[mapserver-users] Upgrading Apache and PHP that came with MS4W

EVANS, JAMES R GS-13 USAF ACC 84 RADES/SCZE james.evans.4 at us.af.mil
Sun Apr 13 08:07:33 PDT 2014

Hi Thomas,
I was forced to remove MS4W from our servers due to security vulnerabilities in Apache and PHP.  I was able to get the GISInternals build working under IIS 7.  It required a little more effort to get going, but so far it seems to be working.  Here are the steps I had to follow to get it going:

Turn on IIS6 Compatibility Mode 
Turn on CGI and ASP.Net in IIS 
Edit ISAPI and CGI Restrictions 
    Check the box to allow Unspecified CGI Modules and to allow Unspecified ISAPI modules 
Look in the binary zip file and copy the following dlls to the Mapserver directory 

Then, I had to add this to my map file: 
   CONFIG PROJ_LIB "C:\Program Files\MapServer\projlib"
   CONFIG GDAL_DATA "C:\Program Files\MapServer\gdal-data"
Or you could just set environment variables for each.

I also had to download and install PHP, and the Microsoft URL Rewrite module for IIS7.  After that, I seem to be back to the same capability I had previously.

From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of tr [traffin at sirap.fr]
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 4:53 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Upgrading Apache and PHP that came with MS4W

Hi Jeff,

As each MS4W user I'm very interested by upgrading my install.

Have you got any news, please? (Maybe an ETA?)

Does the community edition will contain PHP Mapscript?

Are there official or public informations about custom builds conditions
please (I don't have response by contacting you or your organization

Thanks for your work and the informations to come.


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