbridge > wrote: >> On 10/23/2012 4:31 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: >>> >>> All - >>> >>> I've have always used 8 bit GIFs because they are generally the >>> smallest. I serve a rural area with flaky internet and I do a good bit >>> with mobile, so size is more important to me than pixel-perfect. >>> Since MapServer 6.0 I have found 8 bit output (GIF or PNG) to be much >>> more buggy than 24 bit output. Bugs that I have been able to isolate >>> and report have been fixed very quickly by the devs, but I'm >>> struggling with a couple now that are sporadic and that I can not >>> shrink down to a reproducible bug report. I see the same issues in >>> Windows and Linux. I'm running 6.0.3 on both. So: >>> 1. What image format are people generally using? Am I stuck in the >>> past with 8 bit images? Should I just go with 24 bit and not worry >>> that my images are several times larger? >>> 2. My general sense is that the root of the issues I'm seeing are in >>> the shift from GD to AGG. Are PC256 PNGs generated by GD or AGG? >>> 3. Any general advise for 8 bit output? For GIF is use the default (I >>> don't define an OUTPUTFORMAT block) for PNG I do define an >>> OUTPUTFORMAT block and use IMAGEMODE PC256. >>> >>> The two issues that I'm struggling with right now are that my label >>> colors change as I pan and zoom, and that the HATCH fill pattern >>> extends outside of its polygons. In both cases switching from an 8 bit >>> output to a 24 bit output resolves the issue. >>> >>> Thanks, >>> Rich >>> >> >> Rich, >> >> I use this: >> >> OUTPUTFORMAT >> NAME "agg_qn" >> DRIVER "AGG/PNG" >> EXTENSION "png" >> MIMETYPE "image/png" >> IMAGEMODE RGB >> FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=false" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_NEW=ON" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" >> #TRANSPARENT ON >> #FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" >> END >> >> It gives me 8-bit png and I have no problem with it. Here is an example >> using mapserver and mapcache >> >> >> >> And here is an example using just mapserver and draw on demand: >> >> >> >> I think both of these are using: >> >> MapServer version 6.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG SUPPORTS=PROJ >> SUPPORTS=AGG SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=ICONV SUPPORTS=FRIBIDI >> SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=GEOS >> INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE >> >> Hope this helps, >> -Steve W > > Thanks Steve. That's an improvement. The image is still much larger > than the default GIF, or PNG with IMAGEMODE PC256, but it does > eliminate at least one of my sporadic bugs. > > I've attached two PNGs: > 1. rgb-good.png is 67K and uses your suggested settings above. > 2. pc256-bad.png is 34K and uses your settings above except changed to > IMAGEMODE PC256. You can see that the HATCH fill is completely > haywire. > In both cases the output PNG is 8 bit. > > As always, I appreciate your insight. > Rich > Ahh, just got this. I'm not sure I have anything useful to say other than: If it hurts, don't do that! :) Seriously, if you can live with a jpeg, you might get the results you want in a smaller size, but I have not tried it. That said, this does look like a bug, so maybe Thomas has something to add. -Steve W From Steve.Lime at Tue Oct 23 22:49:59 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 05:49:59 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x In-Reply-To: <> References: <> , <> Message-ID: Have you tried pre-computing image palettes? I've had some very good luck with rendering 24-bit PNGs and then running them through a pre-computed palette (there's an output format option for this). To do this I create a couple representative sample images using MapServer with 24-bit PNG output. I then use Photoshop to mosaic them into one image and then do a color reduction (usually to 128 colors). Then I use GDAL to extract the palette/color table. The advantages are colors that are very consistent between tiles and very small images. The rec. compass tiles ( use this approach (via MapServer/MapCache). Steve ________________________________________ From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Stephen Woodbridge [woodbri at] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:29 PM To: Richard Greenwood Cc: mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x On 10/23/2012 11:24 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: > On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Stephen Woodbridge > wrote: >> On 10/23/2012 4:31 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: >>> >>> All - >>> >>> I've have always used 8 bit GIFs because they are generally the >>> smallest. I serve a rural area with flaky internet and I do a good bit >>> with mobile, so size is more important to me than pixel-perfect. >>> Since MapServer 6.0 I have found 8 bit output (GIF or PNG) to be much >>> more buggy than 24 bit output. Bugs that I have been able to isolate >>> and report have been fixed very quickly by the devs, but I'm >>> struggling with a couple now that are sporadic and that I can not >>> shrink down to a reproducible bug report. I see the same issues in >>> Windows and Linux. I'm running 6.0.3 on both. So: >>> 1. What image format are people generally using? Am I stuck in the >>> past with 8 bit images? Should I just go with 24 bit and not worry >>> that my images are several times larger? >>> 2. My general sense is that the root of the issues I'm seeing are in >>> the shift from GD to AGG. Are PC256 PNGs generated by GD or AGG? >>> 3. Any general advise for 8 bit output? For GIF is use the default (I >>> don't define an OUTPUTFORMAT block) for PNG I do define an >>> OUTPUTFORMAT block and use IMAGEMODE PC256. >>> >>> The two issues that I'm struggling with right now are that my label >>> colors change as I pan and zoom, and that the HATCH fill pattern >>> extends outside of its polygons. In both cases switching from an 8 bit >>> output to a 24 bit output resolves the issue. >>> >>> Thanks, >>> Rich >>> >> >> Rich, >> >> I use this: >> >> OUTPUTFORMAT >> NAME "agg_qn" >> DRIVER "AGG/PNG" >> EXTENSION "png" >> MIMETYPE "image/png" >> IMAGEMODE RGB >> FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=false" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_NEW=ON" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" >> FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" >> #TRANSPARENT ON >> #FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" >> END >> >> It gives me 8-bit png and I have no problem with it. Here is an example >> using mapserver and mapcache >> >> >> >> And here is an example using just mapserver and draw on demand: >> >> >> >> I think both of these are using: >> >> MapServer version 6.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG SUPPORTS=PROJ >> SUPPORTS=AGG SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=ICONV SUPPORTS=FRIBIDI >> SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=GEOS >> INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE >> >> Hope this helps, >> -Steve W > > Thanks Steve. That's an improvement. The image is still much larger > than the default GIF, or PNG with IMAGEMODE PC256, but it does > eliminate at least one of my sporadic bugs. > > I've attached two PNGs: > 1. rgb-good.png is 67K and uses your suggested settings above. > 2. pc256-bad.png is 34K and uses your settings above except changed to > IMAGEMODE PC256. You can see that the HATCH fill is completely > haywire. > In both cases the output PNG is 8 bit. > > As always, I appreciate your insight. > Rich > Ahh, just got this. I'm not sure I have anything useful to say other than: If it hurts, don't do that! :) Seriously, if you can live with a jpeg, you might get the results you want in a smaller size, but I have not tried it. That said, this does look like a bug, so maybe Thomas has something to add. -Steve W _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at From apasotti at Wed Oct 24 00:19:53 2012 From: apasotti at (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 09:19:53 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] libpng error: image size exceeds user limits in IHDR In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: 2012/10/23 Andrea Peri : > Was a dynamic link ? > Perhaps an update of some library has put the mapserver out of sync ? > Yes, it could be the case. -- Alessandro Pasotti w3: From aperi2007 at Wed Oct 24 01:10:08 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:10:08 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click Message-ID: Hi, I'm building a template to response to a GetFeatureInfo request. There a variable for the value of I and J parameters (the pixel coord of click) . I see the [mapx],[mapy] variables, but they return the projected coords not the pixel coord. Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Wed Oct 24 01:27:42 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:27:42 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click Message-ID: Hi, I found a workaround. I can invoke directly the parameter name as report on docs: >[post or get variable name], [post or get variable name_esc]> The contents of any variables passed to the MapServe But I notice this solution is Case-Sensitive. Instead the parameters in a querystring are not case-sensitive. This is a problem because is not so sure that an user could use this parameter as I&J instead of i&j. Andrea. -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Wed Oct 24 02:52:28 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 11:52:28 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I get this message, seems GeoJSON is not accepted as output, maybe I need some more .dll library in my Win7? OutputFormat is not supported 2012/10/22 Olivier Courtin > On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: > > HI Riccardo, > > >> I have "quite" solved the problem. >> > > Great to hear it ! > > >> P.S.: As GeoJSON I get the following error message (from FireBug of >> Mozilla): >> "JSON.parse: unexpected character" >> "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] " >> >> I don't know why. Anyway, for now is enough GML. Or if you know the >> reasons I get this error could be interesting to know... >> > > > Could you provide GeoJson output from TinyOWS for a single feature > i.e something like > > http://your_server/cgi-bin/tinyows.fcgi?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&OUTPUTFORMAT=application/geojson&TYPENAME=ns:your_layer&MAXFEATURES=1 > > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Steve.Lime at Wed Oct 24 05:12:42 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 12:12:42 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: imgxy? ________________________________ From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at] Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:10 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click Hi, I'm building a template to response to a GetFeatureInfo request. There a variable for the value of I and J parameters (the pixel coord of click) . I see the [mapx],[mapy] variables, but they return the projected coords not the pixel coord. Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Wed Oct 24 06:24:19 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 15:24:19 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thx for response. Unfortunately it don't work. [imgxy] don't seem be a variable for templates. 2012/10/24 Lime, Steve D (DNR) > imgxy? > > ------------------------------ > *From:* mapserver-users-bounces at [ > mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Andrea Peri [ > aperi2007 at] > *Sent:* Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:10 AM > *To:* mapserver-users at > *Subject:* [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click > > Hi, > > I'm building a template to response to a GetFeatureInfo request. > > There a variable for the value of I and J parameters (the pixel coord of > click) . > I see the [mapx],[mapy] variables, but they return the projected coords > not the pixel coord. > > Thx, > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Steve.Lime at Wed Oct 24 06:43:51 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 13:43:51 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: You're right, duh, I should have checked first. Echoing the parameter as you noted is your best bet. Regarding ticket #4511, if you're adventuresome you could try replacing calls to msReplaceSubstring() with msCaseReplaceSubstring() in the for-loop around L4003 in maptemplate.c and report back. Steve ________________________________ From: Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at] Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:24 AM To: Lime, Steve D (DNR) Cc: mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click Thx for response. Unfortunately it don't work. [imgxy] don't seem be a variable for templates. 2012/10/24 Lime, Steve D (DNR) > imgxy? ________________________________ From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at] Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:10 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click Hi, I'm building a template to response to a GetFeatureInfo request. There a variable for the value of I and J parameters (the pixel coord of click) . I see the [mapx],[mapy] variables, but they return the projected coords not the pixel coord. Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Wed Oct 24 07:11:59 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 16:11:59 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of click In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi, thx for response. I try your change. It work perfectly, now the [i]=[I] and [j]=[J] also the mapserver response correctly with both ..&I=10&J=20 or &i=10&j=20 Is this little change commitable on the master ? 2012/10/24 Lime, Steve D (DNR) > You're right, duh, I should have checked first. Echoing the parameter as > you noted is your best bet. Regarding ticket #4511, if you're adventuresome > you could try replacing calls to msReplaceSubstring() with msCaseReplaceSubstring() > in the for-loop around L4003 in maptemplate.c and report back. > > Steve > > ------------------------------ > *From:* Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at] > *Sent:* Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:24 AM > *To:* Lime, Steve D (DNR) > *Cc:* mapserver-users at > *Subject:* Re: [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of > click > > Thx for response. > > Unfortunately it don't work. > [imgxy] don't seem be a variable for templates. > > > 2012/10/24 Lime, Steve D (DNR) > >> imgxy? >> >> ------------------------------ >> *From:* mapserver-users-bounces at [ >> mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Andrea Peri [ >> aperi2007 at] >> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:10 AM >> *To:* mapserver-users at >> *Subject:* [mapserver-users] Retrieve in template the coord pixel of >> click >> >> Hi, >> >> I'm building a template to response to a GetFeatureInfo request. >> >> There a variable for the value of I and J parameters (the pixel coord of >> click) . >> I see the [mapx],[mapy] variables, but they return the projected coords >> not the pixel coord. >> >> Thx, >> >> -- >> ----------------- >> Andrea Peri >> . . . . . . . . . >> qwerty ????? >> ----------------- >> >> > > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.courtin at Wed Oct 24 07:53:42 2012 From: olivier.courtin at (Olivier Courtin) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 16:53:42 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: Riccardo, I get this message, seems GeoJSON is not accepted as output, maybe I need > some more .dll library in my Win7? You don't need any extra lib, it's plain vanillia. I didn't check my previous URL before posting, so OUTPUTFORMAT parameter expect application/json HTH, -- Olivier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From chris0wj at Wed Oct 24 08:47:00 2012 From: chris0wj at (Chris Wj) Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 11:47:00 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS Time Resolution Message-ID: Can MapServer handle WMS requests for imagery time tagged under a second? Does it support querying for sub-second images (milliseconds)? -Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riccardog79 at Thu Oct 25 03:39:15 2012 From: riccardog79 at (Riccardo Gaeta) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:39:15 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] TinyOWS wrong call in OpenLayers - 'InvalidParameterValue' - XML request isn't valid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Yes, now I get: {"type": "FeatureCollection", "crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3857"}}, "features": [{"type":"Feature", "properties":{"gid": "1", "id_posto": "25", "id_servizi": "2", "n_posto": "1"}, "geometry":{"type":"Point","bbox":[1572057,5243856,1572057,5243856],"coordinates":[1572057,5243856]}} ,]} Look good doesn't it? 2012/10/24 Olivier Courtin > On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Riccardo Gaeta wrote: > > Riccardo, > > I get this message, seems GeoJSON is not accepted as output, maybe I need >> some more .dll library in my Win7? > > > You don't need any extra lib, it's plain vanillia. > > I didn't check my previous URL before posting, > so OUTPUTFORMAT parameter expect application/json > > HTH, > > -- > Olivier > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lgnemmi at Thu Oct 25 05:28:07 2012 From: lgnemmi at (Ludovic Gnemmi) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 05:28:07 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with WFS Intersects filter on oraclespatial datasource In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi List, I always look for an explanation for my problem: Checking deeper in my logs i have found out that : - When using wfs gml:Polygon filter requests, polygon geometry is not passed to oracle SQL query. Mapserver simply send default layer extent to oracle. Which significantly increases the response time of Oracle on big tables. - In the same time i confirm that "wfs_maxfeatures" is not passed to oracle select when using Intersects query. it looks like 2 bugs, i'm not sure if i have to fill a ticket . Thanks for your help -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From Jukka.Rahkonen at Thu Oct 25 06:06:33 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 13:06:33 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with WFS Intersects filter on oraclespatial datasource Message-ID: <> Ludovic Gnemmi wrote: > > Hi List, > I always look for an explanation for my problem: > > Checking deeper in my logs i have found out that : > > - When using wfs gml:Polygon filter requests, polygon geometry is not > passed to oracle SQL query. Mapserver simply send default layer extent to > oracle. Which significantly increases the response time of Oracle on big > tables. This probably means that Mapserver has made a decision to filter the data later with some internal mechanism. It is for sure ineffective and worth making a feature request. Mapserver should use SDO_ANYINTERACT with the polygon geometry (or perhaps with the bounding box of the polygon geometry) in the SQL query. > - In the same time i confirm that "wfs_maxfeatures" is not passed to oracle > select when using Intersects query. If Mapserver does not make spatial query from Oracle it does not make sense to use AND rownum<(wfs_maxfeatures+1) alone. Otherwise Oracle would just return the first [maxfeatures] rows from the table while what you want is the first [maxfeatures] rows from the features selected by the ANYINTERACT with the polygon geometry. Rownum can be passed only if the exact filter is passed also. Notice that it means that if the WFS query contains attribute filters then they must also be converted into Oracle SQL query if the maxfeatures cutter is to be applied on the database side. -Jukka Rahkonen- > it looks like 2 bugs, i'm not sure if i have to fill a ticket . > Thanks for your help > > > > -- > View this message in context: http://osgeo- > > oraclespatial-datasource-tp5009604p5011206.html > Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From stiramdasu at Thu Oct 25 06:23:48 2012 From: stiramdasu at (Sowmya Tiramdasu) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 08:23:48 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Building mapserver from sources Message-ID: <000c01cdb2b3$f7bb26a0$e73173e0$@com> Hi, I am trying to build mapserver from sources. I am following the instructions given in this article. I am trying to build on a windows 7 ,64 bit machine. I am getting fatal error ads follows: Could Not Find D:\MapServer\mapserver-6-0\mapscriptvars NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'ms\apps\mapserv' : return code '0xc0000135' Stop. When I try to run mapserv -v command, it is complaining that libmap.dll is not present. Can anyone please help me in this issue. Thanks in advance, Sowmya. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stiramdasu at Thu Oct 25 06:39:11 2012 From: stiramdasu at (Sowmya Tiramdasu) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 08:39:11 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Building mapserver from sources In-Reply-To: <000c01cdb2b3$f7bb26a0$e73173e0$@com> References: <000c01cdb2b3$f7bb26a0$e73173e0$@com> Message-ID: <001701cdb2b6$1e62b5f0$5b2821d0$@com> Hi, Here is the exact log entries while trying to build my mapserver. ............................................ ............................................ xcopy /Y *.exe D:\MapServer\release-1600\bin\ms\apps D:legend.exe D:mapserv.exe D:msencrypt.exe D:scalebar.exe D:shp2img.exe D:shptree.exe D:shptreevis.exe D:sortshp.exe D:tile4ms.exe 9 File(s) copied cd .. cd D:\MapServer\release-1600\bin ms\apps\mapserv -v > D:\MapServer\release-1600\doc\ms_version.txt NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'ms\apps\mapserv' : return code '0xc0000135' Stop. Thanks, Sowmya _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sowmya Tiramdasu Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:24 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Building mapserver from sources Hi, I am trying to build mapserver from sources. I am following the instructions given in this article. I am trying to build on a windows 7 ,64 bit machine. I am getting fatal error ads follows: Could Not Find D:\MapServer\mapserver-6-0\mapscriptvars NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'ms\apps\mapserv' : return code '0xc0000135' Stop. When I try to run mapserv -v command, it is complaining that libmap.dll is not present. Can anyone please help me in this issue. Thanks in advance, Sowmya. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From richard.greenwood at Thu Oct 25 06:44:56 2012 From: richard.greenwood at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 07:44:56 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] 8 bit versus 24 bit output in MapServer 6.x In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: For what it's worth: Rich On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > On 10/23/2012 4:31 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote: >> >> All - >> >> I've have always used 8 bit GIFs because they are generally the >> smallest. I serve a rural area with flaky internet and I do a good bit >> with mobile, so size is more important to me than pixel-perfect. >> Since MapServer 6.0 I have found 8 bit output (GIF or PNG) to be much >> more buggy than 24 bit output. Bugs that I have been able to isolate >> and report have been fixed very quickly by the devs, but I'm >> struggling with a couple now that are sporadic and that I can not >> shrink down to a reproducible bug report. I see the same issues in >> Windows and Linux. I'm running 6.0.3 on both. So: >> 1. What image format are people generally using? Am I stuck in the >> past with 8 bit images? Should I just go with 24 bit and not worry >> that my images are several times larger? >> 2. My general sense is that the root of the issues I'm seeing are in >> the shift from GD to AGG. Are PC256 PNGs generated by GD or AGG? >> 3. Any general advise for 8 bit output? For GIF is use the default (I >> don't define an OUTPUTFORMAT block) for PNG I do define an >> OUTPUTFORMAT block and use IMAGEMODE PC256. >> >> The two issues that I'm struggling with right now are that my label >> colors change as I pan and zoom, and that the HATCH fill pattern >> extends outside of its polygons. In both cases switching from an 8 bit >> output to a 24 bit output resolves the issue. >> >> Thanks, >> Rich >> > > Rich, > > I use this: > > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME "agg_qn" > DRIVER "AGG/PNG" > EXTENSION "png" > MIMETYPE "image/png" > IMAGEMODE RGB > FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=false" > FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_NEW=ON" > FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" > FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" > FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" > #TRANSPARENT ON > #FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" > END > > It gives me 8-bit png and I have no problem with it. Here is an example > using mapserver and mapcache > > > > And here is an example using just mapserver and draw on demand: > > > > I think both of these are using: > > MapServer version 6.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG SUPPORTS=PROJ > SUPPORTS=AGG SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=ICONV SUPPORTS=FRIBIDI > SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=GEOS > INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE > > Hope this helps, > -Steve W > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > -- Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at From wyattjoe40 at Thu Oct 25 10:14:11 2012 From: wyattjoe40 at (Wyatt Davis) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:14:11 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] Building Mapserver with Memcachr Capability In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hello everyone, I am currently trying to build Mapcache from source with Memcache caching capabilities. The problem I am having is that when configuring Mapcache I receive this warning: configure: WARNING: supplied apr-util does not contain memcache functions. Memcache backend disable I have installed Apache and the apr and apu libraries through apt-get. I also tried on a separate machine building Apache, apr-1.4.6 and apu-1.4.1 from source with the same result. When I look inside of the apu static library it seems to have the memcache functions: $ nm libaprutil-1.a | grep memcache ..... 000000000000a00 T apr_memcache_hash ..... I am relatively new at this so it is quite possible I am making a simple, embarrassing mistake. If anyone has any suggestions I would be most grateful. Thank you, Wyatt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stodge at Thu Oct 25 13:49:19 2012 From: stodge at (Mike Stoddart) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 16:49:19 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. Message-ID: I'm using MapServer 6.0.1 on Fedora 16 and I'm having a weird layer issue. We're trying to port our application from MapServer 5 -> 6 and we're seeing the error: WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. I can re-create the problem using Python MapScript and an example map file from the MapServer website. The map file is: MAP NAME "sample" STATUS ON SIZE 600 400 EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 UNITS DD IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET "/opt/test/conf/fonts.list" # # Start of web interface definition # WEB IMAGEPATH "/opt/test/static/ms_tmp" IMAGEURL "/media/ms_tmp/" END # WEB # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME 'inline_circles' TYPE CIRCLE STATUS on FEATURE POINTS 74.01 -53.8 110.7 -22.16 END END CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 END END END END # MAP If I use the following Python: import mapscript f = "" m = mapscript.mapObj(f) r = mapscript.OWSRequest() r.setParameter('LAYERS', 'inline_circle') m.loadOWSParameters(r) I get: ... msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1623, in loadOWSParameters def loadOWSParameters(*args): return _mapscript.mapObj_loadOWSParameters(*args) _mapscript.MapServerError: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. So it doesn't think the layer exists. If I check the layer's status: m.getLayer(0).status 0 The layer is disabled? So I'm assuming something is amiss in my map file but I just can't see it. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks Mike -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jukka.Rahkonen at Thu Oct 25 14:02:07 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:02:07 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi, Perhaps you have not added "ows_enable_request" "*" into your mapfile. Search and read the migration guide if this happens to be the reason for the trouble. Mapserver web site should be updated at least. -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ Mike Stoddart wrote: > I'm using MapServer 6.0.1 on Fedora 16 and I'm having a weird layer issue. We're trying to port our application from MapServer 5 -> 6 and we're seeing the error: > WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. > I can re-create the problem using Python MapScript and an example map file from the MapServer website. The map file is: MAP NAME "sample" STATUS ON SIZE 600 400 EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 UNITS DD IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET "/opt/test/conf/fonts.list" # # Start of web interface definition # WEB IMAGEPATH "/opt/test/static/ms_tmp" IMAGEURL "/media/ms_tmp/" END # WEB # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME 'inline_circles' TYPE CIRCLE STATUS on FEATURE POINTS 74.01 -53.8 110.7 -22.16 END END CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 END END END END # MAP If I use the following Python: import mapscript f = "" m = mapscript.mapObj(f) r = mapscript.OWSRequest() r.setParameter('LAYERS', 'inline_circle') m.loadOWSParameters(r) I get: ... msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1623, in loadOWSParameters def loadOWSParameters(*args): return _mapscript.mapObj_loadOWSParameters(*args) _mapscript.MapServerError: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. So it doesn't think the layer exists. If I check the layer's status: m.getLayer(0).status 0 The layer is disabled? So I'm assuming something is amiss in my map file but I just can't see it. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks Mike From lucadeluge at Fri Oct 26 01:24:48 2012 From: lucadeluge at (Luca Delucchi) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:24:48 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] WCS server, getcoverage request fail Message-ID: Hi everybody, I'm testing WCS server with MapServer 6.0 compiled from svn in a Debian system. GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage works fine; GetCoverage instead as some problems when I try to use RESX and RESY, I obtain this "Premature end of script headers: mapserv" i error.log of Apache. My request is like this http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/wcs_test/,7716750,770000,%205447750&RESX=250&RESY=250&FORMAT=GTiff Someone can help me? -- ciao Luca From Jukka.Rahkonen at Fri Oct 26 01:38:39 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 08:38:39 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] WCS server, getcoverage request fail Message-ID: <> Hi, First thing is that BBOX seems odd but perhaps it is a typo BBOX=2168000,7716750,770000,%205447750& -Jukka Rahkonen- Luca Delucchi wrote: > > Hi everybody, > I'm testing WCS server with MapServer 6.0 compiled from svn in a Debian > system. > GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage works fine; GetCoverage instead as > some problems when I try to use RESX and RESY, I obtain this "Premature > end of script headers: mapserv" i error.log of Apache. > My request is like this > > http://localhost/cgi- > bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/wcs_test/ > SION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAGE=MODIS_LST_2002_08&CR > S=EPSG:3035&BBOX=2168000,7716750,770000,%205447750&RESX=250&RESY > =250&FORMAT=GTiff > > Someone can help me? > > -- > ciao > Luca > > > > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From lucadeluge at Fri Oct 26 01:49:35 2012 From: lucadeluge at (Luca Delucchi) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:49:35 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] WCS server, getcoverage request fail In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: 2012/10/26 Rahkonen Jukka : > Hi, > Hi > First thing is that BBOX seems odd but perhaps it is a typo > BBOX=2168000,7716750,770000,%205447750& > ops sorry I didn't see it. Now it return me an error because the width and height are to big [Fri Oct 26 10:42:57 2012].537605 msWCSGetCoverage(): WCS server error. Raster size out of range, width and height of resulting coverage must be no more than MAXSIZE=2048. How can I find the maximum bounding box the the right resolution and the MAXSIZE? otherwise can I force the MAXSIZE? > -Jukka Rahkonen- > Thanks -- ciao Luca From Jukka.Rahkonen at Fri Oct 26 01:56:44 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 08:56:44 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] WCS server, getcoverage request fail Message-ID: <> Hi, It is set with MAXSIZE at MAP level, for example MAXSIZE 10000 Our server can deliver something like 8000x8000 pixel sized uncompressed 3-channel geotiffs well but not much bigger. I have not considered that as a big problem (it is already 192 MB for the client to download) and not studied if I could adjust the server it to send bigger files. -Jukka- Luca Delucchi wrote: > 2012/10/26 Rahkonen Jukka : > > Hi, > > > > Hi > > > First thing is that BBOX seems odd but perhaps it is a typo > > BBOX=2168000,7716750,770000,%205447750& > > > > ops sorry I didn't see it. > Now it return me an error because the width and height are to big > > [Fri Oct 26 10:42:57 2012].537605 msWCSGetCoverage(): WCS server error. > Raster size out of range, width and height of resulting coverage must be no > more than MAXSIZE=2048. > > How can I find the maximum bounding box the the right resolution and the > MAXSIZE? > otherwise can I force the MAXSIZE? > > > -Jukka Rahkonen- > > > > Thanks > > > -- > ciao > Luca > > > From stiramdasu at Fri Oct 26 05:58:08 2012 From: stiramdasu at (Sowmya Tiramdasu) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 07:58:08 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gdal20dev.dll not found Message-ID: <000c01cdb379$8c583c60$a508b520$@com> Hi, I am trying to compile mapserver from the sources using the Build kits. I could get the required exes and libs generated but when I do > mapserv -v operation it is looking for gdal20dev.dll which is not available on my machine. Can anyone please tell me where I can find this dll or how I can make the mapserver to look for other flavours of gdal dlls which I have ( liek gdal19.dll etc) Thanks in advance, Sowmya Tiramdasu. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stodge at Fri Oct 26 06:18:04 2012 From: stodge at (Mike Stoddart) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:18:04 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Thanks, I tried as you suggested after reading the documentation WEB IMAGEPATH "/opt/test/static/ms_tmp" IMAGEURL "/media/ms_tmp/" METADATA ows_enable_request "*" END END # WEB But I still get the same error. Thanks Mike On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote: > Hi, > > Perhaps you have not added > "ows_enable_request" "*" > into your mapfile. Search and read the migration guide if this happens to > be the reason for the trouble. > > Mapserver web site should be updated at least. > > -Jukka Rahkonen- > > ________________________________ > Mike Stoddart wrote: > > > I'm using MapServer 6.0.1 on Fedora 16 and I'm having a weird layer > issue. We're trying to port our application from MapServer 5 -> 6 and we're > seeing the error: > > > WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. > > > I can re-create the problem using Python MapScript and an example map > file from the MapServer website. The map file is: > > MAP > NAME "sample" > STATUS ON > SIZE 600 400 > > EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 > UNITS DD > > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > FONTSET "/opt/test/conf/fonts.list" > > # > # Start of web interface definition > # > WEB > IMAGEPATH "/opt/test/static/ms_tmp" > IMAGEURL "/media/ms_tmp/" > END # WEB > > # > # Start of layer definitions > # > LAYER > NAME 'inline_circles' > TYPE CIRCLE > STATUS on > FEATURE > POINTS > 74.01 -53.8 > 110.7 -22.16 > END > END > CLASS > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 255 > END > END > END > > END # MAP > > If I use the following Python: > > import mapscript > f = "" > m = mapscript.mapObj(f) > r = mapscript.OWSRequest() > r.setParameter('LAYERS', 'inline_circle') > m.loadOWSParameters(r) > > I get: > > ... > > > msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the > LAYERS parameter. > > > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "", line 1, in > File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1623, in > loadOWSParameters > def loadOWSParameters(*args): return > _mapscript.mapObj_loadOWSParameters(*args) > _mapscript.MapServerError: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. > Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. > > > So it doesn't think the layer exists. If I check the layer's status: > > m.getLayer(0).status > 0 > > The layer is disabled? So I'm assuming something is amiss in my map file > but I just can't see it. Am I missing something obvious? > > Thanks > Mike > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lgnemmi at Fri Oct 26 06:24:12 2012 From: lgnemmi at (Ludovic Gnemmi) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 06:24:12 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with WFS Intersects filter on oraclespatial datasource In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Thanks for your answer, I filed a ticket : Ludovic -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From bfischer at Fri Oct 26 06:26:53 2012 From: bfischer at (Brian Fischer) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 13:26:53 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] filter expression and boolean field Message-ID: Hi, I am trying to use a filter expression to only display features where a value is true in a Boolean field coming from an MSSQL Spatial datasource. It seems like every syntax I try MapServer comes back with "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected" I have tried a number of different combinations. How do you specify a Boolean expression? Has anyone got a Boolean field type to work from a database source? If so what expression did you use? Thanks! Brian Fischer, CFM Principal | GIS Project Manager O 763.493.4522 | D 763.493.6664 | M 763.229.2734 [cid:image001.jpg at 01CC3702.356B79C0] 6901 E Fish Lake Rd. , Suite 140 * Maple Grove, MN * 55369 This entire message (including all forwards and replies) and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential, trade secret, work-product, attorney-client or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited and may be a violation of law. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 1059 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: From jmckenna at Fri Oct 26 06:27:08 2012 From: jmckenna at (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:27:08 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On 12-10-25 5:49 PM, Mike Stoddart wrote: > I'm using MapServer 6.0.1 on Fedora 16 and I'm having a weird layer > issue. We're trying to port our application from MapServer 5 -> 6 and > we're seeing the error: > > WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. > > Once you have your WMS service created, then I would: - in a Web browser, construct a GetCapabilities request - save the results locally - open that file in a text editor, and then make sure all "warning" messages are removed from that response - then, test your service with a GetMap request - construct a GetMap request by hand in your Web browser, or cheat and - use QuantumGIS and add a WMS server there, try adding a layer from your WMS server, and check your server's Apache logs, and grab the URL from the log; once you have that log URL, go back to your browser and paste that request there, then analyze the error -jeff -- Jeff McKenna MapServer Consulting and Training Services From stiramdasu at Fri Oct 26 07:30:23 2012 From: stiramdasu at (Sowmya Tiramdasu) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:30:23 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gdal20dev.dll not found - Solved In-Reply-To: <000c01cdb379$8c583c60$a508b520$@com> References: <000c01cdb379$8c583c60$a508b520$@com> Message-ID: <002301cdb386$6f4f7400$4dee5c00$@com> I got this one solved. Just wanted to post the solution . It could be helpful to anyone else. I compiled gdal library again from the sources. There is a visual studio solution available for gdal so I compiled it using visual studio and it generated the gdal20dev.dll and my problem got solved. Now I could successfully get the mapserver compiled from the sources on a 64bit Windows 7 Machine. Thanks , Sowmya. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sowmya Tiramdasu Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 7:58 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] gdal20dev.dll not found Hi, I am trying to compile mapserver from the sources using the Build kits. I could get the required exes and libs generated but when I do > mapserv -v operation it is looking for gdal20dev.dll which is not available on my machine. Can anyone please tell me where I can find this dll or how I can make the mapserver to look for other flavours of gdal dlls which I have ( liek gdal19.dll etc) Thanks in advance, Sowmya Tiramdasu. _______________________________ Sowmya Tiramdasu GeoCue Corporation 9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202 Madison, AL 35758 (256) 461-8289 Telephone (256) 461-8249 Fax Integrating the Geospatial Workplace... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From havard.tveite at Fri Oct 26 07:45:28 2012 From: havard.tveite at (Havard Tveite) Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 16:45:28 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] filter expression and boolean field In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi, I am also be interested in learning how to use boolean attributes in filter expressions. I have also tried to get a filter expression with a boolean attribute to work, but have had no luck. My data source was PostGIS. I did a workaround in SQL to get integers instead (CASE WHEN booleanvariable = 'f' then 0 else 1). H?vard On 10/26/2012 3:26 PM, Brian Fischer wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to use a filter expression to only display features where a value is true in a Boolean field coming from an MSSQL Spatial datasource. It seems like every syntax I try MapServer comes back with ?An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected? > > I have tried a number of different combinations. How do you specify a Boolean expression? Has anyone got a Boolean field type to work from a database source? If so what expression did you use? > > Thanks! > > > > *Brian Fischer, CFM*** > > Principal | GIS Project Manager > > *O* 763.493.4522 | *D* 763.493.6664 | *M* 763.229.2734 > > > > cid:image001.jpg at 01CC3702.356B79C0 > > > > 6901 E Fish Lake Rd. , Suite 140 ? Maple Grove, MN ? 55369 > > > > ** * *** > > > > > This entire message (including all forwards and replies) and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential, trade secret, work-product, attorney-client or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited and may be a violation of law. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. -- H?vard Tveite Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB Dr?bakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 ?s, NORWAY Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 From vincentpmiller at Sat Oct 27 16:40:05 2012 From: vincentpmiller at (Vince Miller) Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 16:40:05 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php Message-ID: <> I'm trying to get Mapserver 6.0.3 running with Apache and PHP under Ubuntu 12.04. The Apache/Mapserver connection works, as does the apache PHP connection, but Mapserver won't talk to PHP. I try compiling Mapserver --with-php=/usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3/mapscript/php and it fails to find php_config.h or php_version.h, neither of which can be found anywhere in the php files, let alone in mapscript/php. What am I doing wrong here? Thank youy very much for your help. From woodbri at Sat Oct 27 17:15:05 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 20:15:05 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/27/2012 7:40 PM, Vince Miller wrote: > I'm trying to get Mapserver 6.0.3 running with Apache and PHP under > Ubuntu 12.04. The Apache/Mapserver connection works, as does the > apache PHP connection, but Mapserver won't talk to PHP. I try > compiling Mapserver > --with-php=/usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3/mapscript/php and it fails > to find php_config.h or php_version.h, neither of which can be found > anywhere in the php files, let alone in mapscript/php. What am I > doing wrong here? > > Thank youy very much for your help. A couple of things: 1. make sure you instal the php5-dev package sudo apt-get install php5-dev 2. --with-php=/usr this should point to where you have installed php on your system, NOT to the mapscript/php -Steve W From woodbri at Sat Oct 27 17:17:21 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 20:17:21 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> On 10/27/2012 8:15 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > On 10/27/2012 7:40 PM, Vince Miller wrote: >> I'm trying to get Mapserver 6.0.3 running with Apache and PHP under >> Ubuntu 12.04. The Apache/Mapserver connection works, as does the >> apache PHP connection, but Mapserver won't talk to PHP. I try >> compiling Mapserver >> --with-php=/usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3/mapscript/php and it fails >> to find php_config.h or php_version.h, neither of which can be found >> anywhere in the php files, let alone in mapscript/php. What am I >> doing wrong here? >> >> Thank youy very much for your help. > > A couple of things: > > 1. make sure you instal the php5-dev package > sudo apt-get install php5-dev > > 2. --with-php=/usr > this should point to where you have installed php on your system, > NOT to the mapscript/php need more help? google: install php mapscript ubuntu will probably get all you need, if not ask. -Steve W From vincentpmiller at Sun Oct 28 09:37:35 2012 From: vincentpmiller at (Vince Miller) Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 09:37:35 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php Message-ID: <> Thank you for your advice. After apparent success of: sudo apt-get install php5-dev The command: ./configure --with postgis --with-geos --with php=/usr/include/php5/main returns the message ... checking for location of php_config.h... configure: error: !!! Could not find php_config.h and php_version.h in /usr/include/php5/main. !!! !!! Has PHP been configured yet? yet these two files are present in the stated directory: sudo ls /usr/include/php5/main/php_*.h ... /usr/include/php5/main/php_config.h ... /usr/include/php5/main/php_version.h Any further advice? From woodbri at Sun Oct 28 10:51:21 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 13:51:21 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/28/2012 12:37 PM, Vince Miller wrote: > Thank you for your advice. > > After apparent success of: sudo apt-get install php5-dev > > The command: > > ./configure --with postgis --with-geos --with php=/usr/include/php5/main > > returns the message > > ... > checking for location of php_config.h... configure: error: > !!! Could not find php_config.h and php_version.h in /usr/include/php5/main. !!! > !!! Has PHP been configured yet? > > > yet these two files are present in the stated directory: > > sudo ls /usr/include/php5/main/php_*.h > > ... > /usr/include/php5/main/php_config.h > ... > /usr/include/php5/main/php_version.h > > Any further advice? Try: ./configure --with postgis --with-geos --with php=/usr From vincentpmiller at Sun Oct 28 11:47:30 2012 From: vincentpmiller at (Vince Miller) Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 11:47:30 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php Message-ID: <> Thanks again for helping me make progress on this. The recomile seems to have gone fine, but the php script still crashes without any message on its first encounter with an ms_ function, specifically: $map = ms_newMapObj('/var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/'); The .map file is there. The new mapserv file is in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory. This worked fine on the old server with older versions of everything. Any more advice? Thanks again. From woodbri at Sun Oct 28 12:53:22 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 15:53:22 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On 10/28/2012 2:47 PM, Vince Miller wrote: > Thanks again for helping me make progress on this. The recomile seems to have gone fine, but the php script still crashes without any message on its first encounter with an ms_ function, specifically: > > $map = ms_newMapObj('/var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/'); > > The .map file is there. The new mapserv file is in the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory. This worked fine on the old server with older versions of everything. > > Any more advice? > Thanks again. What does this do: shp2img -m /var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/ -o junk.png if it crashes then report the output from this: gdb shp2img run -m /var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/ -o junk.png bt quit You might need to reconfigure mapserver with --enable-debug and recompile and install it. Any reason you are not using existing ubuntu packages? apt-get install php5-mapscript apt-cache search mapserver apt-cache search mapscript you might need to locate a ppa that has the most recent builds in them. google: ubuntu ppa mapserver -Steve From vincentpmiller at Sun Oct 28 13:59:51 2012 From: vincentpmiller at (Vince Miller) Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 13:59:51 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php Message-ID: <> Evidently I need to rerun the mapserver build adding --with-GDAL and and --with-proj. There are .png files referenced in my .map file. The goal is to maintain all the data in PostgreSQL and PostGIS. Now that they have raster support I can hopefully dump the .pngs and I then won't need GDAL. Right? Hope there's nothing else missing. I've not gone the route of ubuntuGIS, the latest (unstable) version of which includes Mapserver 6.0.3, because it was unclear to me how I would install from it only what I need, and other instructions seemed to presume some familiarity with PPA concepts and processes that I do not have. Nonetheless, I attempted to follow some instructions I found involving the "apt-get-repository" command, but this command was not found by my Ubuntu 12.04. The results of your test: vince at gameserver:/usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3$ shp2img -m /var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/ -o junk.png loadSymbol(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (PATTERN):(line 16)
vince at gameserver:/usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3$ gdb shp2img GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.04 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: ... Reading symbols from /usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3/shp2img...(no debugging symbols found)...done. (gdb) run -m /var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/ -o junk.png Starting program: /usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3/shp2img -m /var/www/eunomi0/www/maps/ -o junk.png [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
msRasterLayerIsOpen(): Image handling error. Rasters queries only supported with GDAL support enabled.
loadProjection(): Projection library error. Projection support is not available.
[Inferior 1 (process 11562) exited with code 01] (gdb) bt No stack. (gdb) quit From pcreso at Sun Oct 28 18:02:42 2012 From: pcreso at (pcreso at Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:02:42 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [mapserver-users] WCS timeseries data via mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Does anyone have an example of using mapserver to deliver 1D timeseries data as a WCS service? Is mapserver able to do this? Is there a generic client that can display such WCS content? Thanks, ?? Brent Wood -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Andreas.Eichner at Mon Oct 29 00:54:43 2012 From: Andreas.Eichner at (Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:54:43 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Building Mapserver with Memcachr Capability References: Message-ID: <> Seems to be a bug in the build system. When linking the test program it instruct the linker to use a *.la file. Since you checked the apr_memcache functions manually you can use the following workaround. $ echo "ac_cv_lib_aprutil_1_apr_memcache_hash=yes" > config.cache $ echo "ac_cv_header_apr_memcache_h=yes" >> config.cache $ ./configure -C --enable-memcache=yes HTH > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: mapserver-users-bounces at > [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] Im Auftrag > von Wyatt Davis > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012 19:14 > An: mapserver-users at > Betreff: [mapserver-users] Building Mapserver with Memcachr Capability > > Hello everyone, > > I am currently trying to build Mapcache from source with > Memcache caching capabilities. The problem I am having is > that when configuring Mapcache I receive this warning: > > configure: WARNING: supplied apr-util does not contain > memcache functions. Memcache backend disable > > I have installed Apache and the apr and apu libraries through > apt-get. I also tried on a separate machine building Apache, > apr-1.4.6 and apu-1.4.1 from source with the same result. > > When I look inside of the apu static library it seems to have > the memcache functions: > > $ nm libaprutil-1.a | grep memcache > > ..... > 000000000000a00 T apr_memcache_hash > ..... > > I am relatively new at this so it is quite possible I am > making a simple, embarrassing mistake. > > If anyone has any suggestions I would be most grateful. > > Thank you, > > Wyatt > > From j.l.h.hartmann at Mon Oct 29 08:46:57 2012 From: j.l.h.hartmann at (Jan Hartmann) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:46:57 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Angle Auto with geomtransform arrows and small lines In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm constructing maps of street segments with arrows at the endpoints to indicate the direction of the house numbers, using the "geomtransform / angle auto" method described in "". When zooming in, the arrow heads remain at the same size, while the street segments get smaller. This is as it should be, but when a street segments become smaller than the arrow-head, the direction of the arrow changes, as far as I can see at random. Shouldn't the direction of a symbol with "angle auto" always remain the same, regardless of the resolution of the map? Jan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rogers.peter at Mon Oct 29 09:06:06 2012 From: rogers.peter at (Pete Rogers) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:06:06 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer behaviour using SQL 2008 vs Shapefiles Message-ID: Hello all, I'm currently trying to carry out a selection of some polygon data using MapServer. When I query a dataset held in a shapefile, everything is working ok and the expected polygons are returned in the selection. However, when I try to query data held in a SQL Server 2008 database, I get some very strange results. The bounding box expands compared to the selection polygon I have drawn, and multipart polygons are returned instead of the correct features. The dataset is a county dataset for England and Wales. Some example co-ordinates are below, having tried to select Bedfordshire (BBOX 489373 , 212863 to 527085 , 270534) SHP results in a BBOX (445860 , 178402 to 571833 , 318013) which covers the county plus those that intersect my original polygon SQL results in a BBOX 386080 , 212863 to 527085 , 270534) which is massively extended from the original polygon, stretching from Gloucestershire to the North East coast of England Are there any differences in the map file or layer setup that could explain this difference, and is there a solution? I have posted the issue to stackexchange but at that time had not realised it was a difference between shp and sql: Regards Pete -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wal3 at Mon Oct 29 09:43:28 2012 From: wal3 at (Worth Lutz) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:43:28 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <8325A61168AA42C7834B1D2141F19F34@worthlaptop> You do not have to install every thing listed on ubuntuGIS. Only what you need with "apt-get" Here are the steps I use to get Mapserver on my machine. Note the python_software-properties must be added to get the apt-add-repository needed to get the ubuntugis repository. # # ++ update repositories ++ sudo apt-get update # # ++ upgrade installed packages ++ sudo apt-get upgrade # # # +++++ add repositories +++++ # # ++ install python-software-properties ++ # ++ to get the "apt-add-repository" command ++ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties # # ++ add ubuntugis repository ++ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable # # ++ update repositories ++ sudo apt-get update # # # ++++ PostGIS ++++ # apt-cache search postgis # this just finds the postgis related stuff sudo apt-get install \ postgis \ postgresql-9.1-postgis # # ++++ MapServer ++++ # sudo apt-get install mapserver-bin php5-mapscript cgi-mapserver Give this a try if you have not figured it out already. Worth -----Original Message----- From: Vince Miller [mailto:vincentpmiller at] Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:44 AM To: Worth Lutz Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php Thank you for your advice. My resistance to using the ubuntugis ppa stems from my desire to install on my server ONLY mapserver and postgis, and other things that these two require, and nothing else that is included in this ppa. It's not clear to me how to do this. Vince --- On Sun, 10/28/12, Worth Lutz wrote: > From: Worth Lutz > Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php > To: "'Vince Miller'" > Date: Sunday, October 28, 2012, 5:49 AM > Do you need to compile it yourself? > > I use MapServer from the ubuntugis ppa:? > > > > With this I have no trouble with PHP Mapscript. > > Worth > > -----Original Message----- > From: mapserver-users-bounces at > [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] > On Behalf Of Vince Miller > Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 7:40 PM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver and php > > I'm trying to get Mapserver 6.0.3 running with Apache and > PHP under Ubuntu > 12.04. The Apache/Mapserver connection works, as does the > apache PHP > connection, but Mapserver won't talk to PHP. I try compiling > Mapserver > --with-php=/usr/local/src/mapserver-6.0.3/mapscript/php and > it fails to find > php_config.h or php_version.h, neither of which can be found > anywhere in the > php files, let alone in mapscript/php. What am I doing wrong > here? > > Thank youy very much for your help. > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > ----- > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - > Version: 2013.0.2742 / Virus Database: 2617/5859 - Release > Date: 10/28/12 > > ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2013.0.2742 / Virus Database: 2617/5860 - Release Date: 10/28/12 From Robert.Burgholzer at Mon Oct 29 11:55:09 2012 From: Robert.Burgholzer at (Burgholzer, Robert (DEQ)) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 18:55:09 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] accessing map->web->imagepath causes segmentation fault Message-ID: <77F5F8FA4B407F43BFCFD3FC34789691398CE6@COVMSGCES-MBX01> Hello - I am struggling during a system migration (replaced my database node) and seem to have found some troubles along the way. Using: php mapscript Mapserv Version: 6.0.1 As mentioned, all seems well until I try to access the property for the web path, like so: ... $annotation = $annotlayer->getClass(0); $annotlayer->set("status",MS_ON); $annotation->setText($annotext); $image = $amap->map->draw(); $ext = $amap->getImageExt(); error_log("Getting image path"); $imagepath = $amap->map->web->imagepath; As mentioned, this seemed to be working fine until I had to replace my database node with a backup. I realize this is probably something goofy, but I am hoping someone out there may have experienced similarly difficult errors. All layers have debugging on, and there is nothing troubling in the mapserv.log file, just the following in the apache log: >> child pid 25853 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) Thanks, r.b. From gaston.lucerom at Mon Oct 29 12:40:10 2012 From: gaston.lucerom at (Gaston Lucero) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:40:10 -0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] Layer Query Message-ID: Hello, I am researching and trying to use queries layers of mapserver, mapscript through, but not how to obtain, if possible, the result information. I do not use wms My java code mapObj map = new mapObj("/home/gaston/maps/map/") ; layerObj layer = map.getLayerByName("Info"); //centerP es el putno layer.queryByPoint(map,new pointObj(centerP.getX(),centerP.getY(),0), mapscriptConstants.MS_SINGLE, 10);; resultCacheObj res =layer.getResults(); for(int i=0 ;i From Steve.Lime at Mon Oct 29 12:55:17 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 19:55:17 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Layer Query In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Your syntax looks off. Below a snippet (in Perl) from RFC 65 ( It applies generally to all languages. my $rect = new mapscript::rectObj(420000, 5120000, 582000, 5200000); $layer->queryByRect($map, $rect); # layer is left open after this operation for(my $i=0; $i<$layer->getNumResults(); $i++) { my $shape = $layer->getShape($layer->getResult($i)); ... } Steve From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gaston Lucero Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 2:40 PM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Layer Query Hello, I am researching and trying to use queries layers of mapserver, mapscript through, but not how to obtain, if possible, the result information. I do not use wms My java code mapObj map = new mapObj("/home/gaston/maps/map/") ; layerObj layer = map.getLayerByName("Info"); //centerP es el putno layer.queryByPoint(map,new pointObj(centerP.getX(),centerP.getY(),0), mapscriptConstants.MS_SINGLE, 10);; resultCacheObj res =layer.getResults(); for(int i=0 ;i From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 30 04:20:03 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:20:03 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer Message-ID: Hi, I'm trying to have more distinct label on a single layer,. To do this I try to set a classgroup and three class in that group every class use a distinct label. LAYER ... CLASSGROUP "aaa" .. CLASS GROUP "aaa" LABEL .. TEXT "[FIELD1]" .. END END CLASS GROUP "aaa" LABEL .. TEXT "[FIELD2]" .. END END But seem that mapserver only apply the first class. I see only the FIELD1 label. Perhaps mapserver allow only a label for layer ? Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Steve.Lime at Tue Oct 30 05:52:28 2012 From: Steve.Lime at (Lime, Steve D (DNR)) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:52:28 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: A feature can only match 1 class... 6.2 supports multiple labels per class though. Steve ________________________________________ From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at] Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:20 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer Hi, I'm trying to have more distinct label on a single layer,. To do this I try to set a classgroup and three class in that group every class use a distinct label. LAYER ... CLASSGROUP "aaa" .. CLASS GROUP "aaa" LABEL .. TEXT "[FIELD1]" .. END END CLASS GROUP "aaa" LABEL .. TEXT "[FIELD2]" .. END END But seem that mapserver only apply the first class. I see only the FIELD1 label. Perhaps mapserver allow only a label for layer ? Thx, -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 30 07:37:53 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:37:53 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi Steve, It work greatly. I was not understand that on a class can put more than one LABEL. Andrea. 2012/10/30 Lime, Steve D (DNR) > A feature can only match 1 class... 6.2 supports multiple labels per class > though. > > Steve > > ________________________________________ > From: mapserver-users-bounces at [ > mapserver-users-bounces at] on behalf of Andrea Peri [ > aperi2007 at] > Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:20 AM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer > > Hi, > I'm trying to have more distinct label on a single layer,. > To do this I try to set > > a classgroup and three class in that group every class use a distinct > label. > > LAYER > ... > CLASSGROUP "aaa" > .. > CLASS > GROUP "aaa" > LABEL > .. > TEXT "[FIELD1]" > .. > END > END > CLASS > GROUP "aaa" > LABEL > .. > TEXT "[FIELD2]" > .. > END > END > > But seem that mapserver only apply the first class. I see only the FIELD1 > label. > > Perhaps mapserver allow only a label for layer ? > > Thx, > > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aperi2007 at Tue Oct 30 08:00:45 2012 From: aperi2007 at (Andrea Peri) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:00:45 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hi, I notice also that the dcumentiation say of element TEXT on the CLASS section but don't speak anything about the choice to put the TEXT element in the LABEL section. Instead it is possible on the mapserver 6.2 and is necessary to have multiple labels on the same class. CLASS NAME 'class-name' LABEL TEXT '[field-1]' .. END LABEL TEXT '[field-2]' .. END END Regards, 2012/10/30 Havard Tveite > Dear Steve, > > FYI, I have now documented the possibility for multiple labels > in a class (updated the class document in master). > > H?vard > > > On 10/30/2012 3:37 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: > >> Hi Steve, >> >> It work greatly. >> >> I was not understand that on a class can put more than one LABEL. >> >> Andrea. >> >> >> 2012/10/30 Lime, Steve D (DNR) > Steve.Lime at**>> >> >> >> A feature can only match 1 class... 6.2 supports multiple labels per >> class though. >> >> Steve >> >> ______________________________**__________ >> From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.**> mapserver-users-**bounces at> >> [mapserver-users-bounces@**> mapserver-users-**bounces at>] >> on behalf of Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at > >] >> >> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:20 AM >> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.**org> mapserver-users at lists.** > >> >> Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer >> >> Hi, >> I'm trying to have more distinct label on a single layer,. >> To do this I try to set >> >> a classgroup and three class in that group every class use a distinct >> label. >> >> LAYER >> ... >> CLASSGROUP "aaa" >> .. >> CLASS >> GROUP "aaa" >> LABEL >> .. >> TEXT "[FIELD1]" >> .. >> END >> END >> CLASS >> GROUP "aaa" >> LABEL >> .. >> TEXT "[FIELD2]" >> .. >> END >> END >> >> But seem that mapserver only apply the first class. I see only the >> FIELD1 label. >> >> Perhaps mapserver allow only a label for layer ? >> >> Thx, >> >> >> -- >> ----------------- >> Andrea Peri >> . . . . . . . . . >> qwerty ????? >> ----------------- >> >> >> >> >> >> -- >> ----------------- >> Andrea Peri >> . . . . . . . . . >> qwerty ????? >> ----------------- >> >> >> >> ______________________________**_________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.**org >>**mailman/listinfo/mapserver-**users >> > > -- > H?vard Tveite > Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB > Dr?bakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 ?s, NORWAY > Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 > -- ----------------- Andrea Peri . . . . . . . . . qwerty ????? ----------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From daithiquinn at Tue Oct 30 08:04:35 2012 From: daithiquinn at (David Quinn) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 11:04:35 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query Message-ID: Hi List, I'm trying to understand how to save an image as a result of a query. One approach that I have experimented with is using `wget` to save the file but I've been getting an error message (I asked a question on this here: ) Is there a better way than using "wget" to store a image resulting from a query? After using "wget" my log shows the following message: [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].580951 msWCSDispatch20(): wrong service (none) [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581041 msWCSParseRequest(): request is KVP. [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581049 msWCSDispatch(): SERVICE and REQUEST not included [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581064 mapserv(): Web application error. Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but none was provided. Thanks, David From adams at Tue Oct 30 08:23:33 2012 From: adams at (Till Adams) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:23:33 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi David, depending on your environemnt you use for your server you may use any scripting language, when you pass the image-request to a script, e.g. use -php -ruby -python -java ... either of them is offering any method to save images. For simpe php you find some hints and code-examples here: Regards, Till On 30.10.2012 16:04, David Quinn wrote: > Hi List, > > I'm trying to understand how to save an image as a result of a query. > One approach that I have experimented with is using `wget` to save the > file but I've been getting an error message (I asked a question on > this here: > ) > > Is there a better way than using "wget >" > to store a image resulting from a query? > > After using "wget" my log shows the following message: > > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].580951 msWCSDispatch20(): wrong service (none) > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581041 msWCSParseRequest(): request is KVP. > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581049 msWCSDispatch(): SERVICE and REQUEST > not included > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581064 mapserv(): Web application error. > Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but > none was provided. > > Thanks, > David > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > > -- NEWS: -> Support OpenLayers 3 ! -> GO Mobile - jetzt WebGIS auch auf Smartphones -> Bald OpenSource! SHOGun - das JavaBackend f?r WebGIS Anwendungen ------------------------------------------------ terrestris GmbH & Co. KG Puetzchens Chaussee 56 53227 Bonn Germany Till Adams Geschaeftsfuehrung Tel: +49 (0)228 / 962 899-52 Mobile: +49 (0)151 / 25394429 Fax: +49 (0)228 / 962 899-57 adams at Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6835 ------------------------------------------------ Komplementaerin: terrestris Verwaltungs GmbH vertreten durch: Hinrich Paulsen, Till Adams From Jukka.Rahkonen at Tue Oct 30 08:37:11 2012 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:37:11 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query Message-ID: <> Hi, Perhaps wget thinks that certain characters are cutting the URL string. Try wget "" -O output.png We have used wget a lot for downloading data from WCS so I guarantee you will make it work by reading documents and trying just like we did. -Jukka Rahkonen- David Quinn wrote: > Hi List, > > I'm trying to understand how to save an image as a result of a query. > One approach that I have experimented with is using `wget` to save the file > but I've been getting an error message (I asked a question on this here: > > output-to-a-file > ) > > Is there a better way than using "wget > > &mode=map&FORMAT=image/png" > to store a image resulting from a query? > > After using "wget" my log shows the following message: > > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].580951 msWCSDispatch20(): wrong service (none) > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581041 msWCSParseRequest(): request is KVP. > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581049 msWCSDispatch(): SERVICE and REQUEST > not included [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581064 mapserv(): Web application > error. > Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but none > was provided. > > Thanks, > David > _______________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at > From bob.basques at Tue Oct 30 08:50:39 2012 From: bob.basques at (Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:50:39 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: I went and looked at the stackexchange thread. . . . A thought . . . In your map file, in the WEB block, try adding a line like this: QUERYFORMAT "image/png" Bobb >> -----Original Message----- >> From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver- >> users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rahkonen Jukka >> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 10:37 AM >> To: 'mapserver-users at' >> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query >> >> Hi, >> >> Perhaps wget thinks that certain characters are cutting the URL >> string. Try wget >> " >> land&mode=map&FORMAT=image/png" -O output.png >> >> We have used wget a lot for downloading data from WCS so I >> guarantee you will make it work by reading documents and trying >> just like we did. >> >> -Jukka Rahkonen- >> >> David Quinn wrote: >> >> > Hi List, >> > >> > I'm trying to understand how to save an image as a result of a >> query. >> > One approach that I have experimented with is using `wget` to >> save the >> > file but I've been getting an error message (I asked a question >> on this here: >> > >> mapserver- >> > output-to-a-file >> > ) >> > >> > Is there a better way than using "wget >> > >> >> and >> > &mode=map&FORMAT=image/png" >> > to store a image resulting from a query? >> > >> > After using "wget" my log shows the following message: >> > >> > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].580951 msWCSDispatch20(): wrong >> service >> > (none) [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581041 msWCSParseRequest(): >> request is KVP. >> > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581049 msWCSDispatch(): SERVICE and >> REQUEST >> > not included [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581064 mapserv(): Web >> > application error. >> > Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, >> but >> > none was provided. >> > >> > Thanks, >> > David >> > _______________________________________________ >> > mapserver-users mailing list >> > mapserver-users at >> > >> _______________________________________________ >> mapserver-users mailing list >> mapserver-users at >> From daithiquinn at Tue Oct 30 09:22:16 2012 From: daithiquinn at (David Quinn) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:22:16 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Jukka's suggestion of using "" -O output.png worked. Thanks for the suggestion. I have not tried any of the other approaches yet. -David I went and looked at the stackexchange thread. . . . A thought . . . In your map file, in the WEB block, try adding a line like this: QUERYFORMAT "image/png" Bobb -----Original Message----- From: mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto:mapserver- users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rahkonen Jukka Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 10:37 AM To: 'mapserver-users at' Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Saving an image from a query Hi, Perhaps wget thinks that certain characters are cutting the URL string. Try wget " land&mode=map&FORMAT=image/png" -O output.png We have used wget a lot for downloading data from WCS so I guarantee you will make it work by reading documents and trying just like we did. -Jukka Rahkonen- David Quinn wrote: Hi List, I'm trying to understand how to save an image as a result of a query. One approach that I have experimented with is using `wget` to save the file but I've been getting an error message (I asked a question on this here: mapserver- output-to-a-file ) Is there a better way than using "wget and &mode=map&FORMAT=image/png" to store a image resulting from a query? After using "wget" my log shows the following message: [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].580951 msWCSDispatch20(): wrong service (none) [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581041 msWCSParseRequest(): request is KVP. [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581049 msWCSDispatch(): SERVICE and REQUEST not included [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581064 mapserv(): Web application error. Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but none was provided. Thanks, David _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list mapserver-users at On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:04 AM, David Quinn wrote: > Hi List, > > I'm trying to understand how to save an image as a result of a query. > One approach that I have experimented with is using `wget` to save the > file but I've been getting an error message (I asked a question on > this here: > ) > > Is there a better way than using "wget > " > to store a image resulting from a query? > > After using "wget" my log shows the following message: > > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].580951 msWCSDispatch20(): wrong service (none) > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581041 msWCSParseRequest(): request is KVP. > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581049 msWCSDispatch(): SERVICE and REQUEST > not included > [Tue Oct 30 14:49:02 2012].581064 mapserv(): Web application error. > Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but > none was provided. > > Thanks, > David -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Tue Oct 30 10:33:33 2012 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:33:33 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Very cool wind map Message-ID: <> Hi all, I thought you might be interested in checking this out. It is a very cool animated wind map of the US. I haven't look at the implementation but thought it was worth sharing. -Steve From daithiquinn at Tue Oct 30 11:27:05 2012 From: daithiquinn at (David Quinn) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 14:27:05 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Strategies for displaying a temporary Postgres table Message-ID: Hi List, I am exploring how to show the results of a pgRouting shortest path query. One suggestion is to create a temporary table ( One way I thought of doing this is to write a mapfile using php with DATA supplied with the appropriate temporary table name and EXTENT with the extent of the table. I'm not sure if this approach is a good practice, or whether I should be using a different method. Thanks, David -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From daithiquinn at Tue Oct 30 12:28:32 2012 From: daithiquinn at (David Quinn) Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:28:32 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Strategies for displaying a temporary Postgres table In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thanks Bob - I did not realize I could substitute the table name. That solves the problem. I'm using SELECT ST_Extent(geom) FROM mytable to get the bounding box using PostGIS, and then using the results from that with MAPEXT. -David On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) < bob.basques at> wrote: > You can use something like this in the LAYER block for the POSTGIS > connection:**** > > ** ** > > DATA "the_geom FROM %YourTableName% USING SRID=200068"**** > > ** ** > > FILTER " acqtime > '%time_idx1%' AND acqtime <'%time_idx2%' "** > ** > > ** ** > > ** ** > > The items surrounded with ?%? are populated from the same named parameters > in the calling Link.**** > > ** ** > > > http://Sitename/mapserver-cgi/ . . . > **** > > ** ** > > more info is here:**** > > ** ** > >**** > > ** ** > > bobb**** > > ** ** > > ** ** > > ** ** > > ** ** > > *From:* David Quinn [mailto:daithiquinn at] > *Sent:* Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:41 PM > *To:* Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) > *Subject:* RE: [mapserver-users] Strategies for displaying a temporary > Postgres table**** > > ** ** > > I do know the table name beforehand - but how do I pass that (and the > extents) in as a parameter?**** > > -David**** > > ** ** > > ** ** > > If you know the table name beforehand, you can pass that into the Mapfile > as well as an additional parameter.**** > > **** > > Bobb**** > > **** > > **** > > **** > > *From:* David Quinn [mailto:daithiquinn at] > *Sent:* Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:33 PM > *To:* Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) > *Subject:* Re: [mapserver-users] Strategies for displaying a temporary > Postgres table**** > > **** > > Bobb,**** > > **** > > Sorry - I don't quite follow. How do I update the table name?**** > > **** > > Thanks,**** > > David**** > > **** > > On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) < > bob.basques at> wrote:**** > > David,**** > > **** > > You can grab the extents from the MAPFILE call and insert them into the > DATA call in the mapfile.**** > > **** > > Bobb**** > > **** > > **** > > **** > > *From:* mapserver-users-bounces at [mailto: > mapserver-users-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *David Quinn > *Sent:* Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:27 PM > *To:* mapserver-users at > *Subject:* [mapserver-users] Strategies for displaying a temporary > Postgres table**** > > **** > > Hi List,**** > > **** > > I am exploring how to show the results of a pgRouting shortest path query. > One suggestion is to create a temporary table ( > > **** > > **** > > One way I thought of doing this is to write a mapfile using php with DATA > supplied with the appropriate temporary table name and EXTENT with the > extent of the table. I'm not sure if this approach is a good practice, or > whether I should be using a different method.**** > > **** > > Thanks,**** > > David**** > > **** > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From havard.tveite at Wed Oct 31 01:24:32 2012 From: havard.tveite at (Havard Tveite) Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 09:24:32 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> I have now tried to update the mapfile documentation according to RFC77. LABEL EXPRESSION and LABEL TEXT have been added. Se H?vard On 10/30/2012 4:00 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: > Hi, > I notice also that the dcumentiation > say of element TEXT on the CLASS section but don't speak anything about the choice to put the TEXT element in the LABEL section. > > Instead it is possible on the mapserver 6.2 and is necessary to have multiple labels on the same class. > > CLASS > NAME 'class-name' > LABEL > TEXT '[field-1]' > .. > END > LABEL > TEXT '[field-2]' > .. > END > END > > > Regards, > > 2012/10/30 Havard Tveite > > > Dear Steve, > > FYI, I have now documented the possibility for multiple labels > in a class (updated the class document in master). > > H?vard > > > On 10/30/2012 3:37 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: > > Hi Steve, > > It work greatly. > > I was not understand that on a class can put more than one LABEL. > > Andrea. > > > 2012/10/30 Lime, Steve D (DNR) __>> > > > A feature can only match 1 class... 6.2 supports multiple labels per class though. > > Steve > > __________________________________________ > From: mapserver-users-bounces at > [mapserver-users-bounces at >] on behalf of Andrea Peri [aperi2007 at >] > > Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:20 AM > To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.__org > > > Subject: [mapserver-users] More Labels on a layer > > Hi, > I'm trying to have more distinct label on a single layer,. > To do this I try to set > > a classgroup and three class in that group every class use a distinct label. > > LAYER > ... > CLASSGROUP "aaa" > .. > CLASS > GROUP "aaa" > LABEL > .. > TEXT "[FIELD1]" > .. > END > END > CLASS > GROUP "aaa" > LABEL > .. > TEXT "[FIELD2]" > .. > END > END > > But seem that mapserver only apply the first class. I see only the FIELD1 label. > > Perhaps mapserver allow only a label for layer ? > > Thx, > > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > > > > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > > > > _________________________________________________ > mapserver-users mailing list > mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.__org > > > > -- > H?vard Tveite > Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB > Dr?bakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 ?s, NORWAY > Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 > > > > > -- > ----------------- > Andrea Peri > . . . . . . . . . > qwerty ????? > ----------------- > -- H?vard Tveite Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB Dr?bakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 ?s, NORWAY Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 From daithiquinn at Wed Oct 31 10:52:15 2012 From: daithiquinn at (David Quinn) Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 13:52:15 -0400 Subject: [mapserver-users] Methods to include a basemap on the server-side Message-ID: Hi List, I'm exploring if there any ways in which a basemap from an external source can be incorporated into MapServer on the server side. I was considering overlaying a road network which is rendered by Mapserver onto an existing basemap. I am interest in a basemap of a similar type to Google or Openstreetmap. I'm not sure if there any services (WMS or other) that allow their tiles to be used in this way, but I thought I would check. Thanks, David -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: