[mapserver-users] Migrating from MS4W to GISInternals

EVANS, JAMES R GS-13 USAF ACC 84 RADES/SCZE james.evans.4 at us.af.mil
Mon Mar 17 12:50:16 PDT 2014

Hi Tamas,

I just went through the installation again, this time on a Win7-64 bit machine at work.  Here are the steps I had to go through to get it to work:

Turn on IIS6 Compatibility Mode
Turn on CGI and ASP.Net in IIS
Edit ISAPI and CGI Restrictions
    Check the box to allow Unspecified CGI Modules and to allow Unspecified ISAPI modules
Look in the binary zip file and copy the following dlls to the Mapserver directory
Then, I had to add this line to my map file:
   CONFIG PROJ_LIB "C:\Program Files\MapServer\projlib"

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