[mapserver-users] Error on click

Rahkonen Jukka jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Sun Apr 21 23:37:32 PDT 2013

You ask "What is this? and my answer is that it is an impolite request for help because you do not tell us anything at all about what you have been trying. However, I guess that you have a book "Beginning Mapserver: Open  Source GIS Development" from year 2005.  Your problem may be related to security fixes which has been introduced after that. Read at least these
There are some security things to add if your hello.html and hello.map are like the ones in here http://www.mail-archive.com/mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org/msg11457.html
I have not used that kind of templating myself but I would start by adding magic strings "MAP" and <!-- MapServer Template -->.  A nice surprise would be if the author has published a corrigendum. You can try to ask him, politely.
-Jukka Rahkonen-
Stefanos Anastasiou
>Hello fellows!

> I have a Submit button on  and when I click it I get an error that says

msLoadMap(): Regular expression error. MS_DEFAULT_MAPFILE_PATTERN validation failed. msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String failed expression test.

>What is this?

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