[mapserver-users] Tinyows shutdown Frida doesn't display

NicolasPonzo nicolas.ponzo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 23:41:38 PDT 2013

Hi Every body,I'm trying to configure tinyows On Ubuntu Quantal from several
days but there is a problem with frida's data inside postgis.It doesn't
display through openlayers. Here is more informations so that you might help
me.When I make the check on my terminal from tinyows directory, here is what
i get:First question is FCGI is compulsory for tinyows to work ?secondly,
why the terminal can show me the layer frida and openlayers cannot do so in
the web client ?FYI, I manage to display frida's data stored in postgis with
qgis desktop Here is the result of the log while accessing the web client to
look at OpenLayers :Last but not least, here is the XML file that we have
according to all the tutorial that I found on the websites:I think that the
openlayer doesn't have a problem because I can display the OSM layer, and
the controls are activated, except the "save" button. Just so you can see my
result, you can look at the screen shot below:
<http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/file/n5047842/screenshot.png> Hope you
guys can help, its been very hard to work by myself.Best regards to all and
thanks in advance.Nicolas

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Tinyows-shutdown-Frida-doesn-t-display-tp5047842.html
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