[mapserver-users] FW: GetCapabilities always returning version 1.3.0
Sowmya Tiramdasu
stiramdasu at lp360.com
Fri Nov 15 13:50:36 PST 2013
Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much. You are a life saver. I was breaking my head all day not understanding what's happening. I just changed the axis order and it worked!!
Thanks again, appreciate all the help.
-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Morissette
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 3:03 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] FW: GetCapabilities always returning version 1.3.0
Hi Sowmya,
You're almost there. The last issue you're having (i.e. WMS 1.3.0 returning an empty map) is probably related to the coordinate order in the BBOX param of your WMS 1.3.0 request.
You're not the first to be hit by this "feature" of WMS 1.3.0. Welcome to the club! :-)
A more complete explanation is available here:
On 13-11-15 2:18 PM, Sowmya Tiramdasu wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for your reply. Now , I understand the difference.
> I kept the version number as 1.1.1 for the WMS layers ( i.e Mapserver
> is acting like a client here and it is making a 1.1.1 version WMS
> call)
> - Now , I am making a WMS call to my mapserver which is acting like a server with 1.3.0 specification : It does not throw any error , but I also do not see any output. If I go in to the log file and look, I see that it has not made any WMS call to retrieve the WMS layer I was requesting for.
> http://localhost/Mapserver/mapserv.exe?map=Map/Madison.map&layers=Madi
> 326&WIDTH=1024&HEIGHT=1024&FORMAT=image/png&BBOX=-88.12389834102549,33
> .87450079156257,-84.72000992109749,35.62513193645572
> [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].513000 CGI Request 3 on process 13972 [Fri
> Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].513000 msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): enabling non-square pixels.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].516000 msDrawMap(): kicking into non-square pixel preserving mode.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].516000 msDrawMap(): rendering using outputformat named png (AGG/PNG).
> [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].516000 msDrawMap(): WMS/WFS set-up and
> query, 0.000s [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].516000 msDrawMap(): Layer 1
> (MadisonTinAllElevation), 0.000s [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25 2013].516000
> msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25
> 2013].516000 msDrawMap() total time: 0.003s [Fri Nov 15 13:19:25
> 2013].578000 msSaveImage(stdout) total time: 0.062s [Fri Nov 15
> 13:19:25 2013].578000 mapserv request processing time (msLoadMap not
> incl.): 0.065s
> -But if I do the same call with 1.1.1 specification, I get the result back.
> http://localhost/Mapserver/mapserv.exe?map=Map/Madison.map&layers=Madi
> 326&WIDTH=1024&HEIGHT=1024&FORMAT=image/png&BBOX=-88.12389834102549,33
> .87450079156257,-84.72000992109749,35.62513193645572
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].276000 CGI Request 1 on process 13972 [Fri
> Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].276000 msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): enabling non-square pixels.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].278000 msDrawMap(): kicking into non-square pixel preserving mode.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].279000 msDrawMap(): rendering using outputformat named png (AGG/PNG).
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].281000 HTTP: Starting to prepare HTTP requests.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].281000 HTTP request: id=1,
> http://localhost/Sheridan/Default.aspx?PROJECT=Madison&LAYERS=TIN&REQU
> EST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/png&STYLES=AllElevation&HEIGHT=102
> 4&VERSION=1.1.1&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=1024&BBOX=-88.125560395918,33.8736
> 459911988,-84.7183478662049,35.6259867368194&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&EXCEPTIO
> NS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml [Fri Nov 15 13:16:36 2013].281000 HTTP:
> Before download loop [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> msHTTPWriteFct(id=1, 16177 bytes) [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> msHTTPWriteFct(id=1, 16384 bytes) [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> msHTTPWriteFct(id=1, 16384 bytes) [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> msHTTPWriteFct(id=1, 16384 bytes) [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> msHTTPWriteFct(id=1, 10273 bytes) [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> HTTP: After download loop [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000
> msHTTPExecuteRequests() timing summary per layer (connect_time +
> time_to_first_packet + download_time = total_time in seconds) [Fri Nov
> 15 13:16:39 2013].454000 Layer 1: 0.016 + 3.167 + 0.016 = 3.199s [Fri
> Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].454000 msDrawMap(): WMS/WFS set-up and query, 3.175s [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].456000 msDrawRasterLayerLow(MadisonTinAllElevation): entering.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].456000 msResampleGDALToMap(): LOAD_WHOLE_IMAGE set, loading whole image.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].456000 msResampleGDALToMap in effect:
> cellsize = 0.003331 [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].458000
> msDrawGDAL(MadisonTinAllElevation): using RAW_WINDOW=0 0 1024 1024,
> dst=0,0,1024,1024 [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].458000
> msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): red,green,blue,alpha bands = 1,2,3,4 [Fri Nov
> 15 13:16:39 2013].506000 msDrawMap(): Layer 1
> (MadisonTinAllElevation), 0.052s [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].506000
> msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39
> 2013].506000 msDrawMap() total time: 3.230s [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].577000 msSaveImage(stdout) total time: 0.071s [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].577000 mapserv request processing time (msLoadMap not incl.): 3.301s [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].577000 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0000000000422060.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].577000 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 000000000042BB20.
> [Fri Nov 15 13:16:39 2013].577000 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 000000000042CD30.
> ...........
> Note : For both these requests , there is only change in the specification (i.e the URL ) but no change in the map file .
> The map file used in both cases is :
> EXTENT -87.041564905451 34.41840442792049 85.87371108337896 35.01821204159302 # extents in GoogleEarth 4326 projection.
> SIZE 1000 800
> SHAPEPATH "C:\data"
> SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym"
> CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "../proj/nad"
> FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list"
> "init=epsg:4326"
> IMAGEPATH "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/Images/"
> IMAGEURL "http://localhost/Images/"
> "wms_enable_request" "*"
> "wms_title" "WMS Lidar Server"
> "wms_onlineresource" "http://SOWMYAPC/Mapserver/mapserv.exe?map=Map/Madison.map&"
> "wms_srs" "epsg:4326"
> NAME "MadisonTinAllElevation"
> CONNECTION "http://localhost/Sheridan/Default.aspx?PROJECT=Madison"
> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:26916 "
> "wms_name" "TIN"
> "wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
> "wms_format" "image/png"
> "wms_style" "AllElevation"
> "wms_exceptions_format" "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"
> "wms_latlonboundingbox" "-87.041564905451 34.41840442792049 85.87371108337896 35.01821204159302"
> "wms_extent" "5110296.9 557718.4 5122127.3 562697.3 "
> "wms_width" "1024"
> "wms_height" "1024"
> "init=epsg:26916"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Daniel
> Morissette
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 8:42 AM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] FW: GetCapabilities always returning
> version 1.3.0
> On 13-11-15 9:31 AM, Sowmya Tiramdasu wrote:
>> Hi Rahkonen,
>> Thank you very much for your explanation. I know understand how it is working. But, I am still confused about why it is not working when I make a call with 1.3.0 specifications.
>> I am getting this error : "msBuildWMSLayerURL(): WMS connection error. Map Server supports only WMS 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (please verify the VERSION parameter in the connection string)."
>> But the GetCapabilities returns the default supported version as 1.3.0. Any more suggestions on ideas on why this is happening will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Sowmya.
> You seem to be mixing two things:
> 1- The error above is returned by the CONNECTIONTYPE WMS code (i.e.
> using MapServer as a WMS client) which is indeed supported only for
> 1.0 or 1.1. This error message could definitely be improved to make it more obvious that it applies only to CONNECTIONTYPE WMS.
> 2- The GetCapabilities is MapServer acting as a *server* for other remote clients, and in this case 1.3.0 is supported.
> I am not sure what you are trying to achieve (I missed the beginning of the thread), but you should probably take a few minutes to re-read Jukka's explanation in light of the two points above.
> --
> Daniel Morissette
> http://www.mapgears.com/
> Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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