[mapserver-users] mapscript.jar error in servlet project

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 21:58:37 PDT 2012

Since you're on windows it could be a locking issue: one process locked the
file and mapserver can't therefore access it.
Are there other programs accessing that same file?


On Wednesday, October 10, 2012, forest21000 wrote:

>        Hello,Everyone!I am using mapscript.jar in my servlet project to
> generate tilemap in realtime.And lots of time it works very well.But
> sometimes,I came across the eroor like this:
>      * Java.lang.UnknowError:msDrawMap():Image handling error.Failed to
> draw
> layer named 'REGION';msShapefileOpen():Unable to access file
> (D:\Ocean_region);msShapefileOpen():Unable to access
> file.(D:\Ocean_region.shp)*
>   Is it the multi-thread problem?Waiting for your answers!Thanks for your
> help!
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/mapscript-jar-error-in-servlet-project-tp5007566.html
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