[mapserver-users] New ScribeUI 0.4 Release

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Tue Sep 17 07:28:23 PDT 2013

Hi all,

For those interested in learning more about ScribeUI, I'll be presenting 
it at FOSS4G 2013:


The presentation will be at 11:30 on Saturday 21st September
in EMCC: Room 3. You are all more than welcome!


On 13-09-16 05:46 PM, Jessica Lapointe wrote:
> Hi List,
> ScribeUI is a tool meant to help the editing and management of mapfiles,
> supporting Scribe and Standard mapfile syntax. I am currently developing
> this tool as a Google Summer of Code project.
> As September 16th is the soft pencils down for the Google Summer of Code
> 2013, this 0.4 release will be the last code release to be officially
> part of the GSoC. However, this doesn't mean the development of ScribeUI
> is going to stop!
> What's New ?
>   * Plugin system! It is now easy to add a new component to ScribeUI,
>     should it be client or server side.
>   * Included an example plugin called setextent. It is a fairly minimal
>     example of how plugins should be structured and how they work.
> What's Next ?
>   * Next step is proper documentation, for the user and  for developers
>     who with to create plugins.
> Download
> ScribeUI and its installation instructions are available on github:
> https://github.com/mapgears/scribeui
> To get ScribeUI 0.4, you can clone the repo on github and checkout v0.4
> or you can download an archive:
> https://github.com/mapgears/scribeui/releases/tag/v0.4
> Bug reports can be made on github:
> https://github.com/mapgears/scribeui/issues
> Thanks a lot!
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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