[mapserver-users] Fwd: no oracle access with ogr

Dietmar Stolz dietmar.stolz at freenet.de
Wed Jul 23 23:03:34 PDT 2014

No one with an idea?
Authorization trouble in iis?
Why it works in command line but not via http in my iis?

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

I have a problem with the oracle access via ogr.
Beforehand: with orginfo and shp2img everthing works fine. I get my 
geometries as well as images. Examples:

    /orginfo --formats shows -> "OCI" (read/write)/
    /ogrinfo -al oci:usr/pwd at gspp:table -geom=SUMMARY/
    /shp2img -m test.map -o output.png -all_debug 5 -e 523600 5549800
    581900 5639700 -l strom/

With mapserver via getmap request i get the following error:

    /[Fri Jul 18 10:21:13 2014].50000
    msOGRFileOpen(OCI:xxx/xxx at GSPP:TAALBF_NETZGEBIET).../
    /[Fri Jul 18 10:21:13 2014].50000
    /[Fri Jul 18 10:21:13 2014].51000 msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open
    failed for OGR connection in layer `strom'. File not found or
    unsupported format./
    /[Fri Jul 18 10:21:13 2014].55000 msDrawMap(): Image handling error.
    Failed to draw layer named 'strom'./

My mapfile (partial):

    / LAYER/
    / DEBUG 5/
    /  NAME "strom"/
    /  CONNECTION "OCI:///:usr/pwd/@GSPP"/
    /  METADATA/
    /   "ows_title" "xxx"/
    /   "ows_abstract" "xxx"/
    /   "ows_extent"   "523600 5549800 581900 5639700"/
    /  END/
    /  CLASS/
    /   STYLE/
    /    OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0/
    /    COLOR 255 0 0/
    /    WIDTH 2/
    /   END/
    /  END/
    / END/

I work on Windows Server 2012 Datacenter with Mapserver 6.4.1 and GDAL 
1.11.0 (from release-1600-x64-gdal-1-11-mapserver-6-4).
I have also tested older versions. without success.

I set a lot of system variables:
set path=C:\Apps\Oracle.112.x64\bin;
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Apps\Oracle.112.x64
set GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=D:\webgis\mapserver-6-4-1\bin\gdal\plugins
set GDAL_DATA=D:\Temp\mapserver-6-4-1\bin\gdal-data
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\Apps\Oracle.112.x64\lib;
set TNS_ADMIN=C:\Apps\Oracle.112.x64\network\ADMIN
set ORACLE_BASE=C:\Apps\Oracle.112.x64

Why the mapserver gives me no bitmap?

Thanks a lot


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