[mapserver-users] shp2img working, mapserv not

cjolson cjolson64 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 23:28:23 PDT 2014

Hi all,

thanks in advance for any help on this.  I've been trying to create a layer
of tiled geotiffs.  I made a .shp file index with gdaltindex and am
referencing this in the layer.  When I run shp2img locally I get a correct
.png image, but when I try to call mapserv from a web browser with the url:

I get the following error:

msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'SRTM30_Plus'.
msDrawRasterLayerLow(): Unable to access file. Corrupt, empty or missing
file '/var/www/html/topex/../../data/SRTM/srtm30_plus_geotiff/topoN0E0.tiff'
for layer 'SRTM30_Plus'.

I have the same results trying to look at each of the GeoTIFFs individually.
Here is the mapfile I'm working with:

   NAME Global_Grid
   SIZE 1200 600
   UNITS dd
   EXTENT -180 -84 180 84
   CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/tmp/ms_error.txt"
   DEBUG 5

      NAME SRTM30_Plus
      TILEINDEX "../../data/SRTM/srtm_index.shp"


I suspect it may be a permissions problem with the apache server, but I am
currently at a loss.  Any help would be appreciated.  

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/shp2img-working-mapserv-not-tp5148920.html
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