[mapserver-users] query creation issues

Mark Mirrlees mmirrlees at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 20 12:46:31 PDT 2013

Does anyone have any updates on how to fix this? As I mentioned before I managed to get the ID field populated whenever I query the map but I need to get the same thing for the name of the road and the type of road... If there is anything else that you require please let me know as this is causing a great deal of confusion why it won't work! Thanks,Mark
From: mmirrlees at hotmail.com
To: steve.lime at state.mn.us; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 14:53:57 -0400
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] query creation issues

Hi there, Ok I managed to get this outputted...but under the [name] and [type] I need to get these fields populated from the query of the mjrroads... 
 Code from mjrroadsquery.html<!-- MapServer Template -->
<!--<IMG src="http://[host]/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=INDEXQUERY&qformat=png24&qlayer=mjrroads&shapeindex=[shpidx]&shpext=[shpext_esc]&mapext=shape&map=[map]">-->
</tr> Now if I change the [name] to [map] in the mjrroadsquery.html I get the following...


[type] Code from mjrroads.html <!-- MapServer Template -->
<h3><b>Layer: Major Roads</b></h3>
<INPUT NAME="img" TYPE="image" SRC="[img]" width=500 height=500 border=0 ALT="Map Image">
<table border=1>
<tr> </td>
</tr> All i'm trying to do is get the Name and Type fields to be showing the name of the road, and the type of the road. Thanks,Mark 		 	   		  
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