[mapserver-users] post to be accepted

mathias cunault mathias.cunault at inrap.fr
Sat May 24 08:38:18 PDT 2014


(beginner with mapserver 6.4.2)
Despite researchs on the forum, i did not find answers to my question.

I cant perform an itemquery.
I read that a validation block has to be created in LAYER (mapfile), it
looks like :

                "numope" "[a-z]+"

I set qlayer, qitem and querystring in template and, but i get :
 mapserv(): Web application error. Parameter 'qstring' value fails to
validate. msValidateParameter(): Regular expression error. Parameter
pattern validation failed.

it means that my regular exp is wrong or that at least 1 value in the field
numope doesn't fit this exp ?

And the attribute in validation has to appear in a classe of the layer or
not ?



*Mathias Cunaultchargé d’opération et de recherche*

*Inrap Tours - 148 av. Maginot37000 TOURS06 32 05 98
96mathias.cunault at inrap.fr <mathias.cunault at inrap.fr>*
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