[mapserver-users] Accessing images from remote servers

Venkat Shesu Reddem venkat.shesu at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 09:08:21 PDT 2012

Dear Ian,

Along with this can it be possible to access imagery using MapServer from
database such as MySQL where images like GeoTiFF can be stored as BLOB

This can allow to mapserver running on multiple devices to access imagery
from different database servers.

with regards

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Ian Walberg <ian.walberg at airborne.aero>wrote:

> Hello list,
> We need to build a mapserver application which is running on multiple
> devices with limited local storage, because of this the imagery will
> have to be  on a separate server.
> The application we have today runs on a single server and we access the
> imagery using tileindex shapefiles.
> So the question is when we move everything but the imagery to the
> individual devices can we access the imagery tileindex shapfiles
> remotely? We currently limited experience of the WMS and WFS interfaces
> but from a quick look these do not seem to allow us to access the
> tileindex as we do locally.
> Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some suggestions.
> Many thanks
> Ian
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