[mapserver-users] Displaying file GDB rasters

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Jan 14 05:06:09 PST 2013

On 13-01-14 8:59 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> On 13-01-11 4:49 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
>> I have some data that was provided to me in an ESRI File GDB format, and
>> the data is a raster catalog.  I’ve tried to set up a .map file for
>> this, but haven’t been successful. 
>> Is it possible to use a file GDB/raster catalog with MapServer?  If so,
>> what are the mapfile parameters for this?
> Always check the 'Data Input' section of the MapServer documentation,
> for your data type to display:
> http://www.mapserver.org/input/vector/filegdb.html
> If you are on Windows, MS4W has included FileGDB support for a while now.

This is for FileGDB vectors: your message was for rasters, oops, so,
you'll have to ask this on the GDAL mailing list probably (I assumed
FileGDB was vector only).


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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