[mapserver-users] Display of a layer with a HATCH STYLE

Jean Somers jean.somers at cocopaq.com
Mon May 13 00:41:39 PDT 2013


I want a hatch style for a polygons layer.

I used that code:

 NAME 'Protection des eaux potables et minérales(AS1)- périmètre 
  SYMBOL "hachure"
    COLOR 0 0 0
    SIZE 10
    WIDTH 3
    ANGLE 45
    PATTERN 20 10 10 10 END
  #SYMBOL ./etc/symboles/plu_as1_A.png

but  it displays nothing.

The code works when used with a standard style, but fails when I use a 
hatchsymbol style.

Could you tell me where I fail?

PS: You can find the whole failing code as attachment in the 
PLU_SUP_AS_new.map file.
The PLU_SUP_AS_old.map file is working.

Jean Somers - SIG 
Communauté de Communes du Pays de Quimperlé (COCOPAQ)
3, rue Eric Tabarly - Kervidanou 4 - 29394 Quimperlé Cedex
Tel : (09.49) - Fax :
e-mail :  jean.somers at cocopaq.com 
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