[mapserver-users] One table with multiple GeometryColumns

Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Mon Jan 27 05:00:47 PST 2014


So I guess that you have all the thousands of our Finnish lakes in your database and you have reprojected the native 3067 geometries into 4326 and 3857 as new columns? This is unnecessary work because Mapserver can reproject in-the-fly to other projections. All you need is to give the list of supported projections in the metadata block either on MAP or LAYER level.
"wms_srs" " EPSG:4326  EPSG:3857 EPSG:3067"

This and much more is well documented in http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html
The other folks who answered you believed that you have some lakes in EPSG:3067 and others in EPSG:4326 of EPSG:3857. Forget what they wrote, I do not believe that your case is such complicated.
Thomas: I am sure that deep inside you knew that wms_srs can be given also in the LAYER metadata and thus all layers do not need to advertise the same list of supported projections.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jirí Kadlec wrote:

Dear mapserver forum,

In my PostGIS database I have a table 'lakes' with 3 geometry columns: the_geom4326, the_geom3857, the_geom3067
My goal is to make my 'lakes' layer available in the 3 different projections: (EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857, EPSG:3067)

Is this possible in MapServer?

(then only way I managed so far is to serve the table as 3 different layers, first layer in EPSG:4326, second layer in EPSG:3857, third layer in EPSG:3067)

Thanks a lot for help,
Jiří Kadlec
Research Assistant
Aalto university
Lahti, Finland
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