[mapserver-users] MapServer should not collapse geometries in same layer class

Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Fri Feb 7 10:56:51 PST 2014


I made a quick test.

        NAME "arrow-end"
        TYPE vector
        FILLED true
          0 0.4
          3 0.4
          3 0
          5 0.8
          3 1.6
          3 1.2
          0 1.2
          0 0.4
        END # POINTS
        ANCHORPOINT 1 0.5

      NAME "0,5 - 5 ha"
      EXPRESSION ([area]>=0.5 AND [area]<5)

       STYLE #outer black
         WIDTH 16
         COLOR 0 0 0

       STYLE #inner blue
                WIDTH 12
                COLOR 85 170 255
                LINEJOIN NONE

        STYLE #arrow
        GEOMTRANSFORM "end"
        COLOR 0 255 0
        SYMBOL "arrow-end"
        SIZE 16.0
        ANGLE AUTO

If I have either outer black or inner blue styles active the arrows show fine but when I turn both the outer and inner lines on the arrows get covered by the blue fill. Because the arrow is wider then the blue fill I can see that the outmost pixels of the arrow are rendered above the pixels of the outer black line making the arrow for example 40 pixels wide shows if very clearly.  Thus if Gregor wants to see the endpoints it should be possible by using a symbol that is wider than the inner fill but the result is probably not beautiful.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
Gregor Karzelek wrote:

The STYLEs are rendered in the order they are encountered in the mapfile.

So if you want it on top then make it the last style block.

Have tried it. Has not worked with the GEOMTRANSFORMed STYLE. Can retry and send example on Tuesday when I'm back in the office.

Gregor Karzelek
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