[mapserver-users] lcc projection doesnt output map

Mark Mirrlees mmirrlees at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 17 17:58:36 PDT 2013

I dont have linux, im using windows based mapserver...plus I can't figure out how to work the conversion. So i'm not sure what the numbers should be.... and do I have to change anything in what I have bolded?   PROJECTION

 > Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 20:39:50 -0400
> From: woodbri at swoodbridge.com
> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] lcc projection doesnt output map
> Mark,
> You need to change
> to
> and you need to change
> EXTENT -143 39 -50 85
> to
> EXTENT ...
> where ... is the longlat coordinates above converted to their equivalent 
> values in LCC
> On linux you might from cs2cs command helpful, you might also find some 
> online projection conversion utilities.
> -Steve
> On 3/17/2013 8:26 PM, Mark Mirrlees wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > when I try to edit my projection to a LCC from a UTM in my mapfile my
> > map fails to show up when I launch my mapserver link.
> >
> > Here is the first part of the mapfile...
> >
> >
> > MAP
> >    NAME "QGIS-MAP"
> >    # Map image size
> >    SIZE 500 500
> >    UNITS meters
> >    EXTENT -143 39 -50 85
> >    FONTSET "/wwwroot/fonts/fontset.txt"
> >    SYMBOLSET "/wwwroot/symbols/symbols.sty"
> >      'proj=longlat'
> >      'datum=WGS84'
> >      'no_defs'
> >    END
> >
> > AFTER:
> >
> > MAP
> >    NAME "QGIS-MAP"
> >    # Map image size
> >    SIZE 500 500
> >    UNITS dd
> >    EXTENT -143 39 -50 85
> >    FONTSET "/wwwroot/fonts/fontset.txt"
> >    SYMBOLSET "/wwwroot/symbols/symbols.sty"
> >   "proj=lcc"
> >   "ellps=GRS80"
> >   "lat_0=49"
> >   "lon_0=-95"
> >   "lat_1=49"
> >   "lat_2=77"
> >   "datum=NAD83"
> >   "units=m"
> >   "no_defs"
> >    END
> >
> > I'm not sure how to fix this...any suggestions? As i'm still fairly new
> > at this.
> > Mark
> >
> >
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> > mapserver-users mailing list
> > mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
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