[mapserver-users] MapServer should not collapse geometries in same layer class

Gregor Karzelek Gregor.Karzelek at heller-ig.com
Thu Feb 6 06:38:30 PST 2014


We have a MapServer (6.2.0) where we need to display data which is referencing roads. The roads themselves are rendered as lines and there it is nice, that between the individual road sections there is no border/outline in between, but they are „collapsed“ to one single line.
The other data is in data structure, very similar - but there we want to see exactly where one object ends and the other begins. So there we would like to see the outline „cutting“ the line.

As pictures say more then words:
For roads we want this: http://develop2.heller-ig.de/mapserver/collapsed.png
For the other data we rather want this: http://develop2.heller-ig.de/mapserver/not_collapsed.png

I searched in the online resources at mapserver.org<http://mapserver.org> for layer, for class, for style but haven’t found anything on this topic.
Is this possible at all with MapServer? And if not, would it be possible to integrate such a feature in the near future?

Gregor Karzelek

Gregor Karzelek


HELLER Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
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Tel.: +49 6151 66846-16
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E-Mail: gregor.karzelek at heller-ig.com<mailto:gregor.karzelek at heller-ig.com>
Internet: www.heller-ig.com<http://www.heller-ig.com>

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