[mapserver-users] Mapserver-- Opracle --SDO_relate function very slow via Mapserver

Rotenhan von, Wernher Wernher.Rotenhanvon at suedzucker.de
Mon May 6 08:11:40 PDT 2013

Hello List

Im Running Mapsrever 6.0.2 on Oracle 11g Database

I want to get all geometries that interact with a geometry I clicked within
So I have todo two encapsulated sdo_relate calls :
--The inner one to get the geometry ic clicked in
--The outer one to get the geometries which touch the clicked geometries

This runs very fast within my oracle developer ( 0.09 sec):

SELECT identnolong,
  gresult.geodata GEODATA
FROM rms.zrgeo gresult
WHERE gresult.GEOTYPECODE = '49'
AND SDO_RELATE ( gresult.geodata ,
                                                                                      (SELECT gtouching.geodata
                                                                                                  FROM rms.zrgeo gtouching
                                                                                                  WHERE gtouching.geotypecode = '49'
                                                                                                  AND gtouching.IDENTNOLONG   =
                                                                                        (SELECT MAX(gwithin.IDENTNOLONG)
                                                                                                    FROM rms.zrgeo gwithin
                                                                                                    WHERE SDO_RELATE (
                                                                                                    gwithin.geodata ,
                                                                                                    , 'mask=ANYINTERACT') = 'TRUE'
                                                                                                    AND gtouching.geotypecode ='49'
               , 'mask=ANYINTERACT') = 'TRUE';

But if I include it into my Map file
the Query becomes very slow 17 sec
If I force Oracle not to make use of ths spacial index I get nearly the same response time

So is there any possibility to force the use of the spatial indexes ?
"USING SRID 8307"   etc does not Work !!!  because the resultset  is a query and I have to add
"Using NONE"

Would be very nice if you could hepl me !

Regard Wernher

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