[mapserver-users] MapCache getFeatureInfo not returning values

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Wed Jun 19 11:46:06 PDT 2013


I am trying to configure MapCache so that GetFeatureInfo requests are forwarded to Mapserver.  When connecting directly to MapServer the identify seems to work fine (for ArcGIS clients).  However, When I try to use MapCache I get the following result:  GetFeatureInfo results:  Layer 'elevation'  Feature 0:      

Question:  How can I configure MapCache to correctly forward WMS queries to MapServer so that I can query within ArcMap and other clients?

         <!-- info_formats: comma separated list of wms info_formats supported by the source WMS.
              you can get this list by studying the source WMS capabilities document.
         <!-- KVP params to pass with the request. QUERY_LAYERS is mandatory -->


Mark Volz, GISP
GIS Specialist

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