[mapserver-users] Bulk creation of mapfile

Robert Sanson Robert.Sanson at asurequality.com
Wed Aug 13 14:02:13 PDT 2014

Here is a small Python script that read in a file of shapefile names of tileindexes for thousands of rasters and wrote out the LAYER sections to a text file. It used fiona to work out the extents of each tileindex shapefile. The input list included file name and ground sampling distance (GSD):

import sys, os
import fiona

fl = open('list','r')
lines = fl.readlines()
outf = open('extents','w')
for line in lines:
    line = line.strip()
    fn, res = line.split()
    dn, ind = fn.split("_")
    c = fiona.open(fn + ".shp")
    x1,y1,x2,y2 = c.bounds
    outf.write(" LAYER\n")
    outf.write("  NAME " + dn + "\n")
    outf.write("  GROUP 'highres'\n")
    outf.write("  TYPE RASTER\n")
    outf.write("  STATUS ON\n")
    outf.write("  TILEINDEX ../../data/nz/" + fn + "\n")
    outf.write("  TILEITEM Location\n")
    outf.write("  MAXSCALE 100000\n")
    outf.write("  METADATA\n")
    outf.write("   'ows_title' '" + dn + "'\n")
    outf.write("   'wms_opaque' '1'\n")
    outf.write("   'wms_group_title' 'highres'\n")
    outf.write("   'wms_resx' '" + str(res) + "'\n")
    outf.write("   'wms_resy' '" + str(res) + "'\n")
    outf.write("   'ows_extent' '" + str(x1) + " " + str(y1) + " " +str(x2) + " " + str(y2) + "'\n")
    outf.write("  END\n")
    outf.write(" END\n")



>>> Cristiano Sumariva <sumariva at gmail.com> 14/08/2014 6:44 a.m. >>>
I took the plpgsql way. Created a set of functions that generates the
mapfile blocks and store the tokens in several postgresql tables(using
traditional SQL relations).

Then I invoke the mapfile( id ) from database and pass the mapfile text
direct to mapscript.
With this, the mapfile creation has been managed by the database and did
not need any files.

Since all layers are already at database, I do not think those generation
steps take some much processing.
It is working for a few layers already loaded.

Current postgresql could also store them as XML. Recent mapserver could
parse xml mapfiles. But never implemented something this way.

2014-08-13 15:08 GMT-03:00 Alex Lopes <alexlopespereira at gmail.com>:

> Thank you everybody who helped me. I'll study all the suggestions and post
> here the complete source code of my solution.
> Alex
> 2014-08-13 9:34 GMT-04:00 Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>:
> Definitely leverage mapfile INCLUDEs (http://mapserver.org/mapfile/ 
>> include.html). In your case, each LAYER could be an include, and you
>> could have a mapfile template file that your shell script writes those
>> include layers into.
>> I recently saw a presentation at FOSS4G-Europe from PropertyShark, who
>> manages thousands of layers, using includes, and generates them through
>> custom Perl scripts (you can read about that discussion, or contact them,
>> through the recent Google+ discussion https://plus.google.com/ 
>> communities/103841604654304099367).
>> -jeff
>> --
>> Jeff McKenna
>> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
>> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/ 
>> On 2014-08-13 10:03 AM, Alex Lopes wrote:
>>> Hi Everybody,
>>> I need to create a script shell to build thousands of mapfiles based on
>>> postgis layers.
>>> Which is the best way to accomplish this task?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alex
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