[mapserver-users] rendering a raster crossing the antimeridian through a WMS

fred p mapoubelle22 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 07:21:33 PDT 2015


I still cannot get the full image, using shp2img or mapserv commands.

I have uploaded the mapfile, the original image, the result image and the
expected image (got from gdalwarp) here :

Does someone has got an idea on how to work around it ?
Thanks !

2015-08-13 10:25 GMT+02:00 fred p <mapoubelle22 at gmail.com>:

> Thanks again for your advices.
> Unfortunately, I get the same image with shp2img :
> shp2img -m mapfile.map -o /tmp/foo -e -179.99 -89.99 179.99 89.99 -s 800
> 400 -l polar_orbiting_avhrr4 -i image/png -all_debug
> Nothing special in the debug massages.
> No change about the projection error message with a corrected projection
> string or with projection auto. I activate the epsg:4326 (though this is
> not exactly the projection of my data) definition to actually have a
> projection defined into the layer without any error message.
> 2015-08-12 17:28 GMT+00:00 Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>:
>> On 2015-08-12 11:43 AM, fred p wrote:
>>> Thanks to Jeff for the answer.
>>> I simplified the mapfile to make it easier to read.
>>> Below I give the mapfile with these additional elements. I do not have
>>> warnings anymore with a GetCapabilities request but the image I get
>>> whith a GetMap request is still incomplete.
>>> Note that I get an error (/msProcessProjection(): Projection library
>>> error. proj error "projection not named" for ""/) with a projection
>>> block in the layer section if I declare the real projection definition
>>> (/"+proj=longlat +a=6378160 +b=6356775 +no_defs "/). No error with
>>> /"+init=epsg:4326"/ which is closed to the real projection definition.
>>> As I have read somewhere that if not present the projection is read in
>>> the data file, I have removed it (the image I get is the same).
>>> MAP
>>>      STATUS       ON
>>>      NAME         "foo"
>>>      CONFIG       "MS_ERRORFILE" "stderr"
>>>      IMAGETYPE    "agg"
>>>      MAXSIZE      8192
>>>      EXTENT       -180 -90 180 90
>>>          "init=epsg:4326"
>>>      END
>>>          NAME            "agg"
>>>          DRIVER          "AGG/PNG"
>>>          MIMETYPE        "image/png8"
>>>          IMAGEMODE       "PC256"
>>>          EXTENSION       "png"
>>>      END
>>>      WEB
>>>          METADATA
>>>              "ows_enable_request"            "*"
>>>              "ows_sld_enabled"               "true"
>>>              "wms_feature_info_mime_type"    "text/html"
>>>              "ows_onlineresource"            ""
>>>              "wms_title"                     "WMS"
>>>              "wms_srs"                       "epsg:4326"
>>>          END
>>>      END
>>>      LAYER
>>>          STATUS        ON
>>>          TYPE          RASTER
>>>          NAME          "polar_orbiting_avhrr4"
>>>          DATA          "/tmp/polar_orbiting_avhrr4.tiff"
>>>          OFFSITE       0 0 0
>>>          METADATA
>>>              "wms_title" "foo"
>>>          END
>>>          #PROJECTION
>>>          #    "init=epsg:4326"
>>>          #END
>>>          #PROJECTION
>>>          #    "+proj=longlat +a=6378160 +b=6356775 +no_defs"
>>>          #END
>>>      END
>>> END
>> Give a good read to the projection page for MapServer (
>> http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/projection.html), take note of the
>> Example#1, how to define the PROJ.4 parameters (I believe your error is
>> because you've included the "+" by mistake), and then add in your
>> projection block to your layer.  And never assume that MapServer can
>> magically read your projection and then announce that to all of your WMS
>> users: always define each layer's actual projection.  You can also
>> experiment with the "PROJECTION AUTO" use, as described on that page, but I
>> honestly avoid that and set all accurate projection definitions for each
>> layer.
>> If this was my situation, I'd test this first without WMS, just with the
>> shp2img commandline tool, by modifying my output project (see the
>> "Important Notes" at
>> http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/projection.html#important-notes) and
>> making sure that this layer is reprojected correctly; once that works, and
>> I'm satisfied with the map image, I'd start testing the WMS reprojection.
>> -jeff
>> --
>> Jeff McKenna
>> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
>> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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