[mapserver-users] QGIS vs Mapserver someone use wrong scale ?

Carlos Ruiz boolean10001 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 13 15:02:27 PST 2013


I'm having the same problem with scales working with a WMS layer and QGIS.

I've defined my layer like this:


        NAME "2011"
        MINSCALEDENOM 250000
        MAXSCALEDENOM 5000000


I can't get the image when I set the scale to 1:250000. Trying with some discrete scales upwards, I find that the image finally shows at 1:335000.

So I don't know if is a QGIS or Mapserver problem, I'm performing some tests to see where the problem is, maybe that could help to find a solution.

Cheers from México

IC Carlos Ruiz

 From: Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com>
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 4:40 PM
Subject: [mapserver-users] QGIS vs Mapserver someone use wrong scale ?

I set a class rule to show the label in this interval scale:

        COLOR 175 109 134
        OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
        MAXSCALEDENOM 300100

After I try to test it with QGIS, but I see calling it with qgis the
show of labels in the scale are not so linear as I could guess.


the label ARE NOT SHOWED at 1:299.990
the label ARE NOT SHOWED at 1:300.000
the label are showed at 1:300.001
the label are showed at 1:300.010
the label ARE NOT SHOWED at 1:300.050
the label are showed at 1:300.090
the label ARE NOT SHOWED at 1:300.100
the label ARE NOT SHOWED at 1:300.110
the label ARE NOT SHOWED at 1:300.150

So seem the limit of
1:300.100 I set in the mapfile is not so exactly used.

But I'm not able to understand if is a wrong QGIS calculation of scale
value or is a MapServer trouble.

Any hint is welcome

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
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