[mapserver-users] MapServer SOS setup questions

Carsen Banister carsen.banister at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 17:50:03 PST 2014



I would appreciate any help on some items associated with setting up
MapServer SOS. I am quite new to MapServer, and am trying to get up to speed
as quickly as possible. The reason for using MapServer's SOS is that the
database structure is custom and I'm not aware of any other SOS servers that
support custom MySQL databases (if you can point me in a direction easier
than MapServer, please do!).


So, the questions I am hoping to get clarification on are:


1.      How do you connect different layers together? e.g. layer and
sublayer. What is the syntax for that in the mapfile?


2.      Is there a way to dynamically generate layers (e.g. from database
query result), or does the layer structure have to be hardcoded?


3.      When you do a GetObservation, how do you set up MapServer so that
that request pulls data from the database, e.g. OVF file configuration?


Thanks in advance for any assistance.


Best regards,


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