[mapserver-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: the lines one above other

Vladimir fl_v at inbox.ru
Fri Feb 13 04:52:51 PST 2015

I would draw your attention to the source of this discussion.
It seems I found how to display multilevel junction of highway with "ORDER BY" in the case using a one layer. Adding "order by id desc" or "order by id asc" in subquery, also the definition $highwayStyle2 besides $highwayStyle1 works fine.
Please see the code and the illustrations below:

$highwayLayer->set('status', MS_ON);
$highwayLayer->set('name', 'highway');
$highwayLayer->set('labelitem', 'name');
$highwayLayer->set('connection', 'user=my_user password=my_pass dbname=my_db host=localhost');
$highwayLayer->set("data","geom from (select id, 'id = '||id as name, geom from my_table
where ST_Intersects(geom, !BOX!) order by id desc) as subquery using unique id using srid=3857");
$highwayClass = new ClassObj($highwayLayer);
$highwayClass->set('name', 'highway');
$highwayStyle1 = new styleObj($highwayClass); 
$highwayStyle2 = new styleObj($highwayClass); 


Result when "order by id asc":

Result when "order by id desc":

That's the goods for me but there is the impression of using some undocumented singularity.
Thanx for any comments.

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