[mapserver-users] NoData Gap between rasters - Tileindex Layer

Milo van der Linden milo at dogodigi.net
Wed Sep 10 00:47:50 PDT 2014

Hello Bartlomiej,

Could you post the command you used for gdalwarp? Perhaps you need to set
one or more parameters (f.i. -r where you set the resampling method) to
process the areas that now result in NODATA.

The complete list of parameters can be found here:

2014-08-28 14:03 GMT+02:00 Bartlomiej Burkot <pomiarowiec10 at poczta.onet.pl>:

>  Dear MS Users
> Please look at the attachement and maybe you will recognize the problem. I
> think some of you could have encountered this problem with one pixel gap
> between rasterfiles in tileindex layer?
> Description:
> I have a set of rasters which I warped to epsg:3857 projection using
> gdalwarp.
> During the reprojecting the new raster had been rotated by small angle.
> After that I created a tileindex shape file using gdaltindex and
> configured layer:
>         NAME "myname"
>         TILEINDEX "tilindex.shp"
>         TYPE RASTER
>         OFFSITE 0 0 0
>     END
> On the result map I see the gaps between raster files in the layer. (See
> the attachment).
> Mayby there is a option in gdalwarp command to extend the new image by
> making it 1 pixel widther? May by something like resampling method or
> algorithm?
> Could you please pint me to the solution of this problem?
> Thanks in advance
> Bartek
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