[mapserver-users] Access network share drive for data in mapfile throwing error

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Mar 7 08:03:32 PST 2013

I might be wrong, but I do not believe you can access files using the 
this windows syntax. You have to use a mapped drive. Also you should 
flip all you path separator characters from \ to / as \ is an escape 
character in a lot of contexts.

So try something like:

d:/data/SheridanData/Keeneland/Vector Data/Geographic
  Control Points/Geographic Control Points.shp

-Steve W

On 3/7/2013 10:48 AM, Sowmya Tiramdasu wrote:
> Hi,
>    I am trying to access data directly from a network share folder in my
> mapfile. But it is not working . It is throwing the following error.
> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
> 'ControlPoints'.
> msShapefileOpen(): Unable to access file.
> (\DISKSTATION1\data\SheridanData\Keeneland\Vector Data\Geographic
> Control Points\Geographic Control Points.shp)
> msShapefileOpen(): Unable to access file.
> (\DISKSTATION1\data\SheridanData\Keeneland\Vector Data\Geographic
> Control Points\Geographic Control Points.shp)
> msSHPLayerGetItems(): Shapefile error. Shapefile layer has not been opened.
> KmlRenderer::startNewLayer: General error message. msLayerOpen failed
> msShapefileOpen(): Unable to access file.
> (\DISKSTATION1\data\SheridanData\Keeneland\Vector Data\Geographic
> Control Points\Geographic Control Points.shp)
> msShapefileOpen(): Unable to access file.
> (\DISKSTATION1\data\SheridanData\Keeneland\Vector Data\Geographic
> Control Points\Geographic Control Points.shp)
> I tried to search in the old email archives. In one of the email chains
> they suggested me to check if gdal/ogr can actually open the files. I
> did gdal info for tiff files and they are giving the right information.
> Similarly ogrinfo for shp files and they too are fine.
> Can anyone please suggest what is the problem and give me solution to
> fix this. Find below snapshot of my mapfile for your reference.
>                                  NAME         KeenelandStatePlane38
>                                  DATA
> "\\DISKSTATION1\data\SheridanData\Keeneland\Imagery\StatePlane\SPSPSPO-00039.tif"
>                                  STATUS       OFF
>                                  TYPE         RASTER
>                                  OPACITY 75
>                                  PROJECTION
>                                                  "init=EPSG:102679"
>                                  END
>                                  DEBUG 5
>                  END
>                  LAYER
>                                  NAME         ControlPoints
> #Photogrammetric points
>                                  DATA
> "\\DISKSTATION1\data\SheridanData\Keeneland\Vector Data\Geographic
> Control Points\Geographic Control Points.shp"
>                                  STATUS       OFF
>                                  TYPE         POINT
>                                  CLASS
>                                                  STYLE
>                                                                  #
> Symbol to be used (reference)
>                                                                  SYMBOL
> "circle"
>                                                                  # Size
> of the symbol in pixels
>                                                                  SIZE 8
>                                                                  COLOR
> 190 20 190
>                                                                  #
> Outline colour (RGB) - black
>                                                  END
>                                  END
>                                  PROJECTION
>                                                  "init=epsg:102679"
>                                  END
>                  END
> Thanks in advance,
> Sowmya.
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