[mapserver-users] how to make symbol rotate with the map?

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Thu Sep 4 01:48:37 PDT 2014

dear all

I need to make a symbol rotate with the map, i.e. if my symbol has an 
angle of 45° and the map is rotated by, let say, 10°, the symbol angle 
should be 55° to keep it's orientation relative to the map itself.

at the moment the only way I see is to dynamically set in my database 
the angle values to be used for the symbol calculated from the angle of 
the map selected by the user (which is totally dynamic, not a configured 
value), and that's horrendously annoying as I would have to dynamically 
set the data value for the given layer so it use the dynamically 
generated angles values.

is there any other way to make a symbol angle follow the map rotation ?

thanks for reading
best regards

Camptocamp SA
Oliver Christen
CH-1015 Lausanne


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