[mapserver-users] Combine GetFeatureInfo for layers with same data source

TDS tds at tds-net.de
Sat Mar 29 11:00:36 PDT 2014


thanx, it solved by changing my dynamic Openlayers code with adding a 
getfeatureinfo callback. You pointed me right way.

Bye, TDS
mailto:tds at tds-net.de
You have a question? - 42 or RTFM.
Am 27.03.2014 14:34, schrieb Jörg Thomsen:
> hello again,
> some PHP could help, call the script from your client instead of
> mapserv-cgi:
>> ELSEIF ($_GET['REQUEST'] == "GetFeatureInfo" or $_GET['request'] == "GetFeatureInfo") {
>> 	IF ($_GET['QUERY_LAYERS'] == 'Abwasser,Verbandsgebiet' OR $_GET['QUERY_LAYERS'] == 'Verbandsgebiet,Abwasser' ) {
>> 			$url = str_replace('Abwasser,Verbandsgebiet', 'Abwasser', $url)
>> 			$url = str_replace('Verbandsgebiet,Abwasser', 'Abwasser', $url)
>> 	}
>>     $answer = file_get_contents($url);
>>     $answer = utf8_decode($answer);
>>     ECHO $answer;
>> }
> (whole script attached)
> Jörg
> Am 27.03.2014 14:03, schrieb TDS:
>> Hello,
>> that's the problem. The user should select one or both of them. If both,
>> all two layer names are send in the QUERY_LAYERS inquiry - like it should.
>> Bye, TDS
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> mailto:tds at tds-net.de
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1+1=10
>> You have a question? - 42 or RTFM.
>> Am 27.03.2014 13:58, schrieb Jörg Thomsen:
>>> Hi,
>>> okay, join is not what you need, sorry.
>>> Would it work for you if only one of the two layers is queryable?
>>> At the moment I have no idea...
>>> Jörg
>>> Am 27.03.2014 11:57, schrieb TDS:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've read this and I'm confused of how it can work...
>>>> ONE-TO-ONE or ONE-TO-MANY or ... I want to have a solution *scream* If
>>>> both layers are queried it should be one table, because the date is the
>>>> same. Only the class item differs.
>>>> Example Mapfile:
>>>>      LAYER
>>>>          STATUS    on
>>>>          NAME    "Trinkwasserversorgung"
>>>>          TYPE    POLYGON
>>>>          DATA    "wv_wilster_84.shp"
>>>>          DUMP    true
>>>>          TOLERANCE        3
>>>>          TOLERANCEUNITS    pixels
>>>>          CLASSITEM        "TW"
>>>>          HEADER            "templates/header.html"
>>>>          TEMPLATE        "templates/template.html"
>>>>          FOOTER            "templates/footer.html"
>>>>          JOIN
>>>>              NAME "Wasser"
>>>>              TABLE "wv_wilster_84.dbf"
>>>>              FROM "Id"
>>>>              TO "Id"
>>>>              TYPE ONE-TO-ONE
>>>>          END
>>>>             CLASS
>>>>              NAME  "Trinkwasser"
>>>>              EXPRESSION  "Trinkwasser"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  COLOR   130  192  255
>>>>              END
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  OUTLINECOLOR   120 120 120
>>>>                  WIDTH 2
>>>>                  ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>>              END
>>>>          END
>>>>          CLASS
>>>>              NAME  "Selbstversorger"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  SYMBOL "im_schraffur"
>>>>              END
>>>>              EXPRESSION  "Selbstversorger"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  OUTLINECOLOR   120 120 120
>>>>                  WIDTH 2
>>>>                  ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>>              END
>>>>          END
>>>>          PROJECTION
>>>>              "init=epsg:4326"
>>>>          END
>>>>          METADATA
>>>>              "wms_title"                "Verbandsgebiet"
>>>>              "wms_title metadata"    ""
>>>>              "wms_include_items"        "all"
>>>>              "wms_srs"                "EPSG:4326 EPSG:54004 EPSG:41001
>>>> EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468"
>>>>          END
>>>>      END
>>>>      LAYER
>>>>          STATUS    on
>>>>          NAME    "Abwasserentsorgung"
>>>>          TYPE    POLYGON
>>>>          DATA    "wv_wilster_84.shp"
>>>>          DUMP    true
>>>>          TOLERANCE        3
>>>>          TOLERANCEUNITS    pixels
>>>>          CLASSITEM        "AW"
>>>>          HEADER            "templates/header.html"
>>>>          TEMPLATE        "templates/template.html"
>>>>          FOOTER            "templates/footer.html"
>>>>          JOIN
>>>>              NAME "Wasser"
>>>>              TABLE "wv_wilster_84.dbf"
>>>>              FROM "Id"
>>>>              TO "Id"
>>>>              TYPE ONE-TO-ONE
>>>>          END
>>>>          CLASS
>>>>              NAME  "Abwasser"
>>>>              EXPRESSION  "Abwasser"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  COLOR   255 128 0
>>>>              END
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  OUTLINECOLOR   120 120 120
>>>>                  WIDTH 2
>>>>                  ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>>              END
>>>>          END
>>>>          CLASS
>>>>              NAME  "Diverse Abwasseraufgaben"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  SYMBOL "schraffur_orange"
>>>>              END
>>>>              EXPRESSION  "Diverse Abwasseraufgaben"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  OUTLINECOLOR   120 120 120
>>>>                  WIDTH 2
>>>>                  ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>>              END
>>>>          END
>>>>          CLASS
>>>>              NAME  "Kein Abwasser"
>>>>              EXPRESSION  "Kein Abwasser"
>>>>              STYLE
>>>>                  OUTLINECOLOR   120 120 120
>>>>                  WIDTH 2
>>>>                  ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>>              END
>>>>          END
>>>>          PROJECTION
>>>>              "init=epsg:4326"
>>>>          END
>>>>          METADATA
>>>>              "wms_title"                "Abwasser"
>>>>              "wms_title metadata"    ""
>>>>              "wms_include_items"        "all"
>>>>              "wms_srs"                "EPSG:4326 EPSG:54004 EPSG:41001
>>>> EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468"
>>>>          END
>>>>      END
>>>> Bye, TDS
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> mailto:tds at tds-net.de
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 1+1=10
>>>> You have a question? - 42 or RTFM.
>>>> Am 26.03.2014 21:50, schrieb jt at mapmedia.de:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Referring to your signatur: rtfm ;)
>>>>> Try http://mapserver.org/de/mapfile/join.htm
>>>>> Join streets_main with the dbf of streets_sub. Read the doc carefuly,
>>>>> it's a bit tricky.
>>>>> You may find a working example under
>>>>> http://mapmedia.de/downloads/viewcategory/5-vortraege (
>>>>> Workshop_umn...)
>>>>> Jörg
>>>>> On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:58:17 +0100, TDS wrote:
>>>>>>      Hello,
>>>>>> is it possible to join two layers in GetFeatureInfo with same
>>>>>> template and same shape file to output only one combined html file?
>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>> Streets_Main => streets.shp => template.html
>>>>>> Streets_Sub => streets.shp => template.html
>>>>>> OUTPUT:
>>>>>> Current:
>>>>>> Output for Streets_Mains
>>>>>> Output for Streets_Sub
>>>>>> Wish:
>>>>>> Streets_Mains unique id Streets_sub (e.g. main street and sub street
>>>>>> have both id=1 in shape file)
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Bye, TDS
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> mailto:tds at tds-net.de
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> 1+1=10
>>>>>> You have a question? - 42 or RTFM.
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