[mapserver-users] tif tile not visible

Michael McInnis mmcinnis59 at msn.com
Wed Jul 31 13:05:43 PDT 2013

Dear Mapserver List,
I'm migrating some .php/.map files from mapserver 5 to mapserver 6.2.1 and hit a snag with one of my map layers.Below is the generic.map file and the OCEAN shapefile as well as Terrain_250 tif image layers display fine. When I try the Terrain_Tiles layer I don't see the tile image rendered. This seems to have a tile index shape file that exists which has a polygon grid of "location" paths to the corresponding tif tile, all of which appear to exist and have the wide open permissions.I can display the shape file and referenced tif tiles in QGIS so I know all the data is good. 
Am I missing something to establish this shapefile --> tif tile linkage?
MAP	EXTENT			-180 -90 180 90	IMAGECOLOR	153 179 204	IMAGETYPE	PNG24	SHAPEPATH	data/	FONTSET		data/fonts/fonts.list	UNITS		MILES	SIZE 1000 1000	# Added		PROJECTION  		#"+proj=mill +units=m"		"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"	END		OUTPUTFORMAT		NAME		png		DRIVER		"GD/PNG"		MIMETYPE	"image/png"		IMAGEMODE	RGBA		EXTENSION	"png"	END		WEB		#IMAGEPATH	"/home/www/gis/tmp/"		IMAGEPATH	"/media/D_Drive/www/gis/tmp/"		IMAGEURL	"gis/tmp/"	END
	LAYER		DATA		"OCEAN_LatLonD_region"                                // Shape file renders		NAME		"OCEAN"		TYPE		POLYGON		STATUS		ON		CLASS			STYLE				COLOR		153 255 255 #99B3CC			END		END		PROJECTION  			"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"		END	END		LAYER		NAME		"Terrain_250"                                                    // tif raster layer renders		DATA		"250K_US_HiRes_LatLong.tif"		TYPE		RASTER		STATUS		ON		OPACITY		50		#MINSCALEDENOM	82500		PROJECTION  			"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"		END	END		LAYER		NAME		"Terrain_Tiles"                                                     // tif raster layer not visible		TILEINDEX	"NEDTiles.shp"		TILEITEM	        "location"			TYPE		RASTER		STATUS		ON		OPACITY		100		MAXSCALEDENOM	82500		PROJECTION  			"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"		END	ENDEND

Michael McInnis
6033 44th Ave. N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115
206 517-4701 		 	   		  
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