[mapserver-users] Issue on deploying mapserver 6.4.1 from Ubuntu to Windows OS

Francesco Martinelli francesco.martinelli at pi.ingv.it
Mon Sep 1 06:04:18 PDT 2014

Hi all,
I developed a java/jsp application on Ubuntu, using the latest version
of Mapserver (6.4.1)
I then prepared the WAR, and deployed the application to a web server
Apache Tomcat 7.0.54

As I didn't find the mapscript.dll for Mapserver 6.4.1,
I used the file mapscript.dll released with MS4W (which should support
Mapserver 6.0),
but I got the error:
<<no javamapscript in java.library.path>>

I then replaced the file mapscript.jar with those released by MS4W, and
the application started working.

However, as I tested my application with Mapserver 6.4.1, I wonder if it
were available a mapscript.dll for Mapserver 6.4.1.

Thank you for your suggestions,

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