[mapserver-users] Installing MapServer with FastCGI

jdmorgan jdmorgan at unca.edu
Thu Sep 25 07:55:19 PDT 2014


I am trying to compile a version of MapServer 6.4.1. on CentOS 6.

I am at the part where I am doing a CMAKE. I have installed FastCGI 
already however (following 
However, I am not really sure where it installed which brings me to my 

Currently here is the error I get when running the CMAKE:

/CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:49 (message):/

/FCGI library/component/dependency could not be found./


/- disable FCGI support by adding -DWITH_FCGI=0/

/- add the FCGI install directory to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable 

/Call Stack (most recent call first):/

/CMakeLists.txt:482 (report_optional_not_found)/

I have tried in my CMAKE script to point to where I think that FCGI 
(FastCGI) is but this doesn't seem to be working for me.Anyone out there 
have success with this type of thing that can point me in the right 



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