[mapserver-users] Mapserver + apache2 + python mapscript configuration

Constantin Malii malii.constantin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 02:37:54 PDT 2012

Hi, everybody
I need some help with configuration of mapserver with apache and python

I compiled mapserver with required libs (zlib, libgd, libjpeg, gdal(with
python)). I followed some instructions from Begining Mapserver book and
mapserver.org site.
Now i want to install python mapscript and set up mapserver with apache2.
Planing to create a django application and use python mapscript to interact
with mapserver.

The problem is that i dont find any explicite guide or tutorial how to do
it right, this include setting working directory for mapserver and apache,
setting permissions.

Could anyone help me please. Thank's.
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