[mapserver-users] Cairo SVG & PDF output

Christy Nieman cnieman at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Oct 3 10:03:25 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I have been looking into something I just noticed when I change the 
output of a map draw from png to Cairo svg or pdf.  A 300px by 300px png 
image became a 375 px by 375 px svg according to Inkscape.  I realized 
this is because the size of the svg was specified in points and Inkscape 
was assuming a dpi of 90 instead of 72.  I tried changing the RESOLUTION 
parameter in my mapfile to 90, but (and I already knew this) changing 
the RESOLUTION value only affects the sizes of features in the map, not 
the output map size.

I edited the svg xml for the size to be in px instead of pt, which 
seemed to make the svg draw the same size as the png in Chrome and 
Firefox.  Is there a way to have the units for cairo output images set 
to be pixels instead of points?  Am I wrong in thinking there is a 
problem with the way it works now?


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