[mapserver-users] itemquery and validation

Eichner, Andreas - SID Andreas.Eichner at sid.sachsen.de
Mon May 26 05:14:58 PDT 2014

> here s the part of the mapfile :
> 	NAME emprise
> 	STATUS on
> 	CONNECTION "host= dbname=xxx user=xxx
>             password=xxx port=5432"
> 	DATA "geom from activite.emprise using unique gid using srid = 2154"
> 	TOLERANCE 1 #tampon autour du clic souris
> 	TOLERANCEUNITS kilometers
> 		"numope" "^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{6}$"
> 		END #end validation
> 	CLASSITEM "tpeope"

According to the source you need to define a validation pattern for qstring on LAYER or in WEB section, too.
This looks a bit weird to me as you specify the QITEM. Therefore a single validation pattern for QSTRING must cover all possible QITEM values... I've never used such modes but may be some else can shed some light on this.

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