[mapserver-users] Symbols in KML outout

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Thu Oct 16 01:09:22 PDT 2014

Just as a quick fix, I'd propose to drop the href node if no reasonable 
value is given. Anything more elaborate can be added later on. Comments?


On 10/15/2014 11:57 AM, Peter Hopfgartner wrote:
> From http://mapserver.org/output/kml_output.html#id2, it should be 
> possible to have icons for sysmbols. The pixmap of the ison should be 
> referenced in the href node.
> In my output, the href ode looks like:
>     <href>(null)</href>
> Is there anything I missed?
> Regards,
> Peter

Peter Hopfgartner
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
Via Johann Kravogl-Str. 2
I-39012 Meran/Merano (BZ)
web  : www.r3-gis.com
mail : peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
phone: +39 0473 494949
fax  : +39 0473 069902

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