[mapserver-users] KML output with blank point bitmaps

Dietmar Stolz dietmar.stolz at freenet.de
Fri Jun 27 06:35:22 PDT 2014

Dear list,

my kml output basically works.
Everything works fine with line and polygon type, I get correct kml files.
Point layers works also but mapserver generated blank png's.

The bitmap exist in the right directory with the right size.
The url path in the kml file is right.
I can see the kml point layer in the gis, the points have tooltips and 
are clickable.
The bitmaps have 24 bpp.
Pixmap or vector layer symbols makes no difference.

Debug 5 shows no error and no kml specific information.

MapServer version 6.4.1 on windows 7 64 bit

Any ideas?

Thank you

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