[mapserver-users] Editing via Mapserver application?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Jan 2 11:28:10 PST 2013

On 1/2/2013 2:00 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
> I would like to build a MapServer-based application which includes the
> ability to edit features, and am posting to see what others have done.
> Our current stack includes a GeoMoose front end, that is, MapServer/PHP
> MapScript, and Open Layers. Currently, we have a SQL Server/SDE
> database, and ArcGIS Server available, but have not implemented PostGIS.
> With that in mind, I was wondering what advice others have, and if
> anyone has a working application, could you direct me to it so that I
> could have a look?  Any suggestions appreciated.

Hi Bob,

The answers to this are varied and depend on what requires you put on 
the problem. See if this helps:

1. if you want to do this in your GeoMoose client then the quest should 
really go to that support list.

2. If you just want to build a standalone editing application, then you 
could do something like:

a. use OpenLayers as the front end, construct you drawing and editing 
tools as OL feature editing tools
b. give you OL feature editing tools a save option that sends them to a 
WFS-T service on your server or write an somple Ajax handler that will 
do add, delete, modify of features to your favorite backing store.
c. You can use TinyOWS or GeoServer as you WFS-T server

Sorry, I don't use Arc* tools so I can not help there. SQL Server has 
most if not all the functionality of PostGIS so you should be able to 
use that with an Ajax service. The big issue with writing your own Ajax 
service instead of using WFS-T is that the later handles around multiple 
users trying to edit the same object at the same time.


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