[mapserver-users] White background in MapCache

Brown, Donald brownd at usgs.gov
Tue Nov 19 16:03:00 PST 2013

I am having trouble getting rid of the white background (I'd like it to be
transparent) where there is supposed to be 'no data' for the following

I tried modifying my mapcache.xml file to say 'mixed' for the format, then
built the tiles using the command:
mapcache_seed -c /mnt/mrt/mapcache/mapcache.xml -t prgeol -g WGS84 -M 8,8

However, this did not seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a snippet of my mapcache.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <title>MRData mapcache service</title>
     <abstract>Contains various services for MRData maps</abstract>

   <cache name="disk" type="disk">

   <format name="PNGQ_FAST" type="PNG">

   <format name="jpeg" type="JPEG">

   <format name="mixed" type="MIXED">

   <source name="prgeol" type="wms">
   <tileset name="prgeol">
     <metatile>5 5</metatile>


Don Brown
GIS Specialist
Cherokee Services Group, LLC (CSG)
Contractor to the U.S. Geological Survey
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave. Bldg. C
Fort Collins, CO 80526
(970) 226-9155
*brownd at usgs.gov* <brownd at usgs.gov>
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