[mapserver-users] GetLegendGraphics don't return correctly the point symbol

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 03:44:24 PST 2013

Do you have a SIZEUNIT or SYMBOLSCALEDENOM set on your layer ?
Try increasing/setting your CLASS->STYLE->SIZEs, and remove the GEOMTRANSFORM


On 8 January 2013 12:18, Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a polygon layer that at some scales try to render with a symbol.
> To do this I define a specific symbol style:
>     NAME "circlefill"
>     TYPE ellipse
>     POINTS
>       1 1
>     END
>     FILLED true
>     ANCHORPOINT 0.5 0.5
>   END
> And use this in the class definition as here where I put two class one
> with a polygon rendering (when area bigger) and a second class with
> point rendering when area is lower:
>     CLASS
>       NAME 'area superiore a 1ha'
>       EXPRESSION ( ([AREA] >= 1000000) )
>       GROUP 'delimitazione zona di vincolo'
>       MAXSCALEDENOM 4000100
>       MINSCALEDENOM 50100
>       STYLE
>          COLOR "#F2BAFE80"
>          ANTIALIAS false
>       END
>     END
>     CLASS
>       NAME 'area inferiore a 1ha'
>       EXPRESSION ( ([AREA] < 1000000) )
>       GROUP 'delimitazione zona di vincolo'
>       MAXSCALEDENOM 4000100
>       MINSCALEDENOM 50100
>       STYLE
>          GEOMTRANSFORM 'start'
>          SYMBOL 'circlefill'
>          SIZE 4
>          COLOR "#F2BAFEFF"
>          ANTIALIAS false
>       END
>     END
> Unfortunately the getlegendgraphis don't recognize this symbol
> definition and seem to render always using a polygon style (because
> the layer is originally a polygon).
> This is what return the GetLegendGraphics.
> http://web.regione.toscana.it/wmsraster/com.rt.wms.RTmap/wms?map=wmstematici&service=wms&request=GetLegendGraphic&version=1.3.0&format=image/png&SLD_VERSION=1.1.0&layer=rt_tematici.idarch_a_1.rt&scale=60000
> Am I wrong something in the class definitions ?
> Many thx,
> --
> -----------------
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -----------------
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